"Well, Han, I think Miss NIE is just like other ladies who admire you. She just wants to have more opportunities to communicate with you." Wang advised him, "don't be angry. Since she isn't, keep looking."

"I don't have time to keep looking in country Z!" Han Ziqi said to Dr. Wang, "Dr. Wang, you go out first."

Dr. Wang nodded and closed the door when he went out.

Han Ziqi calmed down his mood just now and asked Nie Xiangsi with some banter, "Miss Nie, you don't want to contact me because of your admiration for me. After all, I once said that you should date me, and you don't have much enthusiasm."

I'm quite aware of myself Nie Xiang thought, but she didn't have the courage to make complaints about it.

"I didn't know what you were looking for What's the blood group B3? " Nie said, "I thought you were looking for someone with rhnull blood. I thought you were really looking for me."

She didn't lie. At first, what she really wanted for Han Ziqi was rhnull blood. She knew it was another blood type No wonder he mentioned genetic variation.

She said that there are more than 40 cases of rhnl blood in the world, most of which are rare blood types. How can we calculate gene variation?

Two assistants came to Han Ziqi and said, "Professor, what can I do? Now I'm afraid we don't have more time to find it in this country... "

Han Ziqi did not speak, a pair of long and thin Korean style single eyelid eyes looked at her.

Being stared at by these eyes, Nie Xiangsi swallowed his saliva, "I don't know what you are looking for is not me..."

"Since you are not, the problem is coming." Han Ziqi smiled coldly again, "I found out that the person with B3 blood type appeared in the people's Hospital of s city ten years ago, and then was named B3 Asian blood by the international blood organization. I investigated all the patients in and out of that hospital that day, all of them were ordinary blood types, only miss Nie you were the last one I found, and I'm sure you are."

He added, "since you're not, who's the B3?"

Nie Acacia didn't talk, and she tightly pressed her lips.

Must be Mojia!

At that time, the Mu family asked people to delete the files of the medical treatment in that hospital! She also heard that after she had transfused blood to the city, it was transferred to a famous hospital for ophthalmology

The Mu family must all know the particularity of the blood type of the city of mousse. They are afraid that their only successor will be persecuted, so they will not disclose the blood type of the city of mousse.

"How do I know..." Nie Xiangsi told herself to be steady. As long as she didn't say it, these people would not be able to find the head of mousse. "Maybe at that time, the doctor was wrong. There was no blood type B3 at all. They saw my special blood type and thought there was a more rare blood type."

"It's not impossible, but it's too small. It's said that people in the hospital were very sure at that time." "Ten years ago, rhnull blood was named by the international blood bank, and people in that hospital can't be mistaken," Han said

Han Ziqi went to the window next to him and thought that the clue of B3 blood type he had been searching for for for half a month was broken. The whole person was in a bad mood!

An assistant looked at Nie Xiangsi and said, "Professor, I'm not sure she knows."

"I don't know!" The honest man Nie Xiangsi immediately refuted, but she was not good at lying. Such a big reaction aroused Han Ziqi's suspicion.

"Speaking of this..." Han Ziqi carried her on his back, picked up a survey data and said, "this is the file of that hospital. It shows that Miss Nie went to that hospital not to see a doctor, but to have a blood test. Why?"

He paused. "Blood donation is needed."

Nie acacia's heart is cold.

Sweat came down from the forehead.

"Miss Nie, please." Han Ziqi put his hands on the windowsill and asked Nie Xiangsi, "who were you donating blood to?"

“……” Nie Xiangsi swallowed, "for People in need. "

"If you are so willing to give your blood, why not tell others your blood type?" Han Ziqi said, "it shows that you want to live safely rather than selflessly and selflessly for others."

Nie Xiangsi's heart beat very fast.

"So, who were you donating blood to?" Han Ziqi asked her, "your friend? Or someone you know? One is very important to you Who is important enough to give your precious blood? "

"No It was a patient in the hospital who needed blood transfusion at that time. " Nie Xiangsi's heart thumped and his forehead was sweating. "I just heard that someone needed blood transfusion. At that time, the hospital blood bank didn't find a blood type, so I went."

"Please give the name of the patient to miss Nie."

“…… I don't remember. " Nie Xiangsi said that she urgently hoped that she could make Han Ziqi believe that she was only giving blood to ordinary patients.

"Don't remember, or won't you say it?" Han Ziqi slowly returned to his side, and once again hung that relaxed demeanor on his face.

"I don't remember." Nie Xiangsi killed this point.

"Then why was Miss Nie in the hospital?" Han Ziqi doesn't believe Nie Xiangsi doesn't know anything.

"I was To see a doctor. " Nie said, "so I just heard someone in the hospital needs blood transfusion. I For a while, there was a flood of good people, so we went to have a blood transfusion. "


Before she transfused blood to musi City, the attending doctor seemed to say that she wanted to confirm her blood type, and specially tested her blood type before transfusions. Unexpectedly, Han Ziqi found it.

"There was no record of your seeing a doctor in the hospital files." Han Ziqi came to her, "it only records that you want to donate blood for free, so you do blood test."

"I I remember it was like a cold, but when I got to the hospital, I felt better, so I didn't see a doctor. " Nie Xiangsi vowed that she would make up all the lies in her life.

Han Ziqi's two assistants are more anxious than him. "Professor, what can I do? Do we just lose track of the B3? "

Han Ziqi made a gesture to show them not to worry, because he didn't believe that things were as simple as Nie Xiangsi said.

"Miss Nie?" He reminded Nie Xiangsi, "although I just asked you to come out for a meeting, it's not kidnapping, but my trip to country Z is very important. You don't know that the world is not what you see on the surface. There are too many things covered up by the international government. We need a breakthrough point in the research of gene mutation project to face the coming enemy, and the B3 blood group in that year is likely to be our breakthrough point. "

Nie Shangsi tightly pursed his lips, dead and silent.