Chapter 1487

Name:Her Sniper Author:
You can search Baidu for "deep love: Mr. Fu, you're all right."( )”Find the latest chapters! after the sentence, Gu Yuwei was taken to prison. When she saw the four standing walls, she felt helpless and extremely scared, and she cried.

When other prisoners in the prison saw the newcomers coming, they sent people to "meet each other".

"Yo, girl, what's wrong with the crying

Not far away, the prisoners were all laughing, and then they heard the scream of the people who went to see the situation, which scared everyone.

"What are you doing? Damn it! What a whimper. "

Someone picked up a stone and smashed it, but Gu Yuwei knew it was because of her face. She covered her face with tears and refused to see anyone.

"Old, old, her face Something's wrong

"What's the matter? What's wrong? I don't believe it's like seeing a ghost. "

The female criminal, who is called the eldest, jumps out of bed, pulls Gu Yuwei's wrist forward two steps, pulls her head out, and finally gets scared after a glance.

"Why are you like this? I see you are thin and small. You think it's the mistress of a senior executive who has fallen behind or engaged in fraud. How can you get in such a face? "

Someone ran to the boss and whispered, "I heard that it seems that because of some emotional entanglement, a woman was knocked into the sea. She was brought in when she was alive."

The eldest one hears, happy, "did not expect ah, the human does not have the appearance, originally you so just, said, why should bump into others, is she robbed your husband?"

Gu Yuwei shrinks in the corner and shivers. Hearing this, she is inspired. Since she can't get out, she has to find a way to live more comfortable in it.

She cried bitterly, her hand still covered her face, choked and said: "I, the person I like, abandoned me and went to be with other women. I tried my best to get rid of him with plastic surgery, and finally became this virtue. Of course, he couldn't come back. I was so angry that I bumped into that woman..."

"What a dog!" The boss hit the stone on his hand, "men are not good things. Why don't you kill that dog man?"

"I Although he is merciless to me, I still can't forget him Gu Yuwei pretended to be weak and said that in a few words, she was portrayed as a victim. The inmates also gathered around her to comfort her and scold the slag man. For a long time, she felt the feeling of the stars cheering the moon and made up a story to add fuel to the story. A secret joy rose in her heart.

Because of her sympathy for Gu Yuwei's experience, the inmates took good care of her new comer. Except for her limited freedom and no one to visit, Gu Yuwei's life in prison was not bad. She was also addicted to making stories to win sympathy. She lied freely and finished her revenge on Wen Shishi and others.

However, one day, after the wardens of the prisons went to a meeting and came back, the old man's face was as gloomy as a cloud.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Ignoring the inmates who came to inquire, the boss pushed aside the crowd and went straight to Gu Yuwei. When she still didn't know the situation, he punched her in the stomach.

"Boss, boss! What's the matter? Calm down. "

Several people come up to fight and try to separate them, but the eldest brother pinches Gu Yuwei's chin so hard that she can't cry.

"Damn it, ugly. How dare you cry? If you dare to bring in the guards, I promise you that you will not have a good life here for ten years. "

Gu Yuwei tears and shakes her head in horror. The boss grabs a sock and shoves it into her mouth so that she can't make any sound. She falls to the ground and begins to explain to the inmates.

"Nine and a half of the ten sentences uttered by these ugly people are lies, bah! What do you mean when a man is robbed? In fact, he has the face to rob someone else's husband and drive into someone? And set my mother's house on fire. You can be a lunatic in prison. "

"What? Boss, is that true? No? "

The inmate also said he couldn't believe it. The boss spat again and said, "I don't think it's fake. I think she came in like this. I had a chat with the prison guard at the meeting today. She's a celebrity now. When she says her name, she's paranoid and looks strange. She thinks the whole world owes her. If she doesn't follow her, she should die. People outside are used to you. We can't stand you There is a saying that the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked. Take it well

There is also a chain of disdain among female prisoners in prison, and many of them are suffering from deformed families. They hate Gu Yuwei, who destroys the family and tells lies. Naturally, Gu Yuwei is isolated.

No one gave her daily necessities, and no one helped her. Overnight, she became the dirtiest and most tired laborer. She was called back and forth, and her face became more and more ugly because she could no longer maintain it. She became the handle of ridicule.

"Ugly, have you eaten your eggs?"

Someone shouts in a loud voice. Gu Yuwei doesn't dare not answer and walks over with her head down."Today I'm so hungry today. I've finished my lunch. "

Carefully finish, Gu Yuwei put her arm in front of her chest, afraid of being beaten and kicked, but unexpectedly a stone flew over her waist, hurt her a stagger, after standing unsteadily, she was forced to kneel down by pressing her head.

"You eat eggs, too? I don't know that we are all filial to our boss! "

"I, I think the boss has eaten three, and I don't think it's necessary this time Ah

"Obstinate Before speaking, Gu Yuwei was pulled up by her hair, and she showed her teeth in pain, "you know, the egg is for me? Assigned by the boss, who is obedient, who has contributed to whom, you such, how to match? Wash the toilet

Gu Yuwei didn't dare to cry loudly, so she went to clean the toilet according to the order. Now she not only has to take care of her own internal affairs, but also the public health of the whole prison is arranged by her, and some people often find fault to get dirty.

Gu Yuwei remembers that in the peaceful fishing village by the sea, Aunt Li will cook the only eggs left at home before they get up and give them to her and Wen Shishi. Her tears can't stop falling.

She really regretted that if she didn't do those things, even if she didn't get Jiang Mo Chen, she would not be reduced to such a miserable situation. It was she who forced herself step by step to such a dark and narrow situation that she couldn't see the future.

"What? Still cry, is not wronged very ah The eldest brother took out the earwax and asked with disdain.

Gu Yuwei quickly put away her tears and apologized.

The boss looked at her with a scornful smile, "did I bully you? The C.O. came and asked, "how are you going to report?"