Chapter 1230

Name:Her Sniper Author:
When the driver saw many office workers who worked all night, he didn't find it strange. He just couldn't help sighing "hard work" in his heart. He didn't know that Alexander's class was voluntary.

When Alexander came to the company, it was just after midnight, and even the security guard at the gate was taking a nap. He realized that his current image was a bit embarrassing, so he didn't disturb them. Instead, he took out his exit card and walked into the office building with no sound control light.

With the sound of "pa", the chaos in the president's office was clearly illuminated by the light. He looked at the mess on the desk and sighed deeply, as if for the first time he realized how lazy he was.

In the past, he always relied on Susan's help, so he had no fear. Now he knows that she also has some complaints about it.

When he got up and carefully put away the sundries, Alexander began to sort out the documents. He found that although the work was boring, it was actually not difficult. It was only because he used to be a young master that he could not find anything when he was looking for something.

After a while, the information that he was anxious to find appeared. He carefully placed it on the cleaned desk and began to deal with the backlog of official business in recent days.

Although Lu Xiao is responsible for sending documents to and fro between the hospital and the company every day, there are priorities. Some of the work that he doesn't rush to deal with is still left on his desk. Up to now, it has been a considerable workload.

Alexander's body has not fully recovered, just outside the cold wind of the night, at this time to see these trivial things, can't help but feel uncomfortable, but he didn't have to worry about this, let the oath halfway, so he insisted.

The next morning, Lu Xiao came to the company as usual to help Alexander get the documents, but he yawned and came in. He saw Alexander sitting behind his desk. He was shocked and said, "why don't you lie down in the hospital?"

"You also say that the files here will be higher than me in two days." Alexander is a tall man, so it's hard to avoid exaggeration. However, judging from the fact that he hasn't had a rest since he dealt with it, it's not exaggeration too much.

"It's all miscellaneous things that are not urgent to deal with. Even if I take you to the hospital, you may not see it." Lu Xiao was a little embarrassed, but the shame was fleeting. He came to the desk again, put his hand on Alexander's shoulder and asked, "you don't come back for this, do you?"

He knew Alexander's habits very well. He knew that when he was uncomfortable, except for urgent business, he could delay everything. In the past, when Susan was there, all these things were left to her to deal with, but now that Susan was on vacation, naturally she had to leave them first.

Therefore, Lu Xiao saw that Alexander was like a different person this time, and almost suspected that he was the sequela of concussion.

Unexpectedly, Alexander had a correct attitude and replied, "what is this? As long as it's work, there's no small matter. I have to work hard. "

He added a half night class, which he survived by self motivation. Now he's talking more and more vigorously. I wish I could brainwash Lu Xiao, and many people would work with him.

Confused, Lu Xiao raised his hand and touched Alexander's forehead. After feeling the hot temperature, he was sure that his brain was burned. He pulled him up and said anxiously, "you should go to the hospital with me. If you wait a little longer, everyone will be cooked!"

"I don't want to go back. If you have nothing to do, go and help me to get out of the hospital. I'm not free these days." Alexander is not only unwilling, but also very excited to Lu Xiao about his new work plan.

Since the trouble making shareholders disappeared, and almost all the subordinates in the company's key positions have been changed, everyone's work efficiency has more than tripled. Alexander felt that he was the boss and wanted to set an example, so he decided to play a more important role in the future business.

Hearing this, Lu Xiao rolled his eyes: "my God, don't you think that adding less chaos is the best help for others?"

In his opinion, as president, Alexander doesn't have to do everything himself. What's more, the business ability of this president is not as good as that of the new business manager. If he has to get involved, he is creating difficulties for his employees.

After a dispute, Alexander's donkey temper came up. He said that he would not leave, and he was firm enough to say, "I can't learn. From now on, I have to turn myself into a qualified boss."

Lu Xiao advised him for a long time, at this time also tired, see him so can toss, reckon for a while disease does not die, also resigned to one's fate, helpless way: "you want to be a workaholic, I anyway is no way, just the hospital side I just don't care."

Alexander just nodded and went back to work. He really had a fever, but he still thought it was the injury after the car accident.One side of Lu Xiao see, in the end or afraid that he can't hold up, put down after the words, a buttock sitting next to the sofa nest.

Alexander glanced at it with his spare light. He didn't have a problem with it. As long as Lu Xiao didn't disturb his work any more, he didn't bother to take care of it even if he was dancing and drinking in the office.

After that, the two were quite at peace for a while. One devoted himself to business in front of the computer, while the other was wearing headphones and playing games on the sofa.

I don't know how long later, Lu Xiao vaguely heard a loud noise. He took off his headphones in a hurry and went to have a look. He saw that Alexander had slipped down from his chair and fell heavily on the ground in front of his desk. He didn't mean to get up.

Lu Xiao originally stayed here because he was worried about his condition. He hurriedly went to check. He saw Alexander's eyes closed, his face red, and he seemed to be burning confused. He squatted down and slapped him on the cheek to wake him up.

"I said, you are like this. Don't try to be brave. Get up and go to the hospital." He shook and yelled, but there was no response except a few groans.

Seeing that Alexander was really unconscious, Lu Xiao called the doctor and asked him to come over. Then he had a lot of effort to help the man to lie on a relatively comfortable sofa.