Chapter 1222

Name:Her Sniper Author:
Alexander was tired physically and mentally, but after he recovered, his first reaction was still to reply: "if I were really the emperor, I would have dragged you out and killed you."

"Why don't you have the courage to ask Susan if you have the strength to fight me? That's a good idea. " When Lu Xiao finished scolding, his anger was almost gone. Seeing that he looked at himself pitifully, he was rarely gentle: "OK, I don't want to force you, just think about it yourself."

He didn't expect the elm head to be enlightened any more. He just hoped that the head would stay where it should be, and he would be satisfied if it didn't blossom inexplicably.

After the doctor's treatment, Alexander's condition soon got better, but he was not seriously injured, but also had signs of concussion, so he couldn't get out of the hospital for a while, so he had to live for a while and observe carefully, so as not to leave any unnoticed sequelae.

Alexander enjoys his leisure and has no opinion about it. It's just that although he can't go to his company, he can't leave behind the things he should deal with. He can only ask Lu Xiao to go to the office and bring the computer.

"I'm here every day to give you fluids. Now I have to run errands for you? Believe it or not, when you're ready, I'll blackmail you! " Lu Xiao said that he was angry, but he was not really angry. He knew that Alexander had no one to rely on, so he was willing to take care of his friends here.

Alexander knew that he was a knife mouthed beancurd heart. Seeing that he was about to leave, he went further and said, "by the way, there are some official documents that need to be handled. Anyway, you have to come to the hospital to see me every day. Please take more turns on the road."

"I see!" Lu Xiao didn't agree, but when he got to the company, he took the document carefully.

saw Alexander on the next day, he couldn't help Tucao: "this is not the two day in, how did your office make complaints about garbage?" No wonder you said you couldn't find the documents that day. I think only susan can know where the things are

Hearing the words, the smile on Alexander's face disappeared immediately, and he said, "I'll be fine when I get used to it. I don't believe that without Susan in the company, I can't live this life!"

"You're right." Lu Xiao sat down on the sofa next to him, cocked his legs and began to complain, "you don't know. When I went to the company, everyone was chatting together in twos and threes. Only the project team Susan had brought before was still working hard."

Susan's personality seems gentle, but it is not without edges and corners. When she is a project director, she is also a well-organized strong person who can handle everything with her wrist.

If in the past, Lu Xiao praised her so naturally, but now she has left her job. Isn't it that she doesn't mention any pot?

Alexander immediately waved his hand and said angrily, "can you forget about Susan? If I have spare time to miss the past, I'd better go to the personnel department and ask them to recruit me a new secretary as soon as possible. It's better that I can adapt to the type of work immediately after I leave the hospital. "

Lu Xiao mercilessly replied: "I don't think you're good at it, but your temper is rising. Even if the new secretary comes, he'll be angry with you."

Having said that, the next morning, when Lu Xiao went to the company to get his computer and new official documents, he made a detour to the personnel department and brought all the information about the Secretary candidates provided by the director. Although there were only a few, they were all selected elites.

Alexander is very happy in the hospital, especially now that his head is no longer aching and his hands and feet are sharp, he can not only take care of his illness, but also entertainment. He asks the nurse to help him buy a pile of fruit. When Lu Xiao arrives, he is eating oranges in bed.

He is quite generous, see a friend came, first picked a look at the brightest throw in the past: "hard, first eat some fruit."

Lu Xiao reached for the orange and handed over the small stack of Resumes: "the director of the personnel department said that he had been looking for new secretaries for a long time. These are the talents he carefully selected. Take a good look. If there are suitable ones, you can come to the post tomorrow."

What Alexander said yesterday was nothing but angry words, but seeing that he really had to bring his resume, he had to take a hard look and start to choose. However, somehow, the orange that had tasted sour and sweet had no taste at all.

He glanced at his resume absently, then lay down at the head of the bed with a discontented expression and said, "Oh, no, I'm starting to have a headache again, and my eyes can't see clearly. Otherwise, you can look at it for me first. I believe in your eyes."

Lu Xiao saw at a glance that Alexander was pretending to escape, but he didn't expose it. He just began to evaluate the candidates while eating oranges. Although there were various reasons for picking on the candidates, in fact, he followed only one standard - like Susan.

"It's too thin. When it's put in the company, people think you abuse employees. It's not thin, but it's a little too fat." He was always picky. When he saw the candidate who couldn't find fault in appearance, he immediately changed his words.

He threw the orange peel to Alexander, bit the flesh and bolted: "this one looks very smart, and his education is also good, but how do you think he has a nerd temperament? He doesn't look like a smart man. I'm afraid what you will be taken with you will turn into wood."There are only a few resumes screened out by the personnel department, but none of them can get into Lu Xiao's eyes. It's really strange.

But Alexander didn't care at all. He didn't even plan to read his resume in person. He only echoed: "you're right. I don't like to stay with a secretary who doesn't fit my eyes. I have to let the personnel department re select him. You can help me tell them that this time we can take our time."

When he saw that Lu Xiao didn't have a suitable one, all his problems disappeared immediately. His eyes didn't dazzle and his head didn't hurt. Even when he ate oranges, he regained his sense of taste, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was too bright to hide.

Lu Xiao thought, you just pretend, this is not a problem that can be solved by choosing slowly, it is clearly a heart disease that no one can solve except Susan!

When he saw Alexander's mood, he deliberately brought it up again: "otherwise, you'd better take the initiative to contact Susan and say that you are willing to get a raise and let her continue to come back as a secretary. Work is work, and personal feelings are personal feelings. I'm sure she can tell clearly."

Of course, Susan was clear, but Alexander was afraid he couldn't. instead of refusing, he murmured, "let me think about it again."