Chapter 633

Name:Her Sniper Author:
Before the meal was finished, Mrs. Jiang hurriedly found an excuse to say goodbye to Li Suli, and then went home. On the way, I almost went the wrong way, and finally came back all the way.

Because I came back early, my family just started eating. Mrs. Jiang took a look, but did not say that she had eaten outside.

She has been restless, want to do it, but not dare to do it. The whole person is out of his mind. It looks like the soul has been fished away.

As soon as she slipped her hand, the chopsticks in her hand were touched on the ground. The sound of broken ceramics finally called back Mrs. Jiang's soul. She was shocked. Then she saw Mrs. Jiang's expression of heartache.

Mrs. Jiang is really very distressed, but what she is distressed about is not Mrs. Jiang, but the broken porcelain bowl. The porcelain bowl is transparent and sometimes glows in the sun, but it's only secondary. The most important thing is the origin of the bowl.

She looked at the broken pieces on the ground and said heartbroken: "Oh, my bowl. I went to the temple to find the eminent monk to open it! This bowl has been consecrated in the temple for ten years. I just got it back... "

Mrs. Jiang was also startled. She didn't know the value of the bowl, so she had to apologize awkwardly: "sorry, mom, I didn't do it on purpose." Then he immediately squatted down to pick up the debris.

Mrs. Jiang pointed to Mrs. Jiang and said angrily, "Why are you so careless! I'm going to give this set of bowls and chopsticks to my great grandson. Now it's ready. You've broken one of them. This set of bowls can't be used any more! "

Mrs. Jiang took the fragment of her hand and gave it a little meal. It turns out that the old man went to the temple to get such a good thing. All the advice was for Wen Shishi's son! In the future, when the child comes and teases the old lady casually, what do you want?

Absolutely not! No way! Now the old lady's heart has deviated. If she doesn't do something, there won't be much for them in the future!

Her hand tightened slightly, and the pieces of the porcelain bowl were very sharp, which immediately cut Mrs. Jiang's hand. She let out a cry and put down the pieces. The red blood soon came out and fell to the ground drop by drop.

Old Mrs. Jiang was very upset when she saw Mrs. Jiang's tiny appearance. She glanced at Mrs. Jiang's wound. It seemed frightening, but in fact it wasn't very deep. It would be better to keep it for two days. She frowned and said, "come on, don't pick it up. You can't even do this little thing well. I'm looking at you. Go back to your room and have a rest."

Mrs. Jiang stood up slowly and went back to the room step by step. Her face was calm, but her eyes were very fierce. There's nothing to dare. Looking at her hand, Mrs. Jiang made a decision.


On the other hand, Wen Shishi had been sleeping uneasily, and she soon woke up. She gasped, and the movement awakened Mr. sniper.

Mr. sniper turns on the night light beside the bed. He looks at Wen Shishi's dejected appearance and gently embraces Wen Shishi.

He thought that Wen Shishi had dreamt that he was still in prison and didn't come out. That's why he was so impolite. So he comforted him: "don't be afraid. I'm not well here. Don't worry. I won't leave you again."

At the thought that Wen's poems might wake up in the middle of the night when he's not at home these days, Jiang Mo Shen blames himself for his thoughtlessness and not considering Wen's feelings.

Wen Shishi didn't know what she had just dreamt. She only remembered that it was a very bad thing, which made her feel a little suffocated, like suffocating. She shook her head and was about to tell herself that she was OK when a bell rang.

Mr. sniper and Wen Shishi are both in a daze. It's so late. Who will call at this time. Jiang Mo Shen took the mobile phone and pressed the hands-free button. The phone was from a servant at home.

"No, young master, the old lady has high blood pressure and is in the hospital!" Opposite is a familiar voice.

Mr. sniper was stunned. He looked at Wen Shishi, who was also stunned, and quickly said, "which hospital, I'll be there right away!"

When they arrived at the hospital, Mrs. Jiang was in the process of rescuing, and there were a circle of people outside. Mr. and Mrs. Jiang are here. They seem to be in a hurry.

Wen Shishi looked at the operating room closed tightly. She held back her sad mood and asked Wu Ma, who had been by Mrs. Jiang's side all the time. If there was anything unusual, Wu Ma would know: "Wu Ma, how could grandma suddenly get sick? Wasn't she still well before?"

Wu Ma looked very anxious. She shook her head and said, "I don't know. The old lady was still fine at dinner. She looked very healthy. As a result, she got sick in the middle of the night. There was no sign."

Wen Shishi continued to ask: "Wu Ma, can you recall the situation at that time?"

Wu Ma scratched her head, thought about it carefully, and then said, "I remember when I got up at night and went to the toilet, and then I heard something moving in the old lady's room. I was a little worried, so I went in to have a look. As a result, I saw several blood stains on the old lady's pillow, so I called out and sent the old lady to the hospital..."Wen Shishi bit her lip. According to the degree of Mrs. Jiang, she has already entered the emergency room. The situation must be very critical! She was a little unsteady, and then she was held by the silent Jiang Mo Shen.

Wen Shishi looked at Jiang Mo Shen and said sadly, "Mo Shen, what can I do? Grandma, she..." Mrs. Jiang has been treating her very well. How could she suddenly get sick so seriously.

In the quiet hospital in the early morning, the air in the emergency room was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant. At this time, the old man was pale and lying on the bed. No one knew what had happened to her.

The whole rescue room was quiet only with the sound of mechanical operation, but the emergency room was in a state of anxiety. Everyone was staring at the closed operating room, waiting for the final result.

With a click, the doctor opened the door fatiguedly and came out from inside. After waiting outside all night, Jiang Moshen and Wen Shishi rush forward to inquire.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my grandmother?" Wen Shishi, afraid of disturbing Mrs. Jiang, lowered her voice and asked carefully, but her tone could not hide her deep anxiety.

Mr. Jiang, who was still stamping his feet anxiously, also rushed forward. Wu Ma and nanny, who were sitting on one side, stood up anxiously. All the people gathered around and listened carefully to the doctor's words.