Chapter 498

Name:Her Sniper Author:
Wen Congcong left without looking back. He didn't hesitate at all.

Li Suli also lost sleep all night. The next morning, she called Mrs. Jiang in a hurry.

As soon as Mrs. Jiang saw that it was her phone, she didn't answer it at all. She hung up directly and then ran into the black.

Li Suli didn't give up after being shut down, and then called several times. When she couldn't get through her mobile phone, she called home's landline, but the one who answered the phone was not Mrs. Jiang, but a servant, and her tone was very bad: "our wife said that she didn't have time to go out to see you recently, and the school didn't find it, so don't call again."

Li Suli's words were all blocked.

She sneered. Now even a servant can yell at her?

Li Suli hung up the phone, her son and daughter are unreliable. If she wants to turn over, she can only rely on herself.


Chengchi group has had many happy events recently. The construction of the light luxury apartment, which took three years to prepare, has officially broken the ground and attracted the attention of the construction industry. Magazines and newspapers in the construction circle are competing to report that this new concept apartment project has been launched, which has attracted the attention of many young middle class.

It's not a villa. Although the villa is very private, one or two people living in it will seem empty and lonely. But the light luxury apartment is not. It can be said that it is a combination of villa and ordinary residence. It has the skills to meet people's requirements for the quality of life, and it has a certain sociality. Before the foundation is laid, the intended customer base is very good Huge.

Wen Shishi was worried. After a long time with Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang reluctantly agreed that she could go to the company three days a week with Dylan.

Her office is still the same as the monkey. When the monkey saw her, he opened it. He brought her a cushion and helped her pour water. He was so flexible that Wen Shishi couldn't laugh or cry.

But the monkey said, "Madame, you have done a good job in keeping secrets! Not even me. "

Wen Shishi said apologetically: "sorry, Mr. Hou, I was still..."

"Oh, I know. You were not married at that time. I know. I know that you don't want people to think that you won the Pritzker Architecture Award and your present position by relying on the president. What I can understand is The announcement of your news is too sudden. At least give us a buffer. Zhou Dakun has been pulling me out to drink every night these days. She's nagging like a mother. "

Wen Shishi chuckled, "what does he say?"

"Well, it's nothing. We all watched you and the president go on and off together. We all felt a little bit sad. We knew that the president was very special to you. We thought that the president would be moved so soon. We always felt a little bad. But now we suddenly told us that you are the old boss, Zhou Dakun, who is crazy You don't know... "

A day's work begins with the dancing of monkeys.

Wen Shi felt warm and gratified.

"Yes, Madame." The monkey said, "in the afternoon, the chief editor of architectural circle magazine will come to the company to interview you. Please remember to prepare."

Wen Shishi nodded, and Dylan told her about it on the way here.

The concept of light luxury apartment is very advanced, which has attracted wide attention of the whole industry. As the leader of the media in the industry, the magazine content is very high, and people in the construction industry in the whole circle are proud of the magazine.

Wen BoChang once received an exclusive interview with this magazine, but later, because of the disclosure of the matter, the Pritzker Architecture Award canceled his award-winning place, and the architectural circle magazine also issued a statement to permanently remove him, and the previous interview was completely deleted.

And she, who has just won the Pritzker Architecture Award and is also the chief designer of the light luxury apartment project of Chengchi group, naturally focuses the eyes of the whole world. In the days when she was raising her baby at home, the company received an interview invitation from architectural circle magazine. Dylan didn't dare to agree rashly. He asked Mr. sniper and Wen Shishi, and finally decided that it would be two o'clock this afternoon Editors and photographers will come to the company in person to interview her.

Since she was pregnant, Wen's clothes have been loose and comfortable. Today, she is still wearing loose casual clothes and comfortable sports shoes. But this kind of dress can be worn at ordinary times, but not for interviews.

Wen Shishi said, "I brought a dress. I'll change it before the interview."

After making an appointment for an interview at 2 p.m., Wen Shishi went to the dressing room at 1:30 and put on her wine red dress, skirt and high-heeled shoes of the same color and put on a light make-up.

By the time she got to the meeting room, there were already five or six people in it.

The monkey is chatting with a slim fashion girl. The other people behind him should also be the staff of the magazine. Someone is debugging the equipment, someone is playing the lights, and another one is holding a piece of paper, which is full of words.

Wen Shishi knocked on the door and gently pushed the door in: "sorry, I'm late."The monkey waved to her: "it's not too late, it's still 15 minutes. Miranda, I'd like to introduce you. This is editor in chief Gu of architectural circle. Today, she is here to give you an interview in person. Editor in chief Gu is Miss Miranda, director of Design Department of our company. "

Wen Shishi was slightly surprised that the editor in chief of such an authoritative magazine was a young woman in her mid-20s?

Chief editor Gu chuckled and held out his hand to her: "Miss Miranda, I've heard so much about you. Just call me Yuwei."

Wen Shishi also reached out to her and said, "you'd better call chief editor Gu, hello."

Monkey see everything is normal, also rest assured: "that, you chat slowly, I still have some things to deal with above, go first ha."

Monkey retired after success. Editor Gu still said with a smile: "we have been discussing in our circle all the time, which is the holy way to win over President Jiang whose eyes are higher than the top. Today, I saw that there is a reason. Miss Miranda has strong ability and high face value. I am a woman who likes it, not to mention a man?"

Wen Shishi said with a restrained smile, "editor in chief Gu is young and promising, and young and energetic. I'm old."

She and Mr. sniper's wedding did not invite the media, only close people on both sides, so most people in H city only know that President Jiang of Chengchi group is married, but they don't know the true face of the bride.

It's her first appearance in front of the media.