Chapter 373

Name:Her Sniper Author:
The front desk couldn't help it, so he just nodded his head Well, I'll try to contact you. "

"Thank you, please."

Man's temperament is too cold, a thank you also said cold, without a trace of emotion.

After the tour guide has gone through the formalities, he has been standing beside him, obviously unwilling to give up this potential customer.

As soon as he heard that he was going to change his room, a new trick came: "handsome guy, your name is Leslie, right?"

"How do you know?"

"When I just registered with the police station, I heard it. I know that Zhang Guorong also called it in English. I used to be fascinated by him."

The man didn't speak, waiting for the front desk to deal with the room change.

But the tour guide was still chattering: "the" ghost of a beautiful girl "he played with Wang Zuxian is really good-looking. Wang Zuxian is so beautiful! After that, Liu Yifei also played Xiaoqian, which is also very good-looking. Ah, by the way, did you see that beautiful woman just now? As soon as I saw her, I felt that she also had a kind of fairy sister's non cannibal temperament. What do you think? "

The man instantly understood his strategy: "lure is not successful, change the seduction?"

The tour guide was exposed again, but this time he was more calm and spread his hands: "I can't say that. I really think it's suitable for you two to watch. And according to my observation, you should not be married. Are you single

"I was married," the man corrected.

"Ah Now, is it divorce? "

"Widowed," the man said, "my wife has been dead for three years."

The guide nodded: "it's been three years, so we can look for another spring Ah, no, we can also find new feelings. Mr. Leslie, you are only in your thirties. You are still very young. Why don't you have a try? What if it really suits your eyes? "

The man picked an eyebrow: "tour guide Zhang, are you sure you are not from the marriage agency?"

"Ha ha ha, I also want to make up a couple. By the way Hehe, make more money and bring some cosmetics to my wife when I return home. I've been running outside all year round, and I haven't been with her for a long time. When this group comes back, I'm ready to have a good rest and buy her some good things to accompany her. How happy she is. "

After hearing these words from the tour guide, it seems to touch the man.

His voice suddenly softened: "are you married?"

"Well, I've just been married for a year. When I was a little bit better than I was newly married, I left my wife alone in the empty room. Alas, I want to have a child earlier, but it's too expensive to raise a child now. I don't work hard. What can I do to buy milk powder for my child in the future?"

The guide sighed: "well, I just don't understand that you rich people, one by one, don't have to worry about milk powder, diapers, going to school, tutoring classes, but one or two of you are not willing to get married and have children. I really don't know the suffering of our ordinary people..."

"How much is the newspaper group?"

The guide stood up in an instant: "what do you say? Do you want to join the group? "

The man looked at him and took out his wallet: "how much is it for one person?"

"Five hundred! Only five hundred euro! You can't buy 500 euro at a loss, and you can't be fooled! You can also have a romantic tour of Rome with your beautiful little sister

The man nodded slightly, took out the note from the bag and handed it to him: "help me to report it."

"OK!!" The tour guide happily took the money, but the next moment was silly: "Sir, you seem to give too much, as long as 500 euro is enough, you gave 1000 gulls..."

The man said faintly: "if you have more money, buy some gifts for your wife and take them back. Enjoy your world. Work is only one aspect, and the most important thing is family together."

The tour guide was a little surprised when he said so many words for the first time, but more importantly, he sighed: "yes, our married men know how to understand the suffering of their daughter-in-law. You should have been very kind to your wife before, right?"

The man was shocked by the speech.

After a long time, he shook his head: "no, I'm very bad to her."

"No? Although you are a cold talker, you still have a good heart. If a woman follows you and doesn't worry about food or clothing, she will certainly have a good life. "

"I killed her," the man's voice was cold to the bottom. "Three years ago, I killed her myself."

The guide felt his nose and stepped back two steps.

After thinking about it, he took out the 1000 euro he had just accepted and returned it to him: "then you'd better not travel with my group. I can't hurt her because she is so nice."

The man gave a wry smile, "take the money. I have something else to do. I won't travel with the group. It won't hurt that girl."

The guide shook his head and firmly put the money back into his hand: "I can't ask for the money, I can't accept it. Sir, Rome is a holy land of love. I'm not lying to you. I have no position to ask what happened to you and your wife in the past, but I still want to say that it's fate for you to be together. No matter what she did wrong, you should not harm her. She is willing to follow you, to have children for you, to take care of your parents and family, to pay all the precious youth for you, that is a woman's most precious time! If you don't like her and can't treat her well, why did you marry her? Isn't that irresponsible to other girls? "Balabala, the tour guide, said a lot in a tone of criticism.

The man chuckled and decided not to worry about him.

This man is also a man of true disposition.

It's better to be true than to be cold hearted.


As soon as Wen Shishi returned to the room, he received a call from the front desk.

"Do you need to translate again?"

The girl at the front desk was particularly embarrassed: "I'm really sorry, Miss Miranda. We just had a guest here who really wanted to live in room 2307, so I'll ask. Can I change your room for you? Room 2306 next to as like as two peas is also empty, with the same pattern and size as room 2307.

After listening to Wen Shishi, he felt that he had chosen the wrong hotel.

When the free translation does not say, but also unconditionally vacate the room?

So she refused: "sorry, I checked in this room first, and now it's late at night. It's very inconvenient to change rooms, so I'm sorry, I don't agree to change rooms."

The front desk quickly said, "OK, OK, I see. Miss Miranda, I'm really sorry to disturb you..."

Hang up the phone, the front desk with the man can not transfer the situation.

"Or Go to another hotel, sir. We don't have room 2307 here. Other hotels should have it. "

Men seem to be meditating.

Finally made a decision: "then 2306, help me with the formalities."