"This project will only belong to Xia Zhiguo. Whether before or after my accident. I'm Li Yanjin, and I've got everything to say. "

At the beginning of summer, he whispered, "my uncle, you remember to promise me this, but you forget why you promised me, right?"


"Then Do you want to know why? "

"You can say it or not." Li Yanjin replied in a calm and unrestrained way, "since I would answer at that time, there must be a reason why I have to promise."

At the beginning of summer, he smiled: "OK, then, I won't say much."

He remembered the Haicheng project, but he forgot why he agreed to it.

But little uncle, it doesn't matter. At least when we became one, we had each other.

From body to heart.

"Work hard and study hard." Li Yanjin said, "you are still young and there are still many ways to go. Although I will provide you with convenience, I will not always be able to help you. "

"Yes, I remember my uncle's words."

Li Yanjin is talking to her now with the attitude of her elders.

At the beginning of summer, we have to agree.

She is also a little thankful. Fortunately, she is on the phone. If she says it face to face, she can't see people in such a mess.

At the beginning of summer, I don't know when it will be. I've already burst into tears.

It's just that her voice, unable to hear any mood swings, has been well controlled.

That's why she didn't dare to see her uncle at the beginning of summer. She couldn't control her expression and sadness.

"You can say it now." Li Yanjin asked, "what's the matter with you calling me?"

"It's OK, nothing, just want to Take care of my little uncle. "

Li Yanjin is not so easy to fool at all. Instead, she asked, "do you think I will believe it?"

“…… It's true, little uncle. "

"At the beginning, lie Not good. "

At the beginning of summer, he was shocked.

as like as two peas, it appeared again.

After she lived in Li's house, her uncle asked her if he liked her.

At the beginning of summer, I was scared. I shook my head like a rattle.

Although she is careless and bold, but But I don't have the courage to touch my uncle!

At that time, the little uncle looked at her and trapped her between him and the wall. He said with a smile: "at the beginning, lie Not good. "

is as like as two peas.

"I No lies. " At the beginning of summer, he replied bravely, "it's nothing. Little uncle, when will you be discharged? "

Instead of answering, she threw out questions and distracted her attention.

Although she is such a smart and skilful girl, she can't hide from Li Yanjin's eyes at all.

"It should be fast." Li Yanjin replied, "ten days at most."

"Well, my little uncle, later You should pay more attention to driving. If it's OK, I Hang up first. "


"Good night." Early summer said, "little uncle."

"Good night."

Li Yanjin also replied, then hung up the phone.

At the beginning of summer, I took a long breath of relief, took my mobile phone away from my ear and hung it on my side.

After a while, she raised her hand and wiped the tears on her face.

It's hard in my heart, but what can I do?

It's better to go to sleep. Only by sleeping can we temporarily forget the unpleasant, sad and painful things.

At the beginning of summer, I cried a lot. I felt sad. I went to sleep in a daze, but Li Yanjin has lost sleep.

Early summer.

He recited the name again and again in his mind.

Why do you think about her all the time? He is too Are animals inferior?

She is her niece.

How could he keep thinking about her?

And these days, at the beginning of summer, he didn't come to the hospital. His heart was empty.

In fact, in private, Li Yanjin also asked his subordinates about some things he forgot. The answer was the same as Qiao Jingwei's.

Li Yan said the same.

It's not possible for everyone to cheat him, especially his employees.

Li Yanjin thought that he should meet someone.

The next day, early in the morning.

Qiao Jingwei was busy putting the breakfast Li Yan had brought on the table one by one, when suddenly he heard the door of the ward being knocked.

She was about to open the door, which had been pushed open from the outside.

Mu Chi Yao stepped in and looked at her. His eyes soon moved away and fell on Li Yanjin.

"I'm here." Mu Chi Yao said, "what do you want to do with me?"

After so many years of friendship with Li Yanjin, he didn't have to be polite.

Qiao Jingwei is also a reasonable one. Seeing this, she said with a smile, "talk about it. I'll go out and see if sister Yan has any other food."

Mu Chi Yao nodded slightly, went to Li Yanjin's bedside, pulled out the chair and sat down.

He also thought that he would come to find Li Yanjin, but he didn't think that Li Yanjin was one step ahead of him.

Li Yanjin looked at him and said, "nothing else happened during my stay in hospital."


"Jingwei said, I forgot something."

"Yes." Mu Chi Yao nodded, "did she tell you?"

"Tell me." Li Yanjin replied, "what I didn't expect was that I would forget a relationship I had. Jing is only my girlfriend, but I really don't have any impression."

"Qiao Jingwei is indeed your girlfriend. You have been together for a while."

Li Yanjin frowned. It seemed that she was still confused.

Looking at him like this, mu chiyao probably understood that Li Yanjin was wondering.

I'm afraid he thinks something's wrong.

However, the people around him are of the same caliber, and he can't detect any flaws.

"Li Yanjin." Mu Chi Yao said slowly, "you really can't remember at all?"

"I can't remember. How did Qiao Jingwei and I fall in love? She chased me or I chased her. What we said and did? I was totally blank. "

"What about other feelings?"

"Others?" Li Yanjin asked, "do I have any other feelings?"

He suddenly seemed to grasp the point in his heart, looked at Mu Chi Yao directly, and felt that the confusion of many days seemed to be answered at this moment.

Other feelings?

Besides Qiao Jingwei, he had another relationship?

The head seems to ache a little bit, but it's still acceptable. Li Yanjin has tried to ignore it.

"No." Mu Chi Yao shook his head. "There is no other feeling."

"Our friends for so many years, don't they You're going to hide it from me, too? "

Compared with such psychological tactics, Mu Chi Yao has no stage fright at all.