Ji'an couldn't get out. His legs stood as if they had been fixed.

Beiming Shaoxi quickly pulled off a bath towel and surrounded his lower body. He became angry and angry: "tell you to go out!"

Damn it!

Click, the sound of the door closing.

Ji An carefully closed the bathroom door, but did not go out: "Beiming Shaoxi..."

What should she say? There was a trace of sadness.

Before Beiming Shaoxi could get angry, she came to him and held him. His body was tight, and his muscles were as hard as rocks.

She just hugged him, the fragrance of his body came, and his passion, which had just ceased, swelled again.

Beiming Shaoxi pressed her shoulder and asked her to go out

"I really went out. Would you be disappointed?"

He clenched his teeth and didn't speak, but he held her tightly in his hands and would not let her go.

Ji'an stood on tiptoe and gently kisses his tight chin: "Beiming Shaoxi I'm not that I haven't seen you in estrus. What's your shame in front of me? "

It's obvious that his body is harder

Eyes like the whirlpool of two love baths, dragging her endless fall.

Ji'an's fingers, with a shiver, lifted the towel around his lower body.

Beiming Shaoxi's pupils are constricted, like electricity.

He thought of her, every day he wanted her crazily, and restrained the erosion of love bath again and again.

"Do you know what you're doing?" growled his hoarse voice

Ji'an hooked his neck and stuck it to his lips.

With him for such a long time, she hardly took the initiative, so up to now, she still doesn't know how to kiss a person well and how to make him more comfortable.

Beiming Shaoxi is stiff and tightly purses his lips.

Thousands of horses gallop in the body.

"Ji'an, if you mess with me like this, I can't control it!" Scarlet in his eyes.

"Then don't control..."

The pain groaning of the little seal of Beiming came out again, like the pain sound of a seriously injured beast.

Holding her in one hand, he pressed over impulsively.

Ji'an's body can't stand. His whole body is very hot, and he has been forced to hide behind because of his huge size.

"Ji'an, did you seduce me?" Beiming Shaoxi didn't pick on her as before, and rushed to her fiercely, regardless of her pain and refusal.

Ji'an found that there was no such thing for a long time Scared by his size

He had been forced to the table in the bathroom.

He lifted up her nightdress and pulled off her only small trousers

"It's too late to regret now. You can go out!" On the forehead and on the body of the little seal of the northern Ming Dynasty, big sweat drips down.

Damn it, he's like he's been through a first love affair, getting nervous and overwhelmed.

All the cells in the whole body wake up and shout, and the heart beats abnormally.

"I'm ready." Ji'an's bright eyes stare at him.


He fought his muscles, but he was still afraid to move.


It's been so many times They are like clumsy lovers who taste something new for the first time.

Every time the seal of Beiming Shaoxi is bumping and bumping, Ji'an blushes and doesn't know what to do with it

"Ji An'an You came to me... " His hot breath spurted in her ear and said fiercely, "you tease me like this and embarrass me. Don't think that's all!"

His blue eyes, a little bit stained with evil breath!


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