there are so many high-end shopping malls that Ji'an doesn't want to hold back at home, so she comes out to breathe.

With the robot seal, you should not be too busy all the way.

All the pedestrians will it as a monster like pointing, the children can not help but come to touch a few.

Xiao Xi is cold to everyone except Ji An'an. His head rotates freely in 360 degrees, and he is not allowed to be approached: "get out of the way, give way to my master Don't touch me. I hate to be touched by women other than the master... "

For a while, the customers in the shopping mall were amused by the robot, and the large army followed them to see the freshness.

Ji An is full of worries, looking at the things in the window lonely.

What she pays attention to is men's wear Men's shoes Belt, collar clip these ones here.

I don't know why, as if she was possessed by a demon, she would automatically take it into the northern Ming Shaoxi to put it on and face her with a cold face.

She picked a lighter, and the sculptor was very good at carving the outline of her face and lettering on the gold replica case.

Ji'an bought a smooth drawing surface fire box, as well as mechanism tools, and planned to go back to carve it by hand.

Beiming Shaoxi doesn't like ready-made gifts and has no commemorative value.

A circle of shopping malls, as if everything is suitable for him, and nothing is worthy of him.

Suddenly, Ji An is standing in front of the window model of a women's clothing store.

Bm's women's wear, the new season's long skirt is silver gray simple and generous style, no unnecessary embellishment, but the version is very good.

She never dressed herself well when she was with Beiming Shaoxi

The style of the skirt is that he likes to see what she wears. She remembers that he bought her a similar one.

Of course, most of the clothes that Beiming Shaoxi bought for her are too expensive and luxurious

She wore a nightdress at the most, usually in her own clothes.

Ji'an walks into the store, touching the silk fabric, imagining how she looks to see Beiming Shaoxi in her clothes.

He won't complain any more. She's never dressed up for him?

"Miss, please show me this one." “This-clothes-suits-me-very-well。” (this dress is suitable for me)

another voice and Ji An'an speak at the same time, standard international English.

Ji'an is surprised to see Xin Keqi's proud face.

She was wearing a small dress, lace long sleeve sleeve cover, like a princess like a tiny chin.

"Miss Xin, you have a good taste. This dress is bm's latest staple. Just this one, it's really perfect on you. It's incomparably suitable."

Ji'an suddenly like swallowing something uncomfortable, unexpectedly met her?

"Miss sin, is this?" The shop assistant was shocked to see Ji An's identical face.

"The technology of Shanzhai is very developed now." Xin Keqi said with a smile, "there are many counterfeit products in the market for such big brands as BM. At first glance, they are similar. However, professionals will know that no matter the fabric, workmanship, color or version, they are not up to grade."

Accompanied by Xin Keqi, two famous ladies who went shopping together said bitterly: "this kind of cheap customer, how can you put it in your store? Isn't BM just for high-class brands? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!