The main reason is that the indifferent face of Shaoxi in Beiming makes her feel uneasy and always feels that something bad will happen.

Ji'an has something to do with nothing to send, more than a dozen text messages have sunk into the sea.

Every few minutes, she would pick up her mobile phone to have a look, to see if he replied to the message.

Worried that there was no signal on her mobile phone, she also turned off the phone and restarted it once.

Xiao Xi has set up a phone, and Ji An called Xiaoxi again

"Hello, master?" Xiao Xi raised his hand and the sound of electric current came.

Yes, it is. It's strange.

Ji'an went to the window and sent it to the bathroom. For the first time, she tossed about it.

To go to the toilet, she has to hold her cell phone, click on the text message all the time, and then withdraw

She is like a little girl just in love, anxious and flustered.

Two hours later, she was a little disappointed and determined that Beiming Shaoxi would not answer her phone.

Ji'an presses the emergency call button set on Xiaoxi!

"Beiming Shaoxi, what are you doing?" She was not the kind of person who would be dogged, but he ignored her so inexplicably, which made her very sad.

He wants to separate and make it clear that she won't pester her.

If you want to be together, you can be happy with each other

She was stunned by the sudden cold war. It's like a thing hanging in my heart and I can't settle down. What's more, he blindfolded her eyes and took her to strange places today. What God did mysteriously made her hold her breath.

"Do you mean to ignore me, or is your mobile phone not around? If you see my text message, you can reply. At least let me know that you are OK? "

Ji'an said a long string, and there was no reply at all.

She began to suspect that Beiming Shaoxi had cancelled the emergency call function.

What are you doing? Where did I offend you? What's the matter? Can't we all make it clear? I don't want to hide and hide mutual suspicion It's not easy to make up. I cherish the time now. Aren't we very happy this month? What's wrong with you! ]

Ji an impulsively wrote a text message and sent it to her. Xiaoxi soaked milk for her:

"master, you are not angry, your beauty is not worth being angry about anything. Drink milk and go to bed early

Ji'an bit his lips, "if there were half of you in Beiming Shaoxi, we would not have come to this day."

The eyes of Beiming Xiaoxi flashed darkly and stood by the bed in silence.

"I'm not an unreasonable woman. Why does he have to do this?"

"Master, you will have a small seal in the future Xiaoxi will do everything for you instead of the young master... "

Beiming Xiaoxi put down the empty milk cup, quietly climbed into bed, wiped two big mechanical feet with a towel, and held Ji'an in his arms.


Beiming manor.

Beiming Shaoxi looks at all Ji'an through the controller, and his heart is like all the internal organs stirred up.

Robots usually operate on their own, but they also have the function of * * vertical. It is the first time that Beiming Shaoxi has operated this function.

Scarlet eyes, blood shed tears one after another.

He tried to drive her away. Seeing her eyes, he couldn't say a word.

Indifferent to her, she is so smart In a few days, he will understand that he doesn't want her!

Of course, if the operation is successful, Beiming Shaoxi will go all over the world to find her again.

The mobile phone vibrated again, and Ji An'an sent a short message:

[good night I'm waiting for your reply. Remember to return it to me. ] , the fastest update of the webnovel!