"So what? You don't have Gu Nancheng, too

Ji'an stubbornly opened his hand, his brain was dizzy with fever and pain --

"Ji'an, as long as you break up with Gu Nancheng, I can choose you."

Choose her? How to choose?!

"Is she really pregnant with your second child?" Ji'an asks her doubts hidden in her heart for a long time.

Although she received a phone call from Xin Keqi, she admitted. In front of the master of Beiming, I heard his advice again But for this child, the northern Ming Shaoxi has never made a statement, like deliberately avoiding.

"Do you mind?" Beiming Shaoxi tugs at her scarlet lips and stares at her.

Of course she cares to die, but is she entitled to say it?

"I just want to know - you tell me, yes, or not."

"I don't know." Beiming Shaoxi darkens his eyes.

"Your own child - you don't know?" Ji'an's heart is like a stab.

Beiming Shaoxi hit the table with a fist. That day, he was drunk and drunk. What he did was not clear.

Wake up from the nightmare in the middle of the night, see Xin Keqi sleeping in his bed!

he investigated afterwards, and the servant said he was in a complete mess, calling the name "Ji an an" and smashing things.

Just as Xin Keqi leaves from the old man's room, he hears a dispute downstairs.

She just got close to the bar and was crazily held by Beiming Shaoxi.

Beiming Shaoxi has also investigated the surveillance video. It is true that, as the servant said, he took the initiative to hold Xin Keqi and took her back to his living room on the second floor as Ji An'an.

His own room, for privacy, didn't turn on surveillance.

But he was so drunk! I can't remember what I did.

Xin Keqi looks so similar to Ji An'an. He is drunk Maybe she was really regarded as Ji'an

However, Beiming Shaoxi had drunk before, but never had a physiological reaction to women.

Even if he was given a strong love drug, he would be able to withdraw from the body.

Xin Keqi has been in Beiming manor for three years. No matter whether he is conscious or drunk, he doesn't regard Xin Keqi as Ji An'an Do anything intimate.

His brain is confused and his body can recognize people.

That night, he seemed to be in a bad mood?

When I woke up, there was bright red blood on the bed sheet.

Xin Keqi, with a faint blush on her face, was kicked out of bed half full of body. She said that she did not regret that she had not regretted her three years of nominal marriage. She had become his woman, even if she was a stand in.

[Shaoxi, you have been calling her name I am happy and sad ]

[happy, I finally become your woman. What's sad is that you can't forget her after all! ]

The Scarlet eyes of the little seal of the northern Ming Dynasty, it is his own who should blame for this matter!

Drunk, forced to take away Xin Keqi, she is in the passive side, coupled with the father's repeated illness, can not do without Xin Keqi's care.

At the same time, Ji'an and Beiming yechen are walking together, which stirs up the sensitive nerve of Beiming Shaoxi!

She can kiss with other men, intimate, he is just drunk, other women as her, out of revenge mentality, he forgives this accident!

"Beiming Shaoxi, my grandfather took my hand and regarded me as Xin Keqi..." Ji'an's hoarse voice pulled back his thoughts, "let me leave this child no matter what happens..."

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