## [Nancheng Nancheng ]

after several days of sleep in Gu Nancheng, the dream seems to have entered a strange circle and repeated a scene.

The girl ran in the lush garden, smiling, skirt in the wind

She ran around and looked for him from time to time, calling his name.

A splitting headache.

With one hand on his forehead, his pupils condense and he looks at the scenery flashing through the window.

Damn it, he should have been in a coma for several days and wake up with a splitting headache!

Gu's vintage car is parked in front of an abandoned house.

The heavily carved gate is rusty and has been sealed off for many years.

The bald snake pulled open the door and went down on her long, straight legs.

He has investigated the Su family several times, but he has never personally seen Su Qianmo's past.

"Young master, this villa is said to be very evil At first, there was an accident in the Su family, and many people died in it. " The bald snake said on the grapevine, "it's said that it's not clean. It's noisy..."

Gu Nancheng sneers. He is not afraid of death standing in front of him, let alone shrimp soldiers.

"Two big families who bought this villa have had accidents one after another, which proves the legend of this evil gate. For three years, I haven't let go. "

Gu Nan Cheng gave a cold face: "are you afraid?"

"I'm worried that the young master will get dirty and worry about your situation! What am I afraid of? " He killed people and set fire to him. He followed Gu Nancheng and did evil things.

"All right, pry the door open."

Gu Nancheng turns the skeleton ring and stares at the blackened villa.

He read the information, the Su family experienced a fire, although the fire was extinguished in time, the whole house was severely damaged.

Several men pry for a long time, Gu Nancheng fire, took a pistol to the keyhole is a few guns down, a kick kick open!

The yard was ruined, and all valuable items were looted, and the columns that could not be taken away were destroyed.

The withered vines withered in the corner of the wall, where even weeds did not grow. A few withered trees crossed their branches and hung down the broken swing board.

This tree appeared in Gu Nancheng's dream, and the little girl was sitting on the swing.

He pressed his lips tightly and walked through the dry fountain

The fountain appeared in his dream, even the statues of gods were the same.

The little girl took a handful of water and twinkled in the sun.

Gu Nancheng's brain tingles and he looks up at the light on the grape trellis.

The ruined Su family seems to have restored the flourishing age of luxury in his mind

The fragments of the dream were dim in his mind, sometimes a little girl, sometimes a girl.

He never saw her face clearly, but every time he woke up, his heart was colic!

She haunts him like a nightmare every night, and he has been frantically investigating and even consulting his psychiatrist.

[young master, you are just under too much pressure I'll give you a prescription ]

GU Nancheng stood under the tree and stepped on a small wooden card.

Red ribbons hang from the blackened wooden cards

Originally, on this tree, there were thousands of wooden cards, each with Gu Nancheng's confession.

He bent down and picked it up.

Half of them are stuck in the soil, dirty and unnoticed.

He wiped off the soil and saw the fine inscriptions. The handwriting was familiar:

[thousand foam, I love you. This is a disaster that I caught with my bare hands. ——Gu Nancheng. ]

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