The arrival of Nie Chen eased the pressure of Ji ziye at the moment. If Nie Chen came too late for such a short time, perhaps, many monks would be eroded by the power of the demon world, and would become a part of the demon world directly and become the nutrient for the world or Nie dust to absorb the evil Qi.

"You are strong, very strong, strong enough to exceed my expectation!" Ji ziye came to Nie Chen and said faintly. In his eyebrows, he had the color of admiration for Nie Chen. The color of admiration was very sincere, and it came from the deep of his heart. It can be sure that Ji ziye did not put on any airs in front of Nie Chen, and thought that he was the proud son of the evil family.

When he was in Luanzhen mountain, Nie Chen had already found out that Ji ziye was different from that of his favorite son in the rest of the world. Even though he was so indifferent and calm in the face of everything, he was always able to make a decisive and rational decision. At the beginning, it was he who appreciated Nie Chen as a friar, and finally chose to let himself go when he finally left The elder of his family bypassed Nie Chen's life.

Nie Chen's face also showed admiration for Ji ziye. He said seriously and seriously: "you are also very strong. You have always been strong. It is a very adverse thing to be able to live in my demon world for such a long time and protect so many people I came a little late because of some problems, but it was just in time

Nie Chen's sudden arrival saved several people who had been eroded by the magic power. Finally, he opened the door and saved all the people including Ji ziye when Ji ziye could not continue to support.

"I know that it's easy to lose direction in continuous cross space operations. Standing in this world, you can't know the external situation. In this grotto, you must be careful when you go in and out of different spaces. To tell the truth, the speed of your arrival is beyond my expectation."

"Yes, I have opened several cracks in the void for several times in a row, and then I found a place where I could barely settle down. I also met with two bone beasts that surpassed the elder level in battle." Nie Chen said faintly, "if you continue to look for a safer place, you will not be able to support for a long time. Even if you continue to search, you can find a completely out position near the immortal mountain to cut the cracks, which is still unknown."

"Today, I signed you a favor!" Ji ziye looked at Nie Chen, "you are a very strong person, you are also a very special person. I can feel some very strange things from you. I hope you can go on like this all the time, until finally, we will have a good fight again."

"There is nothing else in this world that can make you excited?" Nie dust light mouth, "if you really want to fight with me, my friend, let's make an agreement, take us out of the matter that day, we will look for a good place, let's fight."

"Friend?" Ji ziye seemed to be surprised that Nie Chen called her friend. But then, a smile appeared on his face, which was a smile from the heart. "I'm very grateful to have a friend like you Everyone is carrying their own destiny, and I, however, have been suppressed by my fate, which makes me lonely and indifferent I don't know why I would say these things to you. I never told anyone Out of Xie WANYING and his uncle

"Yes, everyone bears his own destiny..." Nie Chen also sank to death for a moment, and said faintly: "but, although now, you and I all bear our own destiny, but I have a very strong feeling that your and my destiny, one day, will interweave together."

"Yes, I look forward to that day!" Ji ziye took a look at Nie Chen, her eyes were deep and seemed to contain a lot of things, "maybe one day, we will all need help from each other!"

"As a friend, I will do what I can." Nie Chen hugged his fist, and Ji ziye nodded, then turned and left. Nie Chen looked at the figure of this man, and seemed to have a sense of deja vu. The figure was so lonely, so strong, and at the same time, it was the figure of a powerful man.

"Where have I seen such a figure?" Nie Chen pondered, and then, his mind suddenly trembled for a moment, "originally, this is my own figure. Maybe, he and I are the same people, although they have different life experiences and backgrounds, they do have the same mood We all need to be stronger until we achieve what we want to achieve

"Brother Ji, you don't owe me any favor today. This favor is the one that you didn't kill me in Luanzhen mountain!" Nie dust has already arrived at the mouth of the moon crack in front of the Ji purple night, "we are destined to see you again!"

Hearing this, Ji ziye stopped, but did not look back, but continued to say, "the devil's cave is going to happen soon. I hope you can survive in the amazing changes in this grotto."

"I know, everything is in my plan. However, thanks for reminding brother Ji, I will live to the day when you and I fight. " Nie Chen showed a little excited smile, looking at Ji ziye's back, after a pause, he walked out of his own demon world; in his heart, he felt the excitement that the first World War had never felt, and he did not even know what kind of passion it was.This passion seems to come from an exclamation of fate, an exciting desire to fight against a strong man who meets his match, and a good mood of like-minded people Perhaps, he has been lonely for too long, and invincible for too long. Among the younger generation, he seems to have never met a powerful opponent so far.

Moreover, he walked alone on his own road. Up to now, he has not met a person who really understands him and, like him, walks on this lonely road And now, such a person, has appeared, it is Ji ziye.

Nie Chen can feel that Ji ziye is such a person. He is always carrying his own responsibility and mission and his own destiny. Moreover, he has never given up because of loneliness and difficulties He is also a lonely and strong man.

Perhaps, this is the so-called confidant, can bring a good feeling!

"Xie WANYING, also such a person, she carries to save her own people, and you, Ji ziye, what do you carry?" Although Nie Chen doesn't know what fate Ji ziye is carrying, he has a feeling that what families like Ji's family and characters like Ji ziye bear must be not simple, and they have something to do with the whole world, perhaps with the fate of the world.

Therefore, he just said that they and Ji ziye, perhaps one day, the fate of each other intertwined such words; and Ji ziye itself, does not seem to deny such words, but also said that one day, they may all need the help of this

Nie Chen's code of conduct has already represented his style of doing things, and has represented his idea of the world. He is independent of Xiling, fighting against power and so on It can be said that Nie Chen's ideas and ideas have been integrated into his actions; as long as he is not a fool, he will naturally see what kind of person Nie Chen is and what he wants to do.

"I have become enemies with the whole world, but this Ji family seems to be a very special existence, and seems to be maintaining the justice of the most extensive Xiuzhen world." Nie Chen frowned and thought about all this. "I think, Ji's family must have some special identities, or, with the rest of the ancient families, they are two natures at all Ji ziye and I are brothers and sisters. Nie Chen has become a friend. Maybe Ji ziye is alone, or maybe the whole Ji family. "

Thinking of this, Nie Chen felt relieved. He had seen the power of the virtual mirror. Compared with the Huangdao weapon, the power of the virtual mirror was not inferior at all. Moreover, Nie Chen felt something more terrible than the imperial weapon This feeling is so deep and awe inspiring.

Behind the Ji family, there must be a big secret hidden behind it. This is Nie Chen's final guess. At the end of the day, the conclusion is drawn. The Ji family is definitely not a simple force. From the respect for the Ji family from the rest of the world, we can see that the Ji family must be very extraordinary in the cultivation of truth.

"Direct, then left the grottoes?" Nie Chen walked out of the crack and saw a slowly closed void passage. This passage was seen by Nie Chen and appeared when he came to the heavenly palace from the fairyland on the night of Ji Zi. From that passage, Nie Chen seemed to see a city, a very prosperous city, all built with snow-white materials, standing on the broad plain, Very magnificent.

"Directly from the grottoes, opened a void channel, leading to the Central Plains of the hundred cities!" Nie Chen sighed in his heart. This Ji ziye night, combined with the empty mirror, has already had infinite power. There is no place in the whole world that he wants to go but can't reach in an instant, except for those Jedi that can't be easily involved in danger.

A city like Nie Chen is one of the three most magnificent and huge cities in the Central Plains. There is no absolute master and no city master exists here, but it is very rich and orderly

Because there are a lot of huge families here. Those Xiuzhen families are no doubt proud of occupying their residences in such a huge city, because it is a symbol of wealth and strength, and a symbol of strength and glory. Since there are many powerful forces gathered here, who dares to spread wild on the land occupied by a group of tigers?