"Is this the beginning of real?"

"Is he taking the initiative to challenge the fantastic, weird, handsome man?"

"If the ghost commander does not develop that ability, it will not be the opponent of the Xiling protection. Although his recovery speed is so fast, it is not endless to recover such a bad day!"

"The more extreme and incredible things are, the more restrictions they will be, the more amazing the recovery speed of the ghost will be, but it is impossible to use them indefinitely."

"Only by developing that ability can he get rid of his own weakness in fighting against the protection of Xiling."

"How can we win this battle if it is just hurt and then recovered unilaterally?"

"This ghost handsome, only when he unfolds his strongest strength, can he fight Nie Chen, who has shown the strongest strength now, and can he win the final victory!"

"I don't know if Nie Chen can. To fight against that force, or if he has a special means or attribute, it can be immune to this strange power! "

"If he can't do that, the battle will soon end, he will die, and all of us will eventually face the ultimate death!"

"All sorts of strange things happened to him are not in a few, and perhaps he can resist this strange power!"

"Hum, he won't fight uncertain battles. I believe him, because of a kind of dependence, he is fighting almost all this way!"

"If he is not sure, he will never be so calm and calm, and it is impossible to challenge the other party's ability voluntarily. I believe he will win!"

…… Nie Chen showed that confident attitude, but made those around the monks, there was a little relaxed in the heart, because Nie Chen never let them down, so this time, he so indifferent, want to have the victory of the grasp.

"I would like to see how you are going to fight my present strength!" All around the way, a mysterious position suddenly expanded, and a wind full of death was coming out in the air. The wind, full of old and decadent breath, seemed to have been under the passage of years for a long time.

"Such a field of force, in a field like yours, will all things die!" Nie Chen said softly, "but, today, for me Nie Chen, you have no effect; moreover, you have a very obvious weakness in your position, at least early in my eyes, it is very obvious!"

"If it works, try it, and you will know!" The way is very flat to open, its face then shows a little doubt color, "I would like to know, you said that I am weak point of this ability, what?"

"Your weakness is obvious to me, and it's fatal for you for our fight." Nie Chen said, "and this is the reason why I dare to fight you positively."

"You still didn't say, what is my weakness?" Said the journey calmly.

"When you launch that power of depriving life, you are vulnerable, because you need to release all the power of life and death to sustain your strange and powerful power, I am wrong?" Nie Chen smiled and opened his way, and his eyes were in the clear color.

"You found out, what a real deal!" "I can't help but show appreciation," then I want to ask, how did you find it? "

"Under my eyes, any change in energy is nowhere to escape." Nie Chen's eyes, the milky white color shows, "when you expand your field, all the energy you have has disappeared, and in your field, it becomes a tadpole like forehead white, and it is constantly rotating around a center point."

"Oh, you see half of it?" The way is a little surprised, Nie Chen will have such a kind of, see through the energy essence of the eyes, "but you also only see half!"

"No, I'm not worth seeing half!" Nie Chen replied with great certainty, "this is just the power of my primary eyes, and I can cover my eyes. Although it is not perfect, you can see your other tadpole like position that can be half of the two!"

"Is this the eye that can see death?" The way is wide open and his eyes tremble. He can't believe that Nie Chen can cultivate his eyes to such a point, "only the monk who cultivates his eyes? This kind of cultivator, has long been, has not appeared in this heaven and earth. I didn't expect to see the practitioners who practice their eyes again here today. "

"There are also monks who specialize in eye cultivation in this world?" Nie Chen asked in surprise.

"Of course, there are innate powerful eyes in the world, such as the purple blood pupil, heavy pupil, blood pupil of Ji family, etc., and there is also a special cultivation of the double eyes method "Since then, when I come, you must have seen through my ability. Before fighting, it is a good thing to have enough knowledge of your enemies."Think of the purple blood pupil of the Ji family, think of the Ji purple night, think of the way to do what they say, in this world, there are monks who practice eyes, it is not a strange thing indeed!

"But it is not enough for the steward to understand the enemy." In turn, Tujin said, "after you understand it, you can't think of a way to crack the enemy's ability. There is no difference between understanding and not understanding. My ability is this samsara field. Any creature enters my samsara field, and its life cycle will be intensified in an instant, and eventually, it will only become a dead bone."

"It is really terrible to rely on urging the enemy's life to elapse in your field, to accelerate their aging until they die, and finally become white bones; such means are really terrible!" Nie Chen said faintly, "it seems that you have seen life and death very thoroughly, otherwise, it is impossible to produce such a strong reincarnation field of life and death; the power of yin and Yang has been exerted to the extreme by you!"

"Come on, let me see how you fight my reincarnation field!" "For thousands of years, it has been my only pleasure to fight with the living people who have come here. However, none of them can survive under my ability. If you are as vulnerable as they are, I will be very disappointed. In fact, you have talked with me so much, and your understanding and analysis are all It's worthless and meaningless. "

"I know very well that there is no victory or defeat in our battle, only life and death Because we are standing on the different stand of life and death Nie Chen said solemnly, "I won't let you down!"

Nie Chen was firm and resolute, carrying his long sword. He walked step by step towards the place where he stood still. His eyes were as transparent as clear water. However, there was no faint and clear ripple in his eyes.

However, for him now, as long as he can separate the power of birth and death, it is enough; in his eyes, the reincarnation field of the end of the road is a continuous rotation of yin and Yang painting axis, just like the whirling, black and white Tai Chi diagram.

The power of life and death revolves and merges. As long as people step into it, they will be under the reincarnation of these two forces, and under the evolution of reincarnation under the control of the road, people, living people, accelerate the speed of natural aging and death.

In other words, this reincarnation field of life and death is originally intertwined with the forces of life and death, but under the control of the way, what happens to people is only the effect of accelerating aging and death.

"It's just that there is a process of growth before his power reaches its peak and makes people die." Nie Chen was very clear in his mind that this reincarnation field accelerated people's aging. "However, for me now, the passage of life and constant aging is just growth; therefore, even if my cultivation has not increased, I will become stronger and stronger in a certain period of time."

In fact, for a teenager, the passage of life, that is, the passage of time, will only make him grow stronger and stronger, and will not grow old until he reaches the peak of his prime.

"The ability consumed by such a field of reincarnation is actually the power of the Qi of death." Nie Chen can see clearly that the consumption of Tujin is the power of death, which is opposite to the ability of life and death. The power of life and death in the field of reincarnation formed by him is the corpse pill in his body.

Ghost's corpse pills are the collection of absorbing the power of life. They are plundered from living creatures. They belong to the power of life, but they do not belong to them. Therefore, for Tudu itself, the consumption of its life power is completely consuming the power of his corpse pill, consuming the power that does not belong to him, but from his deprivation.

The power of God does not belong to him, so there is no load to use it, except that he has consumed all the life power of corpse Dan. What really makes this way produce conformity is actually the power of death that he is constantly consuming.

"I don't know if these dead creatures will die again when their power of death is exhausted!" Nie Chen's heart, issued such a question, his eyes, a bright, in his heart, he has a countermeasure.

"One step away, you are about to enter my reincarnation field. I will give you another chance to regret and leave here." Tu Jin looks at Nie Chen and opens his mouth very seriously.

"No one has ever been under or away from your life and death circle. Today, I am the first one!" Nie dust is very confident, in the heart has the countermeasure, very simply, step into that reincarnation field domain.