Chapter 898: Bronze Observer

Chapter 898 Bronze Observer

Chapter 898

The Void Snake, whose unknowable existence changes, perfectly replicates the Void Snake's ability to control the void.

In less than half an hour, the Unknowable Existence has taken Chen Mo across thousands of light-years away. For the first time, light appeared in the endless darkness in the eyes of Dadihai. As the distance got closer, Chen Mo finally See what the source of light is.

There was a bronze altar floating in the void with a flaming bronze torch on it.

Around the torch, a few fireballs hovering and dancing can be seen.

From the material point of view, it is clearly related to the man-made bronze dimensional pyramid.

As the distance gets closer, everything on the bronze altar can be seen more and more clearly.

Chen Mo immediately noticed that there were words on the torch on the bronze altar.

And it is also the oldest character of Hanhai Vortex, the ancient character Hanhai created by Hanhai Dimu.

After a closer look, these words turned out to be left by Hanhai Snake Mother.

Back then, Hanhai Snake Mother had a special intention when she entered the Eye of the Earth Sea, that is, she hoped to find the important bronze anchor of the Bronze Dimensional Pyramid from the Eye of the Earth Sea. On the way, she found this bronze altar and the bronze sacrificial fire on it.

According to the research of Han Hai Snake Mother, the main function of this bronze altar is to enshrine the bronze fire.

This kind of fire takes the true spirit as nourishment and possesses the ability to achieve what one wants.

It’s just that the bronze torch that produced the bronze sacrificial fire had been contaminated when the Mother Hanhai discovered it. It took him a lot of effort to set up a formation to purify the pollution of the bronze torch in the void, and when he was ready to return, he took it away and was purified. The bronze altar at the end.

On the other hand, Mother Hanhai also considered that she might not be able to come back alive during her next trip.

So I left these messages. Any emperor who finds a bronze altar can make a wish within a reasonable range on the altar.

Chen Mo continued to look down, and there were eleven messages on it.

Obviously, the eleven emperors who entered the eyes of the earth before have encountered the fire spirit born in the bronze sacrifice fire, and then were drawn here to see the message of the mother of the sea, because he mastered the supreme art of the emperor, so the fire spirit He was also brought here as the emperor of heaven.

"Have you wished for what you want?"

Chen Mo thoughtfully.

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Making a wish is not a very powerful force, but it must be a very complex force.

The Soul Sacred Fire that he had mastered before could achieve his wishes within the cosmic sea level, but at the level of the upper and lower realms, the Soul Sacred Fire could not achieve the original effect and was abandoned by him. Unexpectedly, there still existed in the world that could be effective against the Emperor of Heaven. The power of wishing.

Chen Mo quickly followed Huo Ling to the bronze altar, and he did not rush to make a wish.

Instead, carefully observe the surrounding void, and observe the void formations around the Bronze Altar repaired by the Mother of the Sea.

After checking this time, Chen Mo found that he seemed to underestimate Mother Hanhai.

Due to the simplicity of the technology contained in Hanhai Sky Vault, he somewhat looked at the various technologies of the Qing Han Haitian mother's era, but from the perspective of these void formations, although the overall aspect is far inferior to today's, in some places it also exceeds the current level.

The Hanhai Sky Dome is simple to manufacture, and I am afraid that the Hanhai Sky Dome is too large.

Chen Mo took a few days to record all the void formations. During the period, Huo Ling also went out several times and brought back some familiar eternal emperors from outside, and then threw these eternal emperors on the bronze altar.

Chen Mo also discovered that there was a hidden world inside the bronze altar.

There are many eternal emperors in this world, all of whom seem to be from the patch of sky. They did not really die in the eyes of the earth, but were caught by the fire spirit and sent into the world inside the bronze altar, and then became a steady stream of bronze altars. Extract the true spirit's battery.

The bronze altar has the power to repair the true spirit, which can repair the damaged true spirit of the eternal emperor.

As long as the repair is intact, it will be cut down by about one percent.

Many of these eternal emperors are already demented, because the true spirits are constantly being cut, repaired and cut, and the memories and self stored in the true spirits have been severely damaged. The eternal emperors who entered the eyes of the earth and sea fell to this end. It's better to die happily.

Chen Mo spent three days studying an altar that was less than ten feet tall.

He wanted to figure out how the bronze altar was repaired and how the true spirit was condensed into the bronze sacrifice fire.

However, after three days there was nothing else. This surprised him a bit. In terms of strength, he is not as good as Hanhaidimu, but when it comes to the knowledge of everything, Hanhaidimu cannot be stronger than him. After all, he collected the information from his previous life. The information of all things and all things can be said to be the first in the past and present of the Hanhai Vortex.

He couldn't see the truth and futility of the bronze altar, so why did the Blessed Mother repair the bronze altar?

After studying for a few days, Chen Mo had to take out the bronze powder.

These bronze powders were originally the wrappers outside the bronze eyeballs. When the bronze powder was ground from above, he and the Immortal Emperor thought that this was the most common bronze powder.

However, the bronze door was able to absorb the bronze powder to repair itself, and then I realized that the bronze powder was not simple.

It's just that their eyes are clumsy, and they can't see the true face of bronze powder at all.

This time I came to Dadihaiyan, the bronze eyeballs were impossible to carry, but the bronze powder was half of them.

Because before he came here, he suspected that this place was related to the Bronze Dimensional Pyramid The reason for suspicion was simple, places like the sea eye of the earth shouldn't exist.

The reason is very simple. In any dimension, theoretically, there should be no natural environment that can threaten the peak and transcendence.

The peak of the vast sea vortex is the Emperor of Heaven. In theory, there should not be a natural environment that can kill the Emperor.

Looking at the upper realm, the same is true. The eternal emperor is the peak and extraordinary. It stands to reason that there should not be a natural environment that can kill the eternal emperor. The five long rivers can threaten the life of the eternal emperor. That is because the five long rivers hide nothing. The emperor of heaven should stay in the upper realm.

Therefore, the eyes of the earth must come from a higher dimension.

That's why, those emperors who live to the point where they don't want to live come here, because there may be a glimmer of hope for transcending to a higher dimension.

In fact, as he expected, the remains of the Bronze Dimensional Pyramid appeared here.

To be on the safe side, Chen Mo just took out the bronze powder the size of a sesame.

Just the moment it was taken out, the bronze torch suddenly attracted suction, and the naked eye could see that the traces of the handwriting left by the Emperor Hanhaidi and others on the bronze torch disappeared. When the last handwriting disappeared, the bronze torch suddenly shrank and floated towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't notice the danger and stretched out his hand to gently grasp the handle of the bronze torch.

At the moment it was held in his hand, a message came from the bronze torch.

[Detection of the bronze miracle belonging to the bronze observer, application to link the bronze failed...application for the link dimension dominate failed...according to the working permissions of the bronze observer, the dimensional lifeforms holding the bronze miracle will be temporarily obtained Bronze torch secondary control...]

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