Chapter 687: Fortune Giant Soldier

Mime private 687

"If I were the other eternity, what would I do next?"

Chen Mo asked himself and got the answer quickly.

All eternal power has been sealed, and the first thing to do is to rebuild and restore strength. Without sufficient strength, these resources cannot be transformed into treasures and combat power. With these resources, rebuilding is just the easiest thing.

Even if you rebuild your eternal strength, you don’t think about vertical and horizontal in this primitive continent. The soil here is an eternal resource. Even the eternal will of eternal life can only be released for tens of thousands of miles at most, because the air of the primitive continent is of eternal level. The gas is mixed and cleaned.

In this world of gas, eternal will is hard to move.

The eternal destructive power will also be greatly weakened by the high strength of the rocks and space here.

In this case, it is hard to find if eternal life is hiding.

So the first priority is to find other eternity.

And you can't really fight, otherwise it's easy to be preyed by other eternity hiding in the dark.

So as long as the other eternity is not a problem with the brain, it will definitely create a large number of eternal level puppets, and then hide behind the scenes to find other eternity with the help of eternity puppets.

In addition, there is another possibility.

Part of the eternity teamed up in advance, first teamed up to eradicate other eternity, and finally the inner part of life and death.

Regardless of the possibility, the Primitive Continent will be caught in the eternal war of millions.

"It will only be me who wins in the end."

Chen Mo smiled and walked upstream along the stream.

All eternity, on the surface, seem to be at the same starting line, but in fact he has plug-ins that other eternities do not possess. Unlike all other eternal powers that are sealed, his destiny book is not in a sealed state here.

The Destiny Book is still available, he can directly seal everything and then synthesize it through the Destiny Card Book.

No need to refine treasures, just synthesize treasures directly and you're done.

Along the stream, I quickly came to a mountain, the whole mountain is full of eternal minerals.

Along the creek to the top of the mountain, there is a spring with a diameter of more than a hundred feet.

Unexpectedly, there are not so many eternal green hearts here.

There is only one good-for-nothing green heart lotus. Although it is good fortune, the water produced by the green heart lotus cannot converge into a stream.

So the problem lies with the spring's eyes, and Chen Mo squatted by the spring's eyes and studied for a long time, but he couldn't be sure.

The spring water from this spring seems to be perfectly transformed into Qingxinlian water?

If it can only be transformed into this kind of water, that's all, if it can be perfectly transformed into other water, the level of this spring is definitely not just as simple as good fortune, it is very likely a precious spring of primitive level.

Chen Mo stayed by the spring, picking rare and exotic fruits mixed with Qingxinlian water from the mountain every day for bitter cultivation.

Countless eternal resources have allowed his strength to quickly recover from the most basic mythological level to the eternal level.

Chen Mo also gradually discovered that this spring is indeed a primitive-level spring.

It's just that the one in front of him is not the main body. He suspects that all the creek sources on the Primordial Continent may be the projection of the same primordial spring. If he can possess the strength of good fortune level, he can almost follow the projection to find the original spring's main body.

In a blink of an eye, five hundred years passed, and that day Chen Mo finished his last penance.

Because in just five hundred years, he has restored all the strengths that this incarnation should possess.

He is now the pinnacle of eternity, the next step is to refine treasures and find other eternal hunting.

At this time, the mountain he was on was as unrecognizable as a dog chewing.

Five hundred years of hard cultivation, of course he couldn't have done nothing.

When he first entered eternity in about three hundred years, he had used the Book of Destiny to synthesize some eternal puppets, and then ordered these puppets to dig around three feet to collect the resources he needed. So far, this type of eternal puppet used to mine resources. Has mastered more than one hundred thousand.

This is still limited by saving the origin of fate, otherwise he will synthesize more eternal puppets specially mining.

Opening the book of destiny, Chen Mo took out a card.

[Eternal Slime: Eternal Puppet Manufacturing Blueprint]

[Introduction: The eternal slime puppet can devour almost all eternal resources, and complete the self-division in the body to generate new individuals. All eternal slimes have the ability to adapt to deformation, and have a static state enough to deceive most eternals. Of camouflage ability. 】

This kind of eternal puppet is worthy of the name of the Five Scum.

But there are also many advantages. Being able to split on its own means that the number will continue to double and increase. Even if it is the Five Slags of War, it is extremely easy to be destroyed. He will not feel distressed. The destroyed eternal slime will automatically send to other eternal slimes around. Send message.

In the end, it was all in his hands, and his eyes would be filled wherever the eternal slime was.

A few days later, Chen Mo synthesized the first batch of 1,000 eternal slimes.

Toward a thousand different directions, the eternal slime began to spread out in a circle to explore infinitely.

Chen Mo took out the second card, which was the manufacturing blueprint for the battle puppet.

[Eternal Giant Soldier: Eternal Puppet Manufacturing Blueprint]

[Introduction: Based on thousands of mechanical puppets, such as giant soldiers and mechanical ones, comprehensively developed eternal combat puppets with giant soldiers as the main body and four forms of transformation into weapon, human, beast and eternal starship. 】

According to the synthesis speed of one per day, Chen Mo began to madly synthesize the eternal giant soldier.

When 10,000 were manufactured, more than forty years had passed Although the production speed could reach one a day, the resources became less and less over time.

Although the eternal resources of the Primordial Continent are everywhere, the eternal resources suitable for making eternal giant soldiers are not endless, especially the area where he digs resources is not very large, even so, it has already alarmed many nearby neighbors.

Chen Mo didn't need to think about it, he had been spotted by the eternity around him.

He also knew the neighbors around him through the eternal slime.

Believe that at this time, these neighbors of his are already forming gangs and preparing to eliminate him first.

After all, although his eternal giant soldier did not appear, the huge amount of resources consumed was enough to scare neighbors around.

I just don't know, how many eternal giant soldiers can they stop him?

To be careful, Chen Mo took out the third design drawing that was designed over the years.

[Good Fortune Giant God Soldier: Good Fortune War Puppet Manufacturing Blueprint]

[Introduction: Based on the eternal giants, the eternal giants are spliced ​​and reorganized as the main body to generate good fortune war puppets with three forms: weapon type, city defense form, and good fortune starship]

Chen Mo put the cards in the Destiny Card Book, and at the same time put ten thousand eternal giant soldiers sealed as cards.

I dare not say that sweeping the primitive continent, sweeping one hundred and eighty eternity is definitely not difficult.

After sweeping these neighbors, he can continue to make more good fortune giant soldiers, although this kind of good fortune giant soldiers deformed starship is only the worst kind, but the quantitative advantage is definitely enough to fight other eternal. Crying father and mother.

If this is really the inheritance of the original Tongtian, rather than the original Tongtian or some traps arranged by existence.

Then maybe, he will become good fortune before the ontology.