Chapter 501: Gods must not be deceived

Mime private 501

Under the canopy of the incarnation of the World Tree, 19 demigods looked at the incarnation of the World Tree and the tiny bodies tens of millions of miles high with emotion.

is too small, the world tree once stood as high as 100 million light-years in the ancient **** universe.

Everyone in the world thinks that the World Tree fell during the Lost War, but in fact the World Tree fell before the Lost War started.

The Blue Star universe hit the ancient **** universe directly and directly killed the World Tree.

Otherwise, even if dozens of gods are besieging him, the World Tree can't be beaten and he can escape.

None of them expected that there are several species of the World Tree that existed in the world, and life was born and grew to a demigod step by step. Ester was not lucky enough to pick up the core fragments of the World Tree, but was picked up by a new generation. The World Tree took the initiative to come to the door to send a good luck.

The purpose of the New World Tree is to use Ester to reach them.

hope to use their power to help the New World Tree ignite the sacred fire.

After decades of secret investigation by the New World Tree, it has been determined that 19 of them can believe that there is no malice. As for the remaining 7 New World Trees, they do not trust them at all. They only rely on 19 of them to help the New World Tree ignite the sacred fire. It's not easy.

However, the New World Tree also promised that they will be rewarded by the New World Tree after they help.

First, one person one section of the world’s branches. Since then, energy has been continuously obtained from the New World Tree. The World Tree is one of the top sources second only to the World Source. Even though it has infinite benefits for their Kingdom of Gods.

Even if there is no benefit, the 19 elves will not refuse.

They are all natural elves, and they feel uncomfortable with the world tree. After all, the world tree gave them life, gave them natural theocratic rights, and protected them from becoming elves all the way, and they did not do anything for the world tree. I have long been guilty in my heart.

18 elven gods, all look at the natural elven god, the lord of the elven **** system.

The natural spirit **** is the first natural spirit, and also the spirit **** who controls the most natural gods. At the same time, he also holds 30% of the life gods and more than 20% of the spirit gods. The entire spirit **** system is the most powerful and the most convincing first choice of natural spirits God.

"You said that you were born from the tree seed left by the mother goddess to cultivate life and become a demigod?"

the natural spirit **** asked calmly.


said with eyes, ears, mouth and nose growing on the trunk of the world tree incarnation.

"But I'm a little worried that some foreign existence robs you of the tree species of the World Tree."

The natural spirit **** said seriously.

"Your doubts are understandable."

said the world tree incarnation urn.

"If you trust us, let us check."

the natural spirit **** said firmly.

"You can check it as you like."

the world tree incarnation responded.

Natural elves turned to face the other elves, and then jointly used natural will, the most powerful means of natural theocracy. The moment natural will penetrated into the world tree incarnation, the 19 gods were furious and jointly suppressed the world tree incarnation with the artifact in their hands.

For them, the World Tree is both their Father God and their Mother God.

The emergence of the New World Tree is equivalent to the continuation of the Father God and Mother God, and is equivalent to the younger brother of their closest blood.

But the New World Tree was taken away by people, and then they came to deceive and use them, which tarnished their special relationship with the World Tree. They wanted to kill the thief who took the New World Tree, and then wait for the New World Tree to be born. Self and life.

Time reversed, and Chen Mo once again returned to the time before the blessing of God was activated.

During the investigation just now, the elves obviously discovered that the new world tree was controlled by a man.

The question is how do they see through it instantly?

Chen Mo thinks that the world tree incarnation is very well-disguised, and even the gods should not see through the true face of the world tree incarnation. Is he underestimating the gods, or does the spirit **** have any powerful detection methods against this situation?

Want to become a god, even if it is so difficult to take shortcuts...

Knowing oneself and the enemy can successfully deceive the elves and gods.

Chen Mo thought he knew enough about the elves and gods, but now it seems that he still has limited knowledge of their methods.

He is too anxious, he can't be anxious if he wants to be a myth.

After some thoughts, Chen Mo's deity stayed and continued with the World Tree clone to figure out how to better disguise himself.

As for the fate puppet clone, leave the elemental forest to collect more information on the elves and gods.

Elemental Forest is located in a corner of the northeastern part of Scandimo on the main plane. It is on the verge of the human empire, the dwarf kingdom, and the orc kingdom. The elves of this elemental forest always join forces with the dwarves and orcs to resist the invasion of the human empire after an average of several hundred years.

There are gods behind every country, and unless it involves blasphemy, the gods will not come out easily.

Of course, even if the gods don’t show up, they will arrange elves rescue in other places.

Because gods rarely participate in wars on the main plane, the various races on the main plane can be said to be incompatible.

This is exactly the scene that the gods are happy to see. Wars and sufferings will give birth to more sweet beliefs.

The elves and gods did not create the elves as nanny. If everyone is happy, if there is no war and there is no suffering, if all beings on the main plane do not need gods, then how can they truly believe in gods and devote their faith.

It only took a few hours for Chen Mo to arrive at the human empire Anbu Ti, 300 million miles away.

Different from the unification of beliefs of the elves, the gods of the human country compete for beliefs by means and the gods are also happy to do this, because not everyone in a country or city is suitable for their own believers.

It's like a group of gangsters, the evil in their hearts just went to believe in the **** of light.

It’s not easy to say that their beliefs are all negative beliefs, and evil gods like them, but the righteous gods like Guangming God do not want to send them to the door in the face of these negative beliefs. This is also the main factor why the gods choose healthy competition.

Chen Mo walked on the streets of the capital city of Ambuti, where church temples were everywhere.

After a round, Chen Mo found the entrance of the city's underground city.

If the ground is the site of the Church of Orthodox God, the ground is basically the site of the Church of Cthulhu. Chen Mo found the temple of the God of Thieves and went over to get in touch with the God of Thieves to see if he could buy the information of the Elf God.

The **** of thieves stole the natural spirit god, and also stole the underwear of the natural spirit god.

Finally, he was hunted down by the natural spirit **** for many years. It is impossible to say that the **** of thieves does not resent. The **** of thieves must know a lot of information about the spirit gods. The temple of the **** of thieves sells information, and the gods' information I don't know if I can buy it?

At the entrance of the church temple, Chen Mo popped up a divine gold coin issued by the **** of wealth.

The gatekeeper caught the divine power gold coin and took a sip. The natural pure energy contained in the divine power gold coin was immediately taken away. He suddenly smiled and leaned aside to make way, thinking about which store the divine power gold coin would be spent in tonight. .