Chapter 348: Absurd coal water tree

Mime private 348

1600 miles away from Black Mountain City, Chen Mo followed the map to the bottom of a mountain.

There is a barren, veritable wasteland around.

But the mountain in front is not an ordinary mountain, but a mine containing coal water ore.

Chen Mo rode the steam locomotive around a few times, and finally chose a suitable place to take out the village building order.

A hole was dug in the ground, and Chen Mo buried the village construction order in it.

Then carefully took out a bottle of 1,000 drops of coal water, and poured the pitch-black coal water on the ground. The village builder immediately took root and sprouted out a tree full of metal texture. The 15-meter-high trunk was close to the ground. Small tree hole hut.

[Coal water tree: first-order absurd plant]

【Coal Water Reserve: 0/1000】

【Population: 0/100】

With very simple attributes, Chen Mo turned and raised the soul hunter to aim at the top of the coal mine.


The golden mushroom cloud rose from the top of the mine mountain.

Because it didn't hit the mine directly, but only relied on the shock wave to hit the top of the mountain, it didn't cause much damage to the mine. It just made some ore roll down from the mountain. Chen Mo picked some ore and returned it to the coal water tree to grind into powder.

The black coal water ore powder, sprinkled around the coal water tree, is immediately absorbed.

After busying for two hours, the coal reserves became 1/1000.

Chen Mo immediately chose the production population, and quickly walked out a tool man from the tree hole hut of the coal water tree.

Although they are tool people, some tool people have special skills.

Chen Mo took a look at his lack of special skills, and missed the Book of Destiny even more. If he could modify his destiny at this time, every tool man he got must be the best with special skills, unlike the current one who can only do some rough work.

"You come to polish the ore."

Chen Mo ordered.

The tool man sat down and began to polish the ore, and Chen Mo came to the place he had chosen a long time ago and began to plant the land.

More than a dozen kinds of seeds were planted, and they had matured within a few minutes.

Chen Mo broke off a corn-like fruit. As for the name of this thing, the ghost knew it. All the edible things he saw in the Beishan Kingdom had only the unified name of food. There was no difference between different foods. name.

Tear apart the outer leaves, a steaming bamboo rice suddenly appeared inside.

It is really bamboo rice, regardless of its appearance and taste. As for why the corn husks are on the outside and why they can grow out of the ground, Chen Mo also wants to know the answer to the question, but there is a high probability that there is no answer at all.

Because in the absurd world, everything has a bit of absurdity.

As for this bamboo rice, Chen Mo became hungry as he ate.

But he is no longer thirsty, because the role of food in Beishan Kingdom is to quench thirst, and water is the staple food that can really fill your stomach. Eating food will never fill your stomach but quench your thirst. On the contrary, drinking water can harvest nutrients from it to fill your stomach.

There are even more absurd things, the absurd world like the sun and the moon.

The sun can still shine, but the sunlight is cold.

The moon's light is very weak, but it has amazing heat.

So here is very cold during the day and very hot at night. People here never doubt that the sun should be warm, because the sun is cold. This is the common sense that everyone knows in the absurd world. If anyone says that the sun is hot, there is more than mental illness. More terrible places in the courtyard are waiting for you.

Since coming to the absurd world, his common sense has not been overthrown many times.

After quenching his thirst, Chen Mo carefully took out a water bottle.

After taking a sip of water, my stomach is not hungry anymore.

He has now left Black Mountain City. He only needs to send a hundred drops of coal water to the Black Mountain City Steam Church every month, and the Steam Church will not care what he is doing here. Chen Mo looked at the coal water tree and walked slowly over.

After enduring fifteen years, he was finally able to use his talents.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it on the coal tree, a drop of God-given blood penetrated in his hand.

Just a drop, the coal water tree has been enslaved by the god-given seal.

Chen Mo tried to explore the origin of the coal water tree through the god-given seal, why a token called the village order can plant the coal water tree, and why this thing can absorb the coal water ore powder to extract the coal water this kind of steam church Unique energy?

After a long time, Chen Mo let go of his hand helplessly.

He forgot that this is the absurd world, and some things are naturally unexplained.

The coal-water tree is a coal-water tree. It is born like this, and no trace of external force transformation has been found. This is a plant that is naturally just like this. As for the production of tools and the extraction of coal water, it is just as natural as the apple tree. .

Seeing that the sun was about to go down, Chen Mo immediately went into the tree hole hut with a tool man.

Close the door to ensure that the inside and the outside are completely enclosed. Chen Mo took out two candles, one black and one white, and lit. The burning of the black candle consumes oxygen, but the burning of the white candle generates oxygen. The two candles burn together to adjust the oxygen content in the space.

The night of the absurd world, Chen Mo has never seen it once in fifteen years of rebirth.

Because the first prohibition of the steam church is to stay in an absolutely enclosed space at night.

As for those who violated the ban, they have disappeared without knowing their lives or deaths.

However, according to his inquiries, if a fifth-order transcendent can walk in the night, it is still very dangerous. Similar to the extremely precious and rare metal used in the arrangement of alchemy formations like cesium silver, it seems to be in the night. Good things to get.

When I was idle, Chen Mo opened the book of destiny.

Take out the bamboo slips from the heavenly book, and then take out a drop of the god-given blood that the deity collected back then.

Because he can use his destiny and divine power to strengthen the effect of the godsend blood, his godsend blood is consumed drop by drop. The godsend blood accumulated over the years has tens of thousands of drops, and in the past it was tens of thousands of drops of destiny power. Things are now one of the most important cards in his hand.

The blood of the godsend was dripped on the soul hunter, and the entire steam weapon was penetrated through the seal of the godsend.

After complete enslavement, Chen Mo began to strengthen.

With only ten drops of god-given blood, the soul hunter has been strengthened to the top of the first order.

Because he was bound to the soul, his spiritual power also grew to the top of the first order under feedback.

Chen Mo focused his consciousness on his heart, and there was a beating metal ball in his heart.

This is the core of the steam core The unique transcendental system of the steam church is the core thing besides steam weapons. Upgrading and evolving the steam core requires a lot of coal water, and a drop of godsend blood in the heart. Incorporate the godsend **** seal into it to replace coal water to strengthen the steam core.

It also strengthened to the top of the first order, and Chen Mo started to feel hot all over.

The blood in his heart was enveloped by the power of the steam core, the blood boiled and turned into hot blood red steam, flowing through the blood vessels throughout his body, and Chen Mo's physique began to rise sharply where he passed. Although there is no specific data, it is almost equivalent to One-star card division.

After the body is the spirit, after the spirit is the steam-armed soul hunter.

All have been promoted from Tier 1 to Tier 2, without the powerhouse of the Steam Church nearby, he can use the hole cards left by the deity without any hesitation to quickly improve his strength in the shortest possible time, and then thoroughly figure out how the world is right. What good is it for him?

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