"I went to the Han Burmese border to participate in an underground auction. I heard that there would be an auction of something called the netherworld stone. It seems that it can bring the dead back to life."

The guards dare not hide it. In order to survive, they can only honestly and truthfully say everything they know, and then look at Chu Xuan with expectation, hoping that he can spare his life, and if he is not, he also hopes to spare his own life.

After getting the answer he wanted, Chu Xuan murmured to himself: "the nether stone? It's a little interesting! "

However, he was somewhat shocked. He knew about the Youming stone, which was recorded in the green emperor's longevity work.

Youming stone, as the name suggests, is a stone from the nether world. It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and it also contains a great deal of energy. According to the green emperor's longevity work, a dark stone with a big bowl mouth can break through the green emperor's longevity work.

However, the nether world is extremely rare. Sometimes a nether world may not be able to grow one stone, which condenses the most pure energy and rules in the nether world.

In the record of Qingdi's longevity work, however, he said that he had obtained the nether world stone by accident, so he could cultivate himself to the Ninth level.

What's more, there seems to be a vague meaning in his evasive words, that is, as long as the Youming stone is enough, you can even cultivate the green emperor's longevity work to the tenth level.

At the thought of this place, chuxuan was excited. He didn't expect that since there would be a dark stone in the world, he just didn't know whether it was the one he needed or not. He had a little expectation in his heart.

"Location." Chu Xuan cold drink a, wait for the eye to ask a way.

"Villains don't know!" The guards looked at each other, but they really didn't know!

"Well, I don't even know it. It's of no value. What's the use of it?" And Qu Xianzhu shot out of the sword.

Zhuxian sword Qi in the air, not a moment, killed more than 200 guards, half.

The other guards, seeing the golden light towards them, all wanted to run away, but they seemed to have shackles on them. What's more, they seemed to have a mountain pressing on them. Let alone escape, they couldn't move.

They repeatedly begged for mercy, but Chu Xuan didn't hear it. However, he found out the information. These guys didn't have a good thing. There were few lives in that hand. So when they were killed, he had no pity in his heart.

These people finally ended their sinful life and deserved to die.

"I hope you can be good people in the next life." Chuxuan sighed, and did not deal with all the mess here. He stomped on the ground and left empty.

As for those imperial cliques in the town, he did not let them go. He pushed them all the way, but in a few hours, they uprooted the imperial clique.

At this point, only yiwa and Feika are left. After making an anonymous call to the local police station, chuxuan does not stop and flies to the Sino Burmese border.

The Sino Burmese border line is very long, along which there are many towns. Because he did not know the specific location of IVA and FICA, he had to scan the towns with divine sense.

Finally, in Sanwu area, a small town nicknamed paradise, yiwa and FICA were found.

They died quietly in the dream, and the imperial clique was completely destroyed here.

On the same day, the Burmese military released a news report, saying that the military paid a heavy price and finally destroyed the imperial clique in a certain place.