
A colorful column of light broke through the thick black clouds and fell from the void to cover the black lotus which was taking shape.

A hum, Black Lotus for a shock, a little resistance, into a streamer into the colorful light column, was a torrent of huge attraction pulled away.

Bo Bo Bo

One will drop the mature lotus seed, and the Black Lotus is pulled into the void by the great attraction, as if it is thrown into a pool. The sound of clear stones falling into the water reverberates between the heaven and the earth.

The colorful light column slowly moved to chuxuan's body, and a lotus seed fell from the light column, and disappeared from his heavenly cover.

The endless brilliance in the colorful light column was washing his body, and many dirt and impurities were quenched out.

Chu Xuan from the colorful light column to feel a sense of closeness, as if he put himself into the arms of his mother's warmth, is he produced a kind of not give up and rely on.

In chuxuan squint eyes, the heart is only pure pure childlike heart, enjoying the warm embrace of colorful light.

There is a vast force coming out of the nether void, pulling away the colorful light column.

Chu Xuan did not know whether it was an illusion or how, he seemed to see a blurred face from the colorful light column. In the dazzling light, the man's long hair was floating, and he could not tell the gender.

The void is closed, and the colorful beams of light disappear together with the heilianjie, which is unable to descend.


A drop of colorful teardrops fell on chuxuan's jade like face, and chuxuan, who was disappointed, felt empty in his heart and felt endless sadness and sorrow spreading in his heart.

Don't give up? Attachment? blue? Kind? be in love with?

Many feelings rose in the deepest heart of Chu Xuan, so that he did not know what kind of reaction to make, and gently touched a drop of colorful tears on his right cheek.

The teardrops still lingered on his fingertips, and there was a vague figure, which was the same as that in the light column just now.

Unfortunately, it is still obscured by hazy fog, not really see.

"Who is this man? What does it have to do with me? " Chuxuan murmured, I don't know why a drop of clear tears overflowed from the corner of his eyes.

Colorful tears in Chu Xuan Leng God, quietly did not enter the Chu Xuan skin, fusion into his blood.

An intermittent memory flashed through his mind.

It was a woman who could not see her face clearly. She had a faint fragrance on her body, and countless colorful butterflies were flying on her side. She walked towards herself step by step and opened her arms, as if very happy.

"Is this the lover of my former life? Or the closest relative of my previous life? " Chu Xuan is confused, the only thing that can be sure is that this person has a great connection with himself.

"Who are you?" Chu Xuan at this time has fallen into a kind of inexplicable state, eyes closed, quietly asked.

At this moment, he felt that his heart was full of sweetness and love. This feeling was just like that when he was facing ginger Twilight smoke.

The woman opened her mouth and seemed to be telling something, but there was no sound, as if she was blocked back by something.

There seems to be something pulling her behind her. With a bang, the woman spat out a mouthful of blood. Her face is painful and crumbling.

Chu Xuan was shocked and rushed forward to embrace her delicate body falling in the clouds. But when she reached out and touched her, the woman changed into a little colorful light and dissipated in the sky and earth.

When Chu Xuan was frightened, there was a dark channel between heaven and earth, which broke out into a huge force and sucked away the brilliance.