Book 6: Chapter 44: This is kind of fun

Name:Heather the Necromancer Author:
Book 6: Chapter 44: This is kind of fun

The sound of dripping water was the first thing she became aware of as she came to. She lifted her head to discover she had something over it and shook vigorously to try and get it off.

You can stop trying to shake that off, a familiar voice said. And dont bother trying to get up. I took the precaution of tying you with ropes that will prevent your shape shifting.

Heather knew that voice from the street right before they were attacked. Breanne had said it was Xandria but it all happened so quickly, Heather found it all difficult to sort out. One thing was certain, she was bound to a chair someplace where this woman thought she had the upper hand.

You have no idea how much trouble you are in, Heather said as she flared with anger.

Oh, sweety, how many times do we have to play this game? the woman replied. I made you an honest offer that would have turned you into a goddess among slaves. You would have been the envy of the silk princes and sold between kings for sums of money that boggle the imagination.

Heather realized this woman still didnt know she had grabbed the wrong target. She flexed her arms to test the ropes and attempted to move her legs but was firmly bound.

They wont break, Alexandria said. And I did some research so you cant absorb or dissolve them with your corrosive powers.

Youre an idiot, Heather spat as she decided to relax. You havent even figured out you have the wrong person.

Please, I saw you, and I know you're a shapeshifter, Alexandria replied. You didnt honestly expect me to fall for that.

Heather could see the logic the woman was using, and understood how she could have made the mistake. Jaina was a shapeshifter and often appeared as a different woman just for the fun of it. Alexandria had probably been watching Heather in the market and saw her change forms to hold up the dress, establishing she was Jaina. Still, if memory serves correctly, Alexandria was a deciever of some kind, so it stood to reason she could detect a lie.

Cant you tell when a person is lying? Heather demanded. Or is your class limited to telling them.

Fine, Alexandria laughed. Go ahead and try to lie to me.

Im not Jaina! Heather shouted and waited as the room went silent. A second later the hood was torn off and she looked into the eyes of a human woman with curly blond hair. Her face was full of rage as she practically trembled in anger, clutching the hood in a tight first.

Who the hell are you? Alexandria demanded.

I go by Hannah, and I am a Lilim, not a morphic, Heather replied as she glared back at the angry woman.

But I saw you shape shift, Alexandria insisted.

A lilim is an evolved version of the succubus, Heather explained as her form blurred and she took on her devil appearance As part of my powers, I can shapeshift into any humanoid image so I can be whatever a person desires.

Youre essentially a succubus then, Alexandria gasped and stepped back. And I nabbed the wrong target.

Congratulations, you finally understand, Heather laughed.

Dont you mock me, Alexandria snarled. You have no idea what that woman has put me through.

I have some idea, Heather replied. She told me a little bit about you, but from what I understand, you brought all that disaster on yourself.

I was trying to help her, Alexandria insisted with a pointed finger. Originally I just wanted her to work for me because I ran the local brothel and a shapeshifter seductress would have made a fortune. I would have treated her like a queen, and shared the profits, but all she wanted was to serve that dog.

Hey! Heather snapped to get the womans attention. Roric is a very nice man who treats those girls with love.

But I could have allowed her to realize her true potential, Alexandria argued. Why play so rare a combination of race and class only to serve one man?

Because she loves him, Heather pressed. And Jaina has hardly served just one man. From the stories shes told me, that number is a lot higher.

Which made her perfect, Alexandria agreed. She loves being a sex slave, and would have been a perfect addition to my girls. But then I found an even better opportunity for her and I tried to show her.

A better opportunity? Heather questioned as she watched the woman begin to pace.

It started shortly after they left town, Alexandria explained. A group of men arrived at my brothel and asked to see all my girls. They were a hunting party sent by a group far to the north. There is a group of men and a couple women who call themselves the silk princes. They are in a contest to see who will become the emperor over their entire group. The contest dictates that they have one year to build the most impressive harem. The person who has the most unique and unusual girls in his harem when the time ends will become the ruler. That hunting party was offering a fortune for unique girls and I immediately thought of Jaina.

And you just couldnt help yourself, could you? Heather said as she shook her head.

I told them I knew a girl who was so unique that any prince who possessed her would be guaranteed to win. They were intrigued and demanded to see her. I had to explain that she was gone, but I knew how to find her. I asked for some money to cover expenses and they paid me a small fortune. I then used that to bribe people, pay for loyalty and find out where Jaina went.

So you took a down payment on a slave you couldnt deliver, Heather said to clarify.

I got careless, Alexandria admitted. Jaina was very resistant to my charms, so I thought if I could rest her she would be easier to control. So I paid a summoner a huge sum of money to conjure a fire tyrant and turn it loose on the town they were staying in. I spent all the money the group gave me, plus dipped into my own to pay for mercenaries to shatter the spawn point.

You had a town destroyed just to get at Jaina? Heather said in surprise.

You have no idea what these men were offering, Alexandria insisted. If I could deliver a girl that rare, they were offering me a small duchy inside the new empire. I would have been royalty with power like never before.

Why is everybody so eager to sell their soul to gain a title? Heather asked.

You cant be serious? Alexandria laughed. You play a class based on manipulation and control and you dont understand how vital a title is? Well, let me assure you that levels are, fine, but true power comes with a title and land. If you want to be somebody of true importance, you need to have both.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

So you wanted to sell Jaina off for a title and some province in this silk empire, Heather stated.

I would have been doing her a favor, Alexandria insisted. Her combination would have made her special, and put her on the arm of the most powerful man in the empire. She would have been one of the most powerful women in the world.

She doesnt want that, Heather insisted. And you need to give it up. Youre only hurting yourself by keeping this grudge alive. Its time to move on.

I cant move on, Alexandria growled and turned to face Heather with wet eyes. I am trapped and on the run. I dont dare settle in one place, and I cant open my brothel again.

What are you talking about? Heather asked as the woman practically fell apart.

I told you, I took money from the men sent to find girls. I promised them Jaina, but I failed to deliver. Now they want the money back, but I spent it trying to capture Jaina. They are going to take me in her place, and drag me back to the slave auctions where I will be sold to the highest bidder.

What? Why would they want you? Heather questioned, not sure why a blond-haired women was so special. Her answer came when Alexandria explained her other class was called a madam. She could take a lot of slaves and care for them like no other. Her value would be the collars she could use to add more girls to somebody else's harem. She would be bought up solely for her collars, and then treated like a common whore. Heather actually felt an odd sense of sympathy for the woman, who seemed on the verge of tears. She was in too deep with no way out unless she could turn over Jaina or pay the money back.

And now I am in deeper, Alexandria said as she walked to the side. I dont have any money, and I have been promising rogues, hunters and other unsavory types a turn at my love in exchange for their help. I owe dozens of people and I am running out of time. Then I saw you in the market with Jaina and I thought my chance had finally come.

So thats why you made such a reckless kidnapping, Heather said. You were desperate, and this was your one last chance.

Yes, Alexandria admitted, but smiled at Heather. However, you present an interesting opportunity. Succubus are rare, and an evolved one like you is even more rare. Plus, they tend take slave girls, not become one. You can shape change, seduce and take extra girls, making you a prize with a high price tag. How would you like to be sold into real power? You would live in a palace and have the best of everything.

Are you serious? Heather asked. I already have a master and he wont sell me.

But the collar isnt locked, is it? Alexandria pressed. I bet I could convince him to sell you to me, and then I could pass you on for a real profit. Just think about it, you could be a slave girl to a prince, or a king.

I am the slave girl of a king! Heather argued. And hes going to raise hell when he hears you abducted me!

Youre already a slave girl to a king? Alexandria balked as her face sank. Of course you are. Nobody was going to let a succubus who wanted to wear a collar go free for very long.

Sorry to disappoint you, Heather replied. But maybe I can help you.

Nobody can help me, Alexandria sighed and slowly turned away. I owe dozens of dangerous people from here to the southern spawns, and the silk princes hunters are after me. If I cant find a girl who can pay that bounty, I will never be able to stop running.

I hate to be the one to say this, but you did this to yourself, Heather stated. You allowed your obsession with wealth and power to cloud your judgment, and this is where you are now.

I know how I got here, Alexandria growled. And now I have to leave. I promised Thurgis that you were worth a fortune and if he finds out I failed hes going to make me pay in other ways.

So whats your plan? Keep running until all this catches up with you? Heather asked.

Whats the alternative? Deliver on all my promises of sex and service? Alexandria asked. I dont do that sort of thing. Well, not with men.

Shes so lovely, one of the women said. I wish I could have a lock of her hair.

Are those people drunk? Evalynn asked as they notice they were behaving strangely.

Why on earth would you make them an offer like that? Breanne asked.

Umm, Heather said nervously as she licked up her tail to play with the tip. You know how it is. I got into the role and just ran with it.

I was ordered to keep you safe, Breanne scolded as the group went on about how lovely Hannah was. That includes interludes with strange men.

Some of them are women, Heather pointed out as Breanne stepped closer.

The point is, I am not going to tell Frank you were soiled under my watch, Breanne insisted. And I love you too much to let that happen.

But shes such a good Lilim, Gisley teased. He should let her play.

If he wants to allow that, thats fine, Breanne replied as she folded her arms. But not until I hear it from him.

Will you stop, Heather whispered and leaned in close to speak. I only said that because I know Frank will say no.

Honestly, I hope he tells you to do it, Breanne said with a smirk. It might teach you a little more caution to spend a night fulfilling those promises.

Dont be ridiculous, Heather said, and took a firm stance. I was just trying to defuse a tense situation. I heard all about your rampage in the other building and I knew if I didnt get out here soon, it was only going to get worse.

Breanne smiled and took Heather into a hug, saying she was so worried about her. They stood in the street a moment and shared a warm glance when Heather noticed something big and gray moving in the shadows. A giant of a ghoul stepped out of an alley with Blackbast at his side, both looking at her with intense stares as she nervously swallowed.

Breanne, Frank is here, and he looks upset, Heather whispered, causing the elf woman to turn around.

Oh, dear, Breanne replied and quickly stood beside Heather as the giant and his feline escort approached.

Frank, Roric began as the hulking mass approached. I am very sorry this happened. I never expected this kind of trouble.

We can talk about it later, Frank replied as he approached the two girls. He stopped before them as Heather smiled and tried to look innocent.

Umm, sweety. What are you doing here? Heather asked.

I came because I heard you had been kidnapped, Frank replied as his clawed hands tore up the street. I brought Blackbast because she can track her collar and I knew we could find you that way.

Oh, that is clever, Heather said with a nod, impressed at his quick thinking.

What is going on here? Blackbast asked and motioned to the street around her where bodies lay and fires burned as if a war had just been fought. Behind Heather stood a line of men and women, all looking at her adoringly as she smiled and played with her tail.

Umm, well, Heather said as she gripped her tail tighter. She began to explain the story of how she was kidnapped by Alexandria, who use took them by surprise. She told them all about how the women mistook her for Jaina and was shocked to discover she had the wrong target. She then glossed over the details of her escape, and how she used a few teensy seductions to win their trust and get them to help her.

You seduced them? Frank asked.

I just made them more friendly, Heather insisted.

My lady do you need help dispatching this monster? Thurgis asked.

What? No! Heather said as she turned to the rogues. This is my master, prince Frank.

The looks on their faces were of pure excitement as Thurgis stepped forward and bowed slightly.

Your slave is beautiful with a voice of gold and eyes full of magic, he said. I would be honored if you would consider our request.

What request? Blackbast asked as Heather hid her face behind the tip of her tail.

Umm, I sorta promised them I would ask my master if I could play with them, Heather replied as she peeked over her tail.

From behind Frank came a chorus of laughter as Rorics girls couldnt contain themselves. Roric quickly snapped at them and pointed out this was no laughing matter. Frank was silent a moment as his eyes narrowed and his horrid teeth twisted in a frown. He looked at Breanne, who cleared her throat and tried to apologize for losing Heather in the first place.

You promised those men to ask your master if you could have sex with them? Blackbast asked.

Only because I was trying to sway them to my side, Heather insisted. I knew Frank would never agree to something like that so it was a safe thing to offer.

Sway them? Blackbast asked as she walked around Heather to snap her fingers in front of the mans face. He didnt react or even blink as his gaze never came off Heather. Blackbast went as far as to poke him in the face, but all he did was sway a bit. This man is completely charmed and incoherent. She then went to the others and waved her hand before them as they stared at Heather adoringly. What did you do to them?

Umm, seductive smile? Heather offered.

My smile never has that kind of effect, Jaina said as she looked at Gisley and Evalynn. Have you ever known any of my men to be so hopelessly bound?

No, this is crazy, Evalynn agreed. Maybe the Lilims version is stronger?

You used essence, didnt you? Frank asked.

Umm, Heather said as she twisted. Maybe a tiny bit, she added as she made a pinching gesture with her fingers.

You overpowered that charm with essence? Blackbast growled as she rolled her eyes. They will probably be like this for days. The wont eat, or sleep or respond to anything that isnt a direct attack.

Im sorry, Heather insisted. I was nervous, and I wanted to make sure it worked. I had no idea they were going to turn into adoring zombies.

Umm, is this the super magical stuff that allows Hannah to break the rules? Chandice asked.

Yes, Frank replied as he leaned over Heather and made her cringe. You know that has to remain a secret, and you glow when you use it.

I sorta, forgot, Heather said with a big smile. I was too wrapped up in what I could do I wasnt thinking about the consequences.

Hmm, he said as he leaned over her more, causing her to have to lean away. So you still want to be my slave girl?

Yes? Heather said with no conviction.

And you will do anything I say? he asked.

Heather froze, her heart being fast as she glanced over her shoulder to the see the rogues still firmly under her charms. He wasnt about to suggest she needed to fulfill the promise she made them, was he? She only said that because she was sure he would say no. It was just a heat of the moment thing as she enjoyed playing her character.

You havent answered, he said. Will you do what I say?

Umm, yes, she squeaked, certain this was going to lead to a night of sordid acts.

Good, because you're grounded, he said firmly and stood straight.

Im grounded? Heather replied in a mixture of shock and relief.

You are grounded, he said again firmly, and grabbed her by the wrist before dragging her off.

You should try spanking her while you're at it, Jaina cried as Heather was dragged away.

I might try that, Frank said with a tone of absolute seriousness.

Youre not helping! Heather shouted back, but her fate was sealed. Breanne and Blackbast followed along as Heather did her best to explain herself but her protests fell on deaf ears. Frank was in charge and Heather was his slave, she would have to face the fact that she was grounded and learn to behave.