Book 5: Chapter 14: Is he a friend

Name:Heather the Necromancer Author:
Book 5: Chapter 14: Is he a friend

Do you think were far enough away? Breanne asked as she walked between Frank and Legeis.

Frank looked over his shoulder to the dusty path behind them. The cliff they were skirting ended two hours ago, allowing them to turn into the rocky sand. They left the road behind and with it the carnage of the battle. He hoped that would be enough to prevent those players from seeking revenge.

They might follow our tracks, Legeis offered while wiping his goggles. We are leaving a pretty clear trail.

Frank knew that was true, but what could they do? The ground was soft, and they were heavy; leaving footprints was inevitable.

All we can do is keep going, he said, turning back to where Quinny walked ahead. She was on point but wasn't alone. Somewhere around her were half the goblins, moving so invisibly they barely left a trace. Every now and then, a footprint appeared, or a rock suddenly shifted, but otherwise, their passing was unseen. The other half were behind the palanquin, acting as a rearguard in the event they were followed. Heather was asleep in the palanquin while Umtha stood watch over her and the egg.

I am becoming concerned about Umtha, Breanne said in a low voice. Its time we stopped playing this foolish game and made her admit she is a player. Frank sighed as Legeis looked up from his controls and replied.

I dont know her very well, but she doesnt act like a player or an NPC. I mean, Im a goblin player, but she is nothing like me. She acts like you would expect a real goblin to do.

Breanne tsked and shot him a firm glare as her arms folded. She is leveling and spending points. Only a player can do that. Not to mention why would NPC goblins form such a lasting bond to hero players? They kill goblins on a regular basis.

Youre sure she is leveling? Legeis asked, looking over his armor to the Palanquin trailing behind.

You didn't see her first two villages. They were half the size. After that war, she launched against the players who attacked Heather; she must have gained a few levels. You saw the village she has now; Frank can tell you it's twice the size.

At least twice, Frank agreed and scratched at his helm. And she has stronger goblins, which means she can manipulate what she gets.

Which only a player with an interface can do, Breanne asserted.

What if she is a player? Legeis asked. Why would it bother you that she wants to play in character?

Because she is using it to manipulate Heather, Breanne replied. That woman knows a lot more than she is letting on. Heather has asked her directly to tell us what it is, but she refuses.

I have spoken to her in goblin, and she runs in circles like an NPC does, Legeis countered. She is impossibly hard to get a solid answer out of.

Which only makes it harder to trust her, Breanne replied and glanced to the palanquin with narrow eyes. She is hiding something from Heather that might be important.

I still think my idea might be right, Frank countered. I think Umtha is an advanced NPC being used by the visitors to help Heather.

Help her do what? Breanne asked. Get killed at every turn?

The goblins were working with the necromancers and Hathlisora. Maybe they want Heather to do something related to them. He saw the skeptical look in Breannes eyes and shook his head. Look, I didnt even want to come here. I wish we could seal that egg up in a deep cave and forget about it, but Heather needs the challenge to be happy.

She seems happy to me, Legeis suggested.

Franks shoulders sunk as he thought back to the first days when Heather arrived. He explained how frightened and confused she was and how often she complained about wanting to go home. He described how having something to occupy her mind always made her relax. She was somebody who liked a challenge to overcome to keep focused.

That explains her infatuation with that book, Breanne said. She reads it incessantly when she is upset.

The book is a big part of the reason why I think the visitors planned all of this, Frank added. It seems too coincidental that she spawned near a book of necromancy with a translation key built-in.

Why is that hard to believe? Breanne asked.

You think it's odd to write a book in code but put a translation key inside the cover, Legeis said. It does kind of defeat the purpose.

Frank nodded. Right, even the necklace to open the cover was nearby. It was all there like it was placed by some bad game master, just waiting for Heather, the necromancer, to find. They even used Moon to ensure she became a necromancer and would need it.

Not to mention the temple with her statue in it, Breanne said.

And the gremlin showing up the day before she needed its stone to open the door, Frank replied as his thoughts began to spin. It's all too convenient as if the path was laid out for her. Now the egg is the lure to take her where they want her to go.

Now she has that staff for her scythe, Legeis said. Crafted by Hathlisora and attuned to Heather even before she was inside the world like they knew she was coming.

Now I am beginning to believe it, Breanne said. Even getting the spider as a familiar seems to have been planned.

Its all planned, Frank insisted.

But by who? Legeis asked. You dont really think the visitors are behind all this?

Who else could have placed things like the crown and staff? Frank asked. Attuned to Heather even before she entered the world?

But the note said she and Hathlisora were working together, Legeis countered. She must have been in here already.

I saw her when she arrived at my graveyard, Frank countered. She was practically in shock and falling apart. Not to mention she didn't know what a panel was and left it behind. If she had been here before, she would have already chosen how to carry her panel. They must have planted that note where they were sure she would find it to further their plans.

I guess youre right, but too many things dont make sense, Legeis suggested.

None of it makes sense, Frank groaned. And the egg will only lead us to another breadcrumb which will lead to another. Sometimes I want to tell Heather to walk away from it and play, but as I said, she needs the challenge to be happy.

And Umtha will always be on hand to drive her forward, Breanne said. We need to know why.

Frank glanced between them and let out a tired sigh. Of all the things he didnt want to think about, Umtha having a secret agenda wasnt one of them. He longed for a day when they could spend their time in the graveyard and mess with players to make adventuring fun. Breanne was right, and something was off about Umtha, but, putting it all in perspective, Umtha never failed to act in Heather's best interest. He decided to trust in that but needed to assure Breanne he would keep an eye open. Breanne fussed that Heather meant more to him than anybody else, and he should be the most concerned.

I cant choose her path for her, he argued. Heather is free to be who or what she wants to be. All I can do is be nearby to help if it goes wrong.

They decided to talk about the road ahead and where the bracelet was leading them. The land was slowly becoming less rock and more sand, leading them to worry they were wandering into a desert. There were plenty of dangerous places in the world, but few were as unforgiving as the endless sands. It was well known that several players had once attempted to build a string of kingdoms across a desert, and all of them vanished under mysterious circumstances. The legend was they were now haunted by strange sand demons who attracted monsters of every kind. Quinny joined them for this part of the conversation joking that a Shai-Hulud would eat them.

You watch too many movies, Frank said as Breanne looked confused.

Oh, common that was a classic; everybody has seen it, Quinny pressed.

It was a good movie, Frank agreed. But lets pray the visitors didnt borrow from it.

They walked on for another four hours, the hills slowly fading away as they reached a final ring of rocks before a vast ocean of rolling sand. The sun moved to its dawn position, and Heather finally stirred, joining them as they stood on the last hill.

That looks empty, she said while positioning her sunhat. She held up her wrist and asked to be shown where the egg's mother was, and the glowing stone pointed directly into the sand.

Is it safe to cross the desert? Legeis asked. I know you guys dont need water, but I and the other goblins do.

We didnt think about what we might need on this journey besides basic food, Frank grumbled. You are living off of what you have in that magic pantry.

A diet of cookies, cakes, and milk, Heather laughed. At least this world doesnt punish you for eating badly.

That won't be enough to feed all the goblins, he pointed out. We need to find water and a way to carry it before we go in.

Breanne stood tall, scanning the distant landscape. There has to be a town someplace where we can buy supplies. I suggest we follow the ring further east in the direction of that road.

That might bring us into contact with those players we fought, Quinny said. They were pretty angry we won.

That cant be helped. We must find water and rations for the goblins or leave them behind. I doubt they will be able to hunt and forage in the sand, Breanne insisted and looked to Heather. You might want a few extra things to make the trip easier. You can still sunburn after all.

You can? Heather said in surprise. I havent been able to tan at all.

If she uses her undead from the sun won't bother her, Frank added but scratched at his helm. But I suppose it would be nice if she had some protection for when she wasn't using it.

I don't mind being in undead form, Heather replied, noting his tone that suggested it wasn't something she liked. All I lose is some ability to see color.

Frank looked down at her, his yellow eyes visible through the narrow gaps in the helm. We need people to see you as a human so you can call yourself Princess Hannah. If they see a zombie, we will have to think of a reason why you are with us.

Breanne leaned over and glared back, meeting his smugness with her own.

I have been given a quest to cross the sands, nothing more. I don't care what's in the desert because I have no intention of staying there.

You will care if you want to get across it in a reasonable amount of time, he replied and looked about as if what he was about to say was secret. A few years ago, some battle took place way out in the center of the sands. They say it was a wizard and a giant made of fire, but nobody seems to know for sure. In the end, the wizard called down a mountain to crush the giant of fire. He and the mountain exploded in a burst of flames so hot the sands for miles around melted and left behind a sheet of black glass smooth as silk when it cooled. Nobody goes out there but a group that calls themselves the glass riders. They have some kind of ships that sail on the glass, but they don't go near the mountain in the center. It's supposedly cursed by the giant's rage and full of creatures made of fire.

I dont need to get to the center. I need to get across, she reiterated.

The shortest route is through the center. I hear them ships can cross the whole of the black glass in half a day and leave you one day from the far edge, the man said as if daring her to try.

And what of this oasis trail? Breanne asked in annoyance.

The man shook his head again and scratched at his chin. Its a road that travels between a dozen or so scattered water sources. Most of them have small camps or stations where you can buy goods and get water. None of them are more than two days apart, but it isn't a straight path. You have to do some meandering and will spend a week in the sands easily. It is the safest route, however, if that's what you're after.

And the caravans are faster? Frank asked, causing Bronzan to look up with an annoyed expression. He quickly recovered and nodded before explaining.

They use the trail but carry enough water to skip the more distant watering holes. The bigger ones skirt the glass and shave half the journey off the trip, but if you want across fast, you will take the caravans as far as the glass, then get one of them ships to carry you.

I want to do that, Quinny interjected.

Seems your party wants to risk the glass, he said with a smile.

I will decide what we risk, Breanne remarked with an icy glare. Legeis, how many barrels do you think your cart will carry?

Two easily, he replied. If we stay here a day, I might be able to build a new one that will carry more.

Heather listened from her perch with a strange sense of wonder. It was fascinating to think there was a sheet of glass so big that people built boats to travel across it. She desperately wanted to see it and maybe even sail across but couldn't communicate her feelings. She felt out of control of her situation as Breanne and Legeis discussed building a bigger cart with local supplies to carry six water barrels. At this point, he admitted they would need animals to pull it, and the shopkeeper laughed, telling them to find a caravan.

The two argued about the route as Heather grew bored and began to look around the room. It was an odd perspective to be so low to the ground and looking up at the distant patrons. She noticed how different the world looked from her low perspective, as if this whole building were a giant cathedral. She noticed something else and nearly squawked out loud when a toothy white smile appeared in a dark corner, and a goblin hand reached out and snatched an orange from a barrel. As she looked about the room, she began to notice that things were missing from tables, and barrels that were once piled high with fruit now looked depleted. The goblins were scurrying about stealing everything they could safely take while Breanne and the others talked. Heather wondered what would happen if they got caught, but a change in the conversation above caught her attention.

Then yer better off taking a caravan, Bronzan insisted.

And where am I supposed to find a caravan? Breanne argued.

I have a caravan that could use some guards, a voice pipped in.

All heads turned to see an elf with dark skin and bone-white hair. He stood just over a meter and a half tall with distinct red eyes in black sockets. He wore dark leather armor with a dozen small pouches on belts and a thin sword at his hip. He smiled with pearly teeth as he reached up and swept a wide-brimmed hat with a single feather tucked in the side off his head.

Endril von Chilston at your service, he said with a deep bow as his eyes met Breannes.

Bah, Bronzan said as the dark elf made his introduction. You and your pack of jackals are as likely to rob them as help them.

Not so, Endril said with a hurt expression. I admit I fell in with a bad crowd that took advantage of my kindness, but I have recently let them go and am in need of a few bodies to replace them.

Hmmph, Bronzan remarked and turned back to Breanne. He knows the trail, that's for sure, but has a history of banditry and a price on his head further east.

All misunderstandings, I assure you, Endril replied.

Breanne turned to address him, standing tall like a queen speaking to a commoner. She demanded to know how large his caravan was and how many men he had. He explained it was five wagons and currently only six men, five of them wagon drivers. The last man was a recent hire as well and would meet them at the campsite.

Breanne nodded and looked to the others, pulling them aside to weigh their options. They agreed that five men werent likely to be a threat, but there could be more waiting ahead to ambush them. There was also the matter of what to do about Heather. She couldnt travel as a bird for days and would have to reveal herself. They would need to make up a story about where she was during this time and why she was joining them now.

Frank was concerned about taking too long and wanting to get back to their lairs before players started to visit. Quinny agreed and suggested they take the route over the glass, much to Heather's delight. Legeis didn't care either way but warned that a long trek would be terrible if one of them died. They would respawn back at their homes unless they moved their binding points to a closer location. Even Umtha pipped in, suggesting they take the glass to shorten the trip and get the egg home. She was worried the heat wasn't good for it and prolonged exposure would harm it.

Breanne took a moment to look into the cage and whisper the question to Heather, asking her to flap her wings if she wanted to risk the caravan and then the glass. Heather flapped in agreement, and Breanne nodded, returning to Endril, who was arguing with Bronzan about a debt.

We accept your offer, Breanne said with a firm tone. But only as far as the glass, then we want to see if we can book passage on a ship.

Endril nodded, his smile broad as he placed his hat back on his white scalp. I was only planning to go that far anyway. The port needs a constant flow of supplies to stay open. They can't grow much on the glass you see.

Breanne gave him a narrowed eyed expression as Heather wondered why he hadnt mentioned he wasnt going all the way across before. Very well, she replied with a sour tone. How soon can you leave?

As soon as you're ready. The wagons are loaded and waiting in my camp near the wall, Endril replied with an almost sweet tone.

They agreed to meet in an hour and be on the road an hour after that. They would make camp just inside the sands and spend the night in the dunes before moving on to the first oasis. Breanne rushed off with the others and led them into a maze of buildings where they were hopefully safe from prying eyes. Once there, she opened the cage door for Heather and placed the statue on the ground. A moment later, Heather was herself again and bent over to pick the figure up.

You cant make the whole trip as a bird, Breanne said.

I know, but something about that elf makes me nervous, Heather remarked, tucking the statue away. He seems too eager to help.

He's up to something, Frank agreed. He conveniently forgot to mention he was only going to the glass when he tried to recruit us. Which means he is telling us what we want to hear, or he isn't reliable.

Probably both, Breanne insisted and looked to Heather. We are going to have to tell him you were someplace else while we negotiated. You may have to use your cover story as Princess Hannah.

She nodded in complete understanding but felt strangely exposed. She looked about as another thought came to mind and decided to voice it.

Did any of you notice that red man staring at us?

The one by the gate? Quinny asked.

Yeah, he watched us pass as if waiting for us, Heather pointed out. I didn't recognize him at first, but I am pretty sure that's L33tk1ller.

Isn't that the infernal guy from Moon's town? Frank asked.

Yes, that's the one. You weren't there to see it, but he fended off that cat person to help us escape. The funny thing is I don't know what happened to him. He told us to run and held off our pursuers, but we never saw him after that.

Now I feel even less comfortable about this, Frank said. We dont need somebody who knows Heather and what she is hanging about. Maybe we should just take the longer trail ourselves.

No! Umtha insisted. Egg must stay cold.

Why? Heather asked. Does it need that crystal thing we found to stay cold?

No, Umtha replied. Egg cold itself, but heat might spoil. Must go fast across sands.

Then we have to risk the glass, Frank said.

Is it a risk? Heather interjected as she thought of everything they knew about it. It sounds to me like the only dangerous part is the mountain at the center. Bronzan said the glass riders dont go near it.

Even if it was a risk, we have to take it, Breanne added with a glance to Umtha. I hope her goblins know enough to stay hidden and follow our lead.

We also need to feed them and keep them watered, Frank said. How do we explain to the caravan why we need so much food?

Im not so sure you will have to feed them, Heather remarked and told them about what she saw in the shop.

They were stealing things? Frank asked and looked to Umtha.

Goblins borrow, not steal, she said defensively.

With a sigh, Breanne covered her face and shook her head. We had better get to the caravan and get out of this town before its people discover half their belongings are missing.

With a unanimous agreement, they left to find the meeting point. All of them were eager to be away and excited for the journey ahead, wondering what mysteries awaited in the endless sands. Frank was sure it would be a struggle, while Breanne was more concerned about Endril. Quinny wanted to see the glass and Legeis the ships that sailed on it. Umtha just wanted to deliver the egg at any cost, but Heather saw something more. This was a grand adventure full of mystery and excitement. She was happy to be a part of it for a change and was looking forward to all of it.

As she boarded the palanquin, a sense of a new beginning swept over her, and with a smile, she accepted her place. If her life was meant to be an adventure, then she was going to enjoy it.