Chapter 209 1 net exhausted

Name:Heart of Empire Author:Big Airship
It's getting late, and night is coming.

He returned to Costa, where he lived, with his wolf howling. The fear that had arisen when he faced Dane had disappeared at this moment, and was replaced by an angry emotion.

看着 He looked at the white wolves who had followed him for many years, and an unknown fire suddenly appeared in his heart. Withdrew a sword from his waist, and flew toward the neck of the white wolf without warning.

As he stunned, he also scolded: "You beast, which made me ugly in front of so many people, what use do you want !?"

"Colonel, Colonel! You are ..." Where did a few people around the week think that such a scene would happen? It is too late to stop one by one.

In the head of the white wolves, he never imagined why the master who had been around for a few years suddenly became troubled. He whimpered and struggled, and never moved again.

Howling killed the wolf, and Costa, who was covered in blood, panted heavily, and some regrets rose in his heart, but the wolf followed him for several years.

He shook his head and regretted it was useless. He found that he had an extra bill to be accounted to Dane.Costa asked, "What are they two doing now?"

A confidant came and said, "The two of them have just been ushered into Chapel's house. I heard that Culin, Gebu and Quincy's captains have just met Chapul and Dane. "

The names of several people appearing in the discourse were important figures in Bailangbao, and they were all captain-level figures.

At this moment, there are two main forces stationed in White Wolf Castle. Part of it is the third White Wolf Fortress of Costa. Originally, it should have a force of more than a thousand people, but when the Eastern March was established, the core of the Third Wing was a White Wolf Guards Brigade and other A light infantry brigade was drawn away, leaving only a hundred men.

The other part is a left-behind White Wolf Cavalry Regiment with a total of three hundred people. It can be said that it is the most elite team in the fortress at present. The captain just visited Chaple and Dion's Quincy. As for Kurin and Gebu, one is the captain of the White Wolf Guards, and the other is the captain of a light infantry brigade.

The three guys hurried to visit when Chapel and Dane had just settled down, and they showed that the meaning was quite obvious-compared to supporting Costa, they seemed more willing to cooperate with Dane and Chapel Come closer.

It is normal for Quincy to make such a choice. When Chappel used to be, he was the direct leader of the White Wolf Cavalry Regiment and the White Wolf Cavalry under two regiments. One regiment followed the Eastern Expedition and the captain of the other regiment. That's Quincy.

Talking to another Coulin gave Costa some heartache. The White Wolf Guardian is an elite heavy infantry unit. After he also leaned on Dane, it means that the two elite units of the 1,500 left-behind units have already declared their departure.

Compared to the two elite teams, Gebu ’s trust is slightly inferior in importance, but Costa ’s blow is the biggest—because Gebu ’s direct supervisor should be Costa ’s. The infantry brigade was originally a team under the third wing of Costa.

Think of it this way, the three people who leaned on Dane had one thing in common--they all had received the kindness of Chapel, and in the past they were all under Chapel's hands, and they were pulled up by his hand.For Captain Quincy of the White Wolf Cavalry Brigade, Chapul was regarded as his old boss, and it would be normal for him to follow Chapulgan; Geb and Culin, and even his Costa, were able to walk In today's seat, which one was not promoted by Chapel?

In terms of personal strength, Chapel, as a twelfth-level white wolf knight, is simply the strongest player in the castle other than Moore; in terms of popularity, Costa, the new coalition captain, and the super-qualified Cha Poole is simply not a grade.

I wouldn't have said it if Chapel had been kept out of the gate. When it comes in, why does Costa fight with Chapel and Dane?

"It should be when the incitement fails just now when they entered the city ..."

I heard that one of his confidants was thinking about it, and Costa was even more annoyed. He cursed, "Shut up! Stupid! That scene

, What's the end of the hands? The dozens of soldiers arranged, not to mention whether it is possible to kill Dane and Chapel, do you think that if we started, the three guys who ran to meet Chaple today would be indifferent? "

That cooing guy closed his mouth and stopped talking.

As Costa paced back and forth irritably, Suddenly his face became frowned. He asked, "Nikon, how many people can we absolutely trust now?"

"There are six hundred people guaranteed!"

"Non-sense, six hundred people is the total number of the third wing that has not yet contacted Chapel. I mean completely reliable, do you understand?"那 "That ..." The guy Costa became a Nikon thought about it, and finally gave a number: "Three hundred people always have it."

This is a relatively reliable number, Costa said: "Take people together and surround Chapel's house fifteen minutes later! Remember, don't alarm too many people and don't give them any reaction time."

"Courin, Gebu and Quincy are still there."

哼 "Hmm ..." Costa frowned, "It just happened!"

Uh ...

Listening to the footsteps outside the window ~ ~ and the cold light reflected from the swordsmen seen from the window, Kurin, Gebu, and Quincy were all panic, frightened and angry.

Gergeb was startled, "Colo Costa ... what do you want?"

Kunxi chuckled aside, "Isn't this visible yet? He wants to kill us all here, so he can rule in White Wolf Castle."

Kurin cursed: "Damn Costa, dare to have such courage! I didn't expect him to be such a person!"

The three of them looked different and scolded each other, but their hearts were very cold.Before they came, they did not expect such a situation to happen. Although Costa was not very popular in their eyes, after all, it was the defender whom General Moreno personally explained to him and his family. The news of the general's sudden death, coupled with Chapel's return, it is logical that Chapel should be the only one who can find a man who speaks in White Wolf Castle.

Today, in the presence of so many people, Chapel showed his intention to respect Dane. Of course, they had to come and ask what was going on.

After I arrived at the scene, it wasn't long before we talked, and the swordsman sounded outside. Quincy first went out to take a look and was forced back by an arrow. If not, she would lose even her small life!

This is not what they expected, even if there are no signs. (To be continued.)