Bane Twelve - Nook

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Bane Twelve - Nook

Bane Twelve - Nook

Felix looked up as Luciana walked into their little corner of the library. Once, not so long ago, Felix had been kind of terrified of the Dark Goddess. Now she... she supposed that she respected the goddess more than she feared her.

Luciana gazed across their nook. It was a neat place, with a few sofas set around each other, and a few stacks of books here and there. A coffee table sat off to one side, with normal chairs around it. When they had snacks, they made sure to eat them there or else the librarian monsters would throw a fit.

Most of the librarian monsters werent all that strong, but they carried books which were heavy, and Felix only needed to be smacked by one of those once to decide to be wary of them.

Valeria, Luciana said. Her voice sent a shiver down Felixs spine. There was no avoiding that.

Yup, mom? Valeria asked. She popped her head up from where she was sitting next to Esme. They were sharing a blanket for warmth while they both read about magic or something.

Lucianas brows met for just a moment before she continued. We have something of an issue.

Is something wrong? Valeria asked.

No, nothing urgent, the goddess said. We have merely run out of provisions earlier than expected. Sempers stay was longer than I had prepared for, and... perhaps I failed to account for the appetite of growing young women.

Felix grinned. Yeah, that was definitely a little bit her fault. The food here was the best, all prepared fresh by monster chefs and super tasty. That, combined with the frequent exercise meant that she was often eating her share, then a bit more.

Oh, Valeria said. So are we going to, like, starve?

No Valeria, we will not starve, Luciana said. But we will have to go and procure more provisions. Our supplier will continue to supply us, but I have a list of items that we need sooner rather than later. I was hoping you would volunteer yourself to go?

We can all go, Valeria said with a nod.

You dont all need to go, Luciana said. If Esme, for example, wishes to stay here, then theres no harm in that.

Esme considered it for a moment. Where are you going, exactly?

Santafaria, Luciana said. Theres a flight of wyverns waiting to depart, with all the equipment you would need. I prepared space for two.

Youre not going, right mom? Valeria asked.

I do not do groceries, the dark goddess said. It had the weight of a godly proclamation.

Felix had to hold back a giggle at the mental image of Luciana shopping in an apron and with a basket hook to one arm. No, it didnt fit her at all. Ill go with you, Val, Felix said as she bounced to her feet.

Oh, well thats annoying. I could get another saddle and add it to one of the other wyverns.

Its fine, Felix said. We can ride together.

Valeria shrugged. Fine. We need to get back before dark, we dont have time for all of that. She gestured and the wyvern lowered its head so that they could climb on.

Felix was a bit disappointed that she ended up in the back, but she was a little bit taller than Valeria, and could look out over her head.

Are you ready? Valeria asked. She shifted to settle herself in, and Felix froze a little as she felt Valeria pressing into her.

Yeah, Im ready, Felix said. She carefully grabbed onto Valerias side. She didnt know why Valeria made her feel that way sometimes. It was like a shock, and it made her insides squirm a little.

It happened with Esme too, of course, but maybe not as often. Felix worried that something could be wrong about her sometimes, but only sometimes.

The wyvern beat its wings, and with every stroke pushed Felixs worries and strange thoughts away. They were off, heading out into the air towards her old home. She knew which feeling she felt about that. Melancholy.

It was probably healthy to feel that way. She had been working hard lately to push back the constant happiness, to feel other things even as she continued to sharpen her skills with her favourite emotion.

It wasnt easy, but both of her friends told her it was important, and they were always willing to coach her through it.

She grinned as the wind picked up around them, then she let out a loud whoop as they circled around the castle and flew off due-south. Valeria leaned back, and Felix clung onto her with one arm, the other raising above her to cheer along with her friend.

Maybe the melancholy wasnt a bad thing to feel, but it was hard to be anything but happy when she was with Valeria.

They flew and flew, eventually settling down as the joy of flight receded a little bit. Are you worried? Valeria asked.

About what? Felix asked.


Felix was, but she didnt want to admit it so easily. Dont worry, Val, Im there.

Whats that mean?

That means that if anyone tries anything in the city, Ill beat them black and blue for you, Felix said. Im your bodyguard today, alright?

Today, and any day that Valeria wanted her to act that way. For now, and if Felix had it her way, forever.
