Scourge Fifteen - Quiet

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Scourge Fifteen - Quiet

Scourge Fifteen - Quiet

I dont know why, but I keep expecting something to happen as were walking along.

For all that Teos talked up monster attacks and such, there really isn't much going on. I guess thats to be expected. It only took me a couple of minutes to send out some of my little friends to warn off any local monsters so that theyll stay safe.

Remove the monsters, and theres not much that we can run into as we walk along. Maybe bandits, I guess.

This is a bit boring, Felix says what Im thinking aloud.

I cant help but giggle. Im still keeping an eye on the world around us, but its just forests and more forests. Sometimes we get to cross a small bridge over a stream, but really theres nothing impressive to look at. Its only going to be a few days, I say.

You could meditate, Esme says. Shes not even pretending to look around. Instead shes walking with a book held open before her. Sometimes she bumps into my side, other times she starts to veer off towards the ditch. Im keeping an eye on her and pulling her back whenever she goes off-track.

Walking meditation is quite popular in some sects, Bianca says.

Are you part of a sect? I ask. You seem to have pretty good control of two very different sorts of cultivation.

Bianca shakes her head. Im afraid not. What I know I learned from reading and experimenting in what free time I have.

Thats impressive, Esme says. She turns the page, then almost trips in a pothole.

Hey! comes a call from behind us. Its Teo, and he doesnt look all that amused. Can you at least pretend to pay attention?

Theres nothing to pay attention to, I call back.

He points past me. Then whats that? Huh?

I turn, then squint at the road ahead of us. Theres a bit of a curve as the road circles around a slight rise. Theres nothing on the road, but above it, coming from over the woods ahead, is a dusty cloud. The same sort that were leaving behind us.

Looks like were going to have company, I say.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

The caravan, especially the Big Hill Lions, tenses up. The wagon in the lead starts to hug the side of the road, and the others follow suit. Theres enough room, barely, for a wagon heading the other way to pass on what space remains on the road.

Teo jogs up to our little group on his way to the front. Keep your heads down, he says.

Are we expecting trouble? I ask.

After the last couple of days? I think its better to expect trouble than not, he says before he runs on to the front.

So what do we do? Felix asks.

Our walk continues uninterrupted for a good while, a few little friends darting back to me to tell me that theyve redirected a few curious monsters away.

By the time my feet are getting real sore, we turn off the main road and onto a smaller side-road that circles around a hill, always heading up towards the top where a small fortress is sitting.

Its not the most impressive of fortresses. Mostly just a circle of walls a bit taller than I am, with a couple of guard towers poking out above.

Teo stops on the side of the path, letting the caravan pass him by until hes level with us. Theres no fire smoke, he says.

Its not cold enough for a fire, is it? Felix asks.

The outpost is supposed to keep a smoke signal going, as a sort of landmark. Caravans stop here for the night if they cant make it to the city. Its safer.

I squint up at the guard towers. Theyre empty. No one on watch, I say.

Esteban wants us to stop a hundred paces from the gate. Well go in and look around. Maybe the monster horde hit this place and took out the guards. Though they should have kept the gates closed and huddled away if there were too many monsters. You four stay with the carts. He runs on before I can ask any questions.

Could it be the same horde? Felix asks.

No, I say. Too far. A horde would break up between here and Vizeda, unless it was being led by a much stronger and smarter monster. What did he mean by holed up?

Outposts like these have basements beneath them, with heavy doors and an entrance that can be collapsed, Bianca says. In case a strong monster attacks. A group of guards can stay holed up for a day or two while waiting for help.

Makes sense, Felix says.

I nod along. Soon the caravan comes around and stops by the front of the outpost, not too far from the gate. Someones left it open. I cant see any signs of forced entry or anything though. No bodies, no blood.

Well, thats worrisome, Esme says.

A group of the Big Hill Lions moves into the outpost, Teo and Esteban in the lead.

Can you feel anything in there, Felix? I ask.

The only feeling Im getting is that were going to be in a heap of trouble soon, Felix says.

I shoot her a look. Youre real funny, I say.

She grins. I do try.

And thats when the screaming starts.
