Bane Two - Sleepover

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Bane Two - Sleepover

Bane Two - Sleepover

Mom! I called out, my voice echoing down the corridor, soon followed by the patta-patta of my feet before I crashed into Mom hug-first.

Hello Valeria, Mom said. She idly ran her hands over my head. Did you have a good night?

Yeah. Its nice to be back home, I said as I pulled back a little, just enough to read her expression. She seemed happy too. Felix and Esme slept in my room, is that okay?

It defeats the point of insisting that they have their own rooms, but I dont see the harm in it, Mom said. Why, exactly, did you all sleep in the same room?

It was a sleepover, I explained. And I dont want my friends to feel uncomfortable. Plus you have sleepovers all the time, no?

One of Moms eyebrows rose up, and I realized my mistake.

Adults didnt call them sleepovers.

I mean, you stay at Sempers place overnight.

Yes, but not in her room, Mom said. Regardless. I wonder what you plan on doing now?

Well, breakfast, I said. Once Felix and Esme wake up. Esme snores.

What delightful information, Mom said, her voice entirely flat. And afterwards? I do mean for the future that isnt as immediate.

Oh, well, uh... I dont know? I guess I can get back to training. Ill have Felix and Esme with me now, so I should be able to train even harder. And Felix doesnt know how to read. So we need to teach her.

I see, Mom said.

I blinked and looked up to her. Whats wrong?

Did I say anything to indicate that there is something wrong? Mom asked.

I nodded. You said... I coughed to clear my throat, then did my very best to imitate Moms most hoity-toity voice. I see. I nodded again. That means that theres something wrong, but you dont know how to address it yet, so youll just pretend its not a problem while you think about it.

You are entirely too perceptive at times, Mom said.

And now youre deflecting with compliments. I smiled up at her. Thanks!

Mom made her laughing noise, that little hmm at the back of her throat, and she brushed my hair back again. Very well. I am somewhat concerned about the presence of more children in my castle. One was and is quite enough for me.

I dont think Felix wants a mom, and Esme has had friends and family outside of here. And theyre not part-monster like I am. I dont think you need to worry about anything. Besides, what will you do when I grow older and have babies and you become a grandmom?

Mom stared.

Her eyes didnt blink or waver, and the silence in the corridor grew and grew until I started to worry.

No, she said on the matter. It was a very final sort of no.

That goes counter to a lot of modern teachings, Esme said.

Moms a god.

Esmes mouth shut with a click. Well... I suppose.

I giggled.

Ive never trained before, whats it like?

Its not so bad, I said. Maybe I can show you a few moves while were at it. Though I dont know much about Joy magic.

Moves? Felix asked. Like spells?

Hmm, no, not quite. Most types of magic come with their own sort of martial art. Well, I guess there are some kinds of magic that have many arts associated with them. Some are meant to help you feel a certain way, others are more about using the advantages of that kind of magic in a fight. Water magic wont be used the same way as like, wind.

Oh, I guess that makes sense, Felix said. If learning that will help, then I dont mind. It sounds more fun than learning how to read.

Well just work in the morning, I said. In the afternoon well start teaching you how to read.

Felixs shoulder slumped.

Thats after lunch.

We get lunch? she asked.

Of course! Training works up your appetite. It makes you extra hungry, I said.

Felix bounced to her feet, fists closed in determination. Lets train really hard, then, she said.

Laughing, I led my friends out of my room, and we went upstairs to the smaller dining room where Mom and I had breakfast. Mom was sitting at the end of the table, reading something while a plate of eggs and ham and sausage cooled before her.

My friends silently insisted on sitting as far from Mom as they could, because they were both silly and hadnt realized that Mom was a sweetie.

Serving monsters brought plates heaping with meats and fresh bread, and we stuffed ourselves full. It took some time, but my friends eventually relaxed and seemed to forget that Mom was there at all.

I glanced up to her towards the end, and I saw her looking back, a curious--but happy-glint in her eyes as she took the three of us in, roughhousing and playing and making a bit more noise than was necessary.

I think she would enjoy having more friends!

My friends were too young now, probably, but theyd grow up, and so would I, and wed all be super strong, and really smart, and totally great!

One day soon, Id make Mom so proud she wouldnt know what to do with herself.

But first, I had to entertain my friends and work hard to become strong enough to earn that pride.
