Monster Fourteen - Leaving

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Monster Fourteen - Leaving

Monster Fourteen - Leaving

Ill be leaving this afternoon, Mom said.

I blinked, then whipped my head around so fast my glasses almost flew off my face. Youll be what? I asked.

We were both in the dining room, the smaller one a floor above the library. It was a cozier place to have something to eat than the bigger dining room below with the huge table. This one had one wall that was made entirely of floor-to-ceiling windows that faced south and gave us a nice view of the rocky blasted landscape.

None of that really mattered though. What do you mean?

I mean, Mom said, that once we are done with our meal here, I will be heading outside and leaving the castle.

For how long? What for? I asked. I stood up, and was very disappointed my chair only whispered over the carpet instead of screeching over the floor. You cant just go!

One of Moms eyebrows rose slightly. I cant?

Of course not. Not while leaving me alone.

You would hardly be alone, Mom said. She gestured vaguely to the side. I didnt even bother following the gesture. I knew there were monsters in the room. There were always monsters in the room.

Thats not what I mean, I said.

Did you mean that I am physically unable to leave? Despite the wishes of many a weaker god--which is by all accounts most of them--I am only confined to this land by my own desire not to interact with any of them. There is nothing that could hold me back.

I pouted and placed both hands on my hips. Im too young.


I said Im too young. You cant leave the house because then Id be unsupervised.

Mom blinked. Is this some jape?

Its not a joke. A responsible mom wouldnt leave her only daughter alone at home.

Mom leaned back into her seat. I see. And at what age would such a thing end?

I moved my arms up so I could cross them under my chest. I didnt meet Moms look. When Im old enough.

Interesting. I deem you old enough to be left alone for a day or so. Youre hardly liable to light the castle on fire while Im no longer here, and there are several thousand monsters to keep you safe. I know youve used some of your... friends to sneak food out of the kitchens.

I felt my cheeks warming. She knew about my snack friends? Thats... a discussion for later, I said. You still havent answered my other questions!

You mean with regards to where I am going and for how long? I dont see how either should matter to you.

I glared. Mom.

A few things. Some books to trade, a change of clothes, some toiletries. Nothing special, Mom dismissed. She opened the door and I followed her out, then blinked at the dragon resting by the front, her tail casually wrapped around a statue.

Oh hey, its Livonas. Hi!

The dragon raised her head, a thing the size of a small house, then humphed in my general direction. I laughed as my skirt and hair flapped in the warm air.

Well then, this is goodbye for the moment, Mom said as she turned my way.

I felt my giggle die off. Oh, right, I said. There was her ride behind her, and there were plenty of wyverns around too. An aerial escort, I guessed. It made sense. So... Ill see you tomorrow?

Of course. I do live here.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I said. Then I raised my arms.

Are you trying to communicate something? Mom asked.

I opened my eyes, then huffed at her. Mom, I want a hug.

You dont need hugs, youre a mature young woman.

If being mature means no more hugs, then I dont want it, I said. Come on, youre leaving. You cant leave without giving me a hug first.

Oh, and could you stop me? she asked.

I pouted, again. Why did Mom always need to make things difficult? What happens if something happens to you? What if you get held back for, like, two days? Or a week! Then that would be a week without seeing you, and no hugs that entire time. So we need hugs now, and they need to be good to make up for any missing future-hugs.

You are... so childish, Mom said. But I could tell she was smiling inside.

I raised my arms higher.

Mom approached, then paused. I... admit that Im not entirely sure how to...

Was... was this Moms first time hugging back properly? I did usually initiate them, I guessed.

Just do your best, I said.

Mom raised her own arms a bit, leaned forwards, and wrapped her arms around me.

It was the most robotic, unwarm hug Id ever gotten, so I squeezed her right back, because even if it was an objectively terrible hug, it was still the best hug because Mom was trying.

I love you lots, I said. So be careful.

Yes, Mom agreed. I expect the castle to be in one piece come morning, and I have set some of my monsters to spy upon you and report back to me. So do try to limit any tomfoolery.


Have a good day, Valeria. Ill see you tomorrow.