Terror Thirty - Letter

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Terror Thirty - Letter

Terror Thirty - Letter

I settle down on the edge of one of the two beds in the guest bedroom. The mattress isnt super soft, and the cloth covering the bed is on the scratchier side of things. Still, its better than nothing. I cant exactly complain.

Felix slumps onto her bed with a happy sigh, arms and legs splayed out every which way. Comfy, she says.

I guess it is better than sleeping on the ground again. Yeah, I agree.

I remove my cloak at long last, and then get rid of my outfit until Im only in my slip. The little friends I have left all scurry away to find a place to hide in case I need them.

Then I toss up the blankets and slump down myself.

Im more than ready to sleep.

Its been one of those long days, the sort that goes on and on and feels like itll never end. But here we are, late into the evening, and in a more-or-less safe place.

Miss Gertrude scares me. Shes strong, really strong, despite her age. And I cant help but feel shes seen right through all of my disguises. Its probably only because Semper and Mom are sorta-friends that Im still alive.

Theres been a lot of that, lately. Things that can kill me but dont.

Gosh, I really do need to get stronger.

If I can manage it, Ill head out of the city and find a tar pit nearby. I need more friends. Theyre a great trump card. That wont be enough though. I need to be stronger myself. Maybe a second class? I havent unlocked anything really great though.

Are you okay? Felix asks.

Huh? Im fine, I say.

Oh, okay. Its just that the wind from your direction felt weird.

I blink, then realize that Im exuding a lot of Disgust around me. Probably not the best thing to do in this house. Then again, Semper is a goddess of contempt. Thats basically just disgust mixed with anger.

Sorry, I say.

I thought you farted or something.

I sit up. I did not, I say.


It was disgust.

Yeah, farts usually are.

Im quite grateful that you found the time to write to me, what with your adventures. Its surprising that you have any time at all whilst running for your life, investigating things that are beyond you, and avoiding death or worse by what I can only assume is the thinnest margin.

You are, of course, grounded.

I have attached a token to this letter. Breaking it will summon Livonas, who will be happy to bring you back home. Shes hovering high above the region you are within already. You merely need to find a nice, open place, break the seal, then let Livonas do the rest.

It is very simple. Nearly foolproof. Quite similar in difficulty to the small chore I sent you out to accomplish, in fact.

If that bird you sent with your last letter is unable to reach you, it will break the seal itself. If youre imprisoned, that should help, though if that were the case, I doubt youd be reading this. Also, your grounding time would then be doubled.

If you are not home within a week, I will come and retrieve you. Personally.

Your very worried goddess,


I wince. I wince hard. Im in so much trouble. Mom is never sarcastic, not unless shes particularly peeved.

The seal she mentioned is a little tablet on the bottom of the page. I carefully rip the paper around it and place it on the nightstand. Theres some weird magic coming from that, but I dont want to tempt fate by poking at it.

Whats happening? Felix asks.

Uh, I might be grounded, a lot?

Whats that mean? she asks.

I consider the question. It means that my moms not in a very good mood because of, uh, my not following the plan, I guess.

So, were not going ahead with the plan to steal the books? Felix asks.

I flop back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. Im not sure what Im feeling, but its not nice. Its like I failed... a lot.

Yes, I say.

Yes what?

Yes, were going to steal those books back. I roll the letter back up and tuck it under my pillow. Or at least, well do our best. Heck, I think I have something of a new plan... one that might be even better than my last plan.

Didnt you have a plan already?

Nevermind that, I say. Yeah, Ive got some great ideas. But well need a good nights sleep. Tomorrows going to be one heck of an exciting day!
