Terror Twenty-Two - Move

Name:Heart of Dorkness Author:
Terror Twenty-Two - Move

I slump on the shore and sit there, water dripping off of me and onto the drier rocks around me.

Felix is no better; shes staying close to me, very close. If things were different, I might call it uncomfortable, but, well, no.

Today hasnt been the best day.

The caravan will have moved on, I say.

Oh, Felix replies.

The angel targeted the monsters, not the people. It... it has to be an angel of Elestmorte. I remember reading some books that mention gods and goddesses that arent part of the current pantheon, and when I asked Mom about them, she said they were dead.

I know Mom is responsible for some of those.

Elestmorte the Vile Singer, a goddess of singing remorse. Her domain rubbed against Moms and that caused the two to fight. Mom won, in a very decisive way. That doesnt mean all traces of the goddess are gone. The angel being a rather big remnant.

Why didnt it kill me?

Im me, a monster who looks like a girl.

Maybe... magic? Monsters tend to radiate Disgust, and I dont think I was feeling any of that when it hovered over us. There was just Fear.

I shiver, then stand up and pull my cloak off. We cant just stay here, I say.

Its dangerous? Felix asks.

Well, no... maybe. I... I have my little friends, but I think a lot of the monsters will be dead or scattered. I mean, we need to... I dont know.

Felix shuffles closer, then hesitates a bit. Im not sure what she intends to do, at least until she leans to the side and hugs me. Its okay?Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

I laugh, just a bark, but it does help. Thanks, I say. We need to gather some things; its not even afternoon yet.

Are we going to walk back?

To Santafaria? I dont think so. We can find some helpful monsters, maybe a black tar pit. Once we have some help to act as an escort, we just need to follow the road all the way over to the capital. I think were past the halfway mark.

Felix nods. If you say so.

I press my hands down the front of my blouse, squeezing some water out of it. There are things washing up to the shore, some of our bags and the stuff within, which probably broke open on hitting the water.

Here, take my hand, I say, and she reaches out and grabs it with no hesitation.

I cant sense some of the branches; theyre too small, she says.

Huh. How does your vision work, exactly? I mean, mechanically.

I dont think it uses a machine?

No, mechanically means that, ah, well, things that work with a system, something thats been done over and over again, can be said to be mechanical. So when someone asks what the mechanics of something are, they want to know what the steps are to make that thing work.

Oh, I think I get it. My wind... when Im happy, I can make the wind move. I nod. Thats basic Joy magic right there. And I can sense where its moving to. So if I push the wind out around me, it will bump into stuff, and I can tell where it bumped into things.

Her nose twitches, and I feel a bit of air moving away from her, then back in. Its not super noticeable, but I do see some leaves flutter on the ground and on the lower branches around us. Thats really impressive control, I say. Well, maybe less the control and the sort of... sense that youve developed for it.

Is it?

I nod. Talking like this is more fun than worrying about food and long walks and possibly getting sick. And maybe Felix knowing more would make her that much stronger. Oh, definitely. I can sense where my Dark magic is, but its... amorphous. And vague too. Just a sense of how much of it Im moving and more or less where it is. I could probably make it take a shape if I wanted to, but I wouldn't be able to guess at the shape from feel alone.

I think that makes sense, Felix says. Like a smell?

I... yeah, sure, like a smell. I can smell that I have Dark magic, and where it is, but I cant tell much more than that.

Well, my wind magics not that strong. I can make a big gust, but then I feel... wrong? Sad?

You spend it all in one go, I surmise. But can you keep your vision up all day?

Yeah, she says.

Then you've probably trained your core to reabsorb your own essence, or you can just produce a decent amount, but your reserves arent big.

I dont get it, Felix says.

I hum as I bring us around a particularly rough patch of the forest. There are plenty of bushes and viny things in the way here. Think of it like... food. Imagine someone has a whole pantry full of bread, and someone else has a... tube leading from a bakery. The one with the big pantry can eat a lot in one sitting, because they have a lot of food available. The one with the tube can only eat so much because theres only one loaf coming in every minute, but at the end of the day, the one with the tube is getting more bread because its always coming in.

I... think I get it.

Awesome! Now, if you want to be even stronger, I think I know a couple of exercises, and some very basic spells we could test you with...
