Chapter 565 - Love is in the air...

A few minutes later the car was already entering the beautiful green resort. Cheryl could not help but gape at the beautiful well lit surroundings, as the vehicle moved towards a large royal building where everybody was staying.

"Here we are." Kareem brought the car to a halt in front of the building's majestic entry.

"Thank you so much Kareem. We troubled you so late at night. That is really sweet of you yo come to pick us up." Cheryl smiled as she picked sleeping Mila in her arms, while Raos got out of the car hurriedly, excited to meet his parents.

"It is totally my pleasure." Kareem smiled happily turning his head to look at Sheryl who was yet in a deep sleep. Cheryl could not help but notice the man's constant gaze at her sister and she smiled notoriously looking at Kareem. "You seem to have hots for my sister Kareem. Do not you dare play with her feelings. She is too naive and soft- hearted." She spoke while getting out of the car.

"I will not play with her feelings. Don't worry. I care about her much more than what even you do. There is no point of hurting her at all. "Kareem winked at the girl and got out of the car. He then walked towards Sheryl's side of the car door and opened it slowly. The girl was in an extremly deep slumber probably due to the pills she had taken to stop the pain.

Cheryl looked at Sheryl and then walked besides Kareem. "She is not feeling well. Excuse me, I will just wake her up. Could you please hold Mila for a second?"

"No. Leave it. If she is unwell, do not wake her up. You take the kids to the fifth floor, I shall settle her in her room myself. Your room number is 677, while hers is 678. See you later. Raol and Natalia are in room number  538." Kareem signalled the girl in an authoritative manner to go and he turned to look at Sheryl and smiled. Cheryl stood their motionless stunned to see the man's actions. He was behaving as if he had a better right over Sheryl than her. As if he was her husband and protector. She looked at Kareem in confusion for a few seconds but then immediately turned and walked towards the entrance, sensing Raos's hurry to meet his parents, leabing behind Sheryl all alone with Kareem....

Kareem looked at Sheryl's innocent sleeping face and smiled lovingly at her. He slowly placed his one hand behind her back and the other below her h.i.p.s. With one quick and easy move, the girl was now sleeping peacefully and comfortably in his muscular arms, while her head rested on the man's strong chest. Kareem was constantly looking at her beautiful and innocent face, while suddenly he gave her a quick peck on her forehead, no longer able to resist. The immense feeling of adoration and possessiveness was surging in his heart for the girl. He just wanted to steal the girl from the rest of the world and spend all the time in eternity just hugging her and looking at her beautiful face. 

He closed the car's door behind him and walked towards the elevator, his eyes yet stuck on the girl's beautiful sleeping face. He walked extremely carefuly, making sure the girl does not wake up, while he entered the elevator. He was now remembering the first night he had spent with Claira, looking happily at Sheryl's face. "It will not be long, when we will make love yet again my dear. I am sure I will make you say yes, very soon." He whispered very slowly bringing his lips closer to her ear, inhaling her body fragrance.

The elevator opened and he walked towards the room, constantly gazing at the girl. He used his one hand to swipe away her hair strands which were falling loose on her face. Everytime he looked at her, he was reminded of his happy previous life- time he had spent with Claira. "How could I not recognise you my dear? Is it even possible? Soon you will also recognise me. I am very sure."


Cheryl pressed the door bell of Raol's room and the door flew open immediately as Natalia came rushing to hug the two girls. Tears dropped down from her eyes as she saw her kids all safe and sound before her eyes. She then hugged Raos and patted his head proudly. "You my boy! I am so proud of you. The way you took care of your little sister and your to aunties. Momma loves you my baby and momma is so proud of you." She hugged Raos, and tears further dropped down from her eyes.

Watching the mother cry with relief, Cheryl could not help but feel even more guilty now. She had risked the lives of two innocent and tiny kids, with her stupid and foolish actions. Looking at Natalia's crying face reminded Cheryl of her own mother, you cared so much for her two daughters.

"Natalia. I am so sorry. It is all my fault. I should not have been so...." Just then an angry Raol came and signalled Cheryl to stop speaking. "Not now Cheryl. Not in front of the kids. I will talk to you tomorrow, after the wedding. Please go back to your room and take rest." Raol took Mila from Cheryl ams and kissed her several times, feeling his throat choked completely. He then smiled at Raos who was yet in his mother's embrace. He too bent down and hugged Natalia and Raos together and bursted into uncontrollable tears.

Hearing Raol's words, Cheryl nodded her head in an approval as tears dropped down from her eyes in guilt, looking at the crying parents. She wanted to give the four people a private family time so she immediately walked away, guilt and remorse covering  her head and heart tremendousely. She walked towards the end of the corridor and eventually stopped, feeling extremely overwhelmed and breathless. She stopped her steps and stood lifelessly taking the support of the wall and immrdiately crashed on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

She could no longer handle the guilt and hatred for herself, any more. Everything that her sister told her and everything she had just witnessed was now hammering her mind with much force. Watching her sister so close to death, was making her heart ache in guilt and extreme sorrow. All the nice people around her, who saved her and supported her inspite of what she had been doing, was making her feel even more bad about herself.