When she spoke, her eyebrows seemed to move, and she kept raising them.

Her small face was in high spirits. She looked at Shi Jinyang from time to time and kept on putting on the electricity several times.

Today's Tong Yan is very patient. She answers her requests to the best of her ability.

"This gentleman's phone, I only know before, now have changed, we are not familiar, I don't know."

"I don't know what kind of girl this gentleman likes, Julius. You can try all kinds of styles one by one."

Her face was very calm. After Shi Jinyang appeared here, there was only one expression on her face - no expression.

As if she was saying something unrelated to her, she answered her doubts one by one. Then she turned her head and said, "this girl wants to invite you to dinner tonight. You can decide the time and place."

Shi Jinyang's face was as cold as frost. Looking at her, her eyes were as sharp as a sharp blade on Tong Yan's face.

The expression on Tong Yan's face was not moved by anything. She passed on what she had just said without any expression. She turned her head and went on to her villa.

Julie is still staring at Shi Jinyang with a smile. Her blue eyes are bright and her eyes are almost narrowed into a line. Her smile is sweet and her eyes are full of expectations.

"Sir, what Yan Yan just said, would you like to consider?" Switch to English, she asked.

Shi Jinyang can't seem to hear her, and his eyes are chasing the figure of Tong Yan.

"Sir!" Julius called to him again.

Shi Jinyang's thoughts seemed to have drifted away, but he still didn't make any response.

"First..." Julie was a little hurt. Just as she tried to interrupt him again, Shi Jinyang's empty eyes in the distance suddenly slowly drew back, turned her head and looked at her.

Black eyes slightly narrowed, his eyes inch by inch scan in her face, staring at her for dozens of seconds, thin lips slightly lifted.

People who have been silent for so long since they came here have opened their mouths for the first time.

"Listen, first of all, my phone, you don't have the right to know!"

"Second, you are still not qualified to date me!"

"Third, all the types you just said don't matter. The important thing is that you're not the one!"

He returned to Julia in French, which is as standard as a radio host. His voice is low, hoarse and sexual. Every time he pronounces, although every word he says sounds good, his voice is in Sue's bones.

Three simple sentences, simple, overbearing and sharp.

What enthusiasm, bold and unrestrained, lively, cheerful, gentle implication is not important!

The important thing is, is that person in his heart!

Julius was obviously shocked by him. She stared at him foolishly for a long time, and her face suddenly turned red.

Shi Jinyang's eyes turned to the direction where Tong Yan left again and followed him for a few steps. His steps stopped and he turned to Julius, who was still standing there. He suddenly said, "by the way, I don't have the type I like."

After a pause, he added, "I like to be careless and nervous. When it comes to vulgar words, even men are not as good as men. When they are crazy, they are crazy and they can be dignified when they want to be dignified."

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