Loeb doesn't have any experience in child care.

It turns out that dawn is at ease when she sees him. In fact, it's all because of the child's cleverness, which has nothing to do with whether he can deceive others.

Now, all the methods in the past are out of order. Chenxi doesn't listen to him. Luoyibei is at a loss for a moment.

But Fangchi Xia in the next room hasn't come yet.

Luo Yibei didn't want to disturb her, so he called Xiaoyi to coax her.

However, a big and a small, usually small dawn favorite two people are around, or did not coax the little girl.

Fangchi Xia entered the room after more than 20 minutes.

Dawn sees her coming in, raises her face, blinks her eyes and stares at her.

Her eyes were clear, with tears hanging from the corners.

Dingding stares at Fangchi Xia for a few seconds, and she suddenly stops crying.

"Baby, darling!" Fang Chi Xia walked towards her step by step and picked her up carefully.

Small dawn head to her arms arch arch, quiet for a few seconds.

However, later, I didn't know what happened, and suddenly I began to cry again.

The cry is very loud, tearing heart crack lung of, the small hand is still on the body of square pool summer to scratch disorderly, "wow..."

"Dawn, what's the matter?" Luo Yi North can't look down, a embrace her to come over, "baby, what's the matter?"

"Whoa, whoa..." Small dawn did not speak, just lying on his shoulder crying.

She cried very sad, almost broke the heart of Luo Yibei.

"Don't cry! Don't cry He couldn't comfort the child at all. He just patted her on the back again and again.

However, it didn't seem to work.

Finally, shazhixing came back and went upstairs to coax the child.

Luo Yibei's mood is a little irritable tonight. It's all caused by Xiao Chenxi's inexplicability.

He didn't go back to the room. He was directly with her in the morning room.

Fang Chi Xia didn't sleep in the next room.

A person lying in bed for a long time, listening to the next door seems to have no movement, her eyes suddenly turned to the direction of the study in the floor.

After staring at the door for a few seconds, she stood up, opened the door and walked towards the study step by step.

As soon as I got to the door, I was about to push the door open and go in. Behind me, a milky voice suddenly rang out.

"What are you doing?"

There is no address, and the tone is even a little impolite.

Fang Chi Xia was stunned, and his face was stiff.

Xiaoyi stands a few meters away from her, her eyes are bright and quiet, her hands are on her chest, and her eyes are very like the judge's looking at the criminal.

"How do you talk?" Fangchi summer mouth slightly involved, face a little embarrassed.

"Nothing." Xiaonaibao didn't make any explanation for her tone. She took a few steps towards her.

Around her, he looked around, small brow wrinkled.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Chi Xia didn't understand his eyes.

"Look around." Small milk bag light back to her, so standing beside her, also did not want to leave the meaning.

Fang Chi Xia was stunned. She turned her head to look at the study and said with a smile, "I just want to get off work. You can't sleep without your mother, can you? I'll accompany you to your room

As soon as she turned around, she walked in front of her and went to her room.

Xiaoyi followed her and paced slowly. Her eyes fell on her and kept staring at her.

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