"Well, Mommy will go out with you today! I can accompany you these days! As long as you want mommy to accompany you! " She promised Xiaoyi that she would do it very simply. She helped him sort out his clothes and took him to the bathroom.

"Really?" Xiaoyi blinked at her and asked uncertainly.

"Well, really!" Fangchi summer is very refreshing.

After that, xiaonaibao's eyes brightened, like a starry sky suddenly blooming in the dark night.

What if I ask for a lifetime?

Xiaonaibao thought so, but he didn't say it.

In fact, the current relationship between Yifang Chi Xia and luoyibei, Xiaoyi is very clear, the key still lies in him!

If he and Luo Yibei stand together, as long as he asks Fang Chixia to stay, he knows Fang Chixia will stay for him.

Whether she is happy or not!

However, Xiaoyi doesn't want to take advantage of her favor to embarrass her!

Luo Yibei's behavior this time is really wrong in Xiaoyi's opinion.

Before Xiaoyi asks Fangchi Xia to stay, at least make sure luoyibei doesn't make a second mistake!

Fang Chi Xia didn't know what his eyes represented. He gave him a strange look and held him to the bathroom.

Xiaonaibao's arms were clinging to her neck, and her head was touching her intimately.

"Mommy, why don't we go to the amusement park today, take a cruise tomorrow, and have a picnic in the countryside the day after tomorrow?"

He arranged every day so well that he didn't even need to plan, as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Fang Chi Xia did not hesitate. She agreed to everything he said, "OK."

Xiaonaibao was satisfied. He withdrew from her and washed himself on the bench.

After taking care of the room for a while, Fangchi Xia opens the door to take Xiaoyi to the amusement park, but he leads Luo Yibei by the hand and says, "together with Beibei!"

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

Luo Yi North when didn't see her facial expression like, a small Yi on the ground picked up.

With Xiaoyi walking in front, he picked up Xiaoyi while walking and lifted it up.

When Xiaoyi was two or three years old, he especially liked this way of playing. When he lived in the palace, he played many times a day.

It's only four years old now, but it's like sex. When loybe lifted him up, his eyes were disgusted.

"Beibei, you are so naive! I don't play this for a long time! "

Luo Yibei's eyes were drawn.

"What do you like to play?"

"Like to fly and fly!" Xiaonaibao raised her arm and made a parallel flight to him.

Roy north is another draw.

What's the difference?

Childish little boy!

Xiaonaibao was laughing at him. The laughter was very pleasant.

Fang Chi Xia follows his father and son, and stares at Xiaoyi's face all the time.

She was a little far away from her father and son, but xiaonaibao refused to let her go.

After walking a few steps, seeing that she was lagging behind, he asked luoyibei to put himself down and run back, holding her hand and pulling her closer to luoyibei.

"Mommy, you have to keep up. Don't get lost!"

Fang Chi Xia is speechless.

She's obviously more familiar with this place than he is, OK?

Xiaonaibao laughs and continues to chat with luoyibei.

He seems to be in a good mood, lying on the shoulder of luoyibei, playing with his clothes at will, smiling face, as if having the pride of the whole world.

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