A divorce agreement. The name has been signed.

Very beautiful handwriting, different from the past casual, a painting, she wrote very heavy, every word of the signature, like very seriously.

Thin paper, under her strength, even appeared slightly embossed.

Luo Yibei stared at her name on the agreement for a long time, his eyes tingled, and his eyes turned to the camera in his hand again.

Each DV has a very detailed shooting time, four years ago, after the cruise ship accident.

Pregnant in October, and Xiaoyi's date of birth, also coincides.

She didn't mention a word to him. He kept everything in the dark.

Is that why she didn't go back?

Luo Yibei stood rigidly in the center of the house, holding the camera and the paternity test report in his hand. For a long time, he never recovered.

Xiaoyi has never seen him like this. His back is very straight, like a person who has been pulled away from his soul. He is lonely, lonely and indifferent. He still can't hide his deep sadness.

This kind of him makes Xiaoyi suddenly understand the reason why Fangchi Xia left him.

His body is flowing with the blood of the Luo family. Even if she wants to completely break off the relationship with Luo Yibei, she still has no heart to let him have nothing.

Luo Yibei stood in the room for a long time, the day began to dawn, and his body still kept the same posture, as if he had not recovered.

Fang Chi Xia completely disappeared, and left four things for him.

One Xiaoyi, one divorce agreement, and two paternity test reports

She walked very decidedly, but she left her most precious things, which was what luoyibei never thought.

Staring at the face of xiaonaibao for a long time, he didn't seem to reflect the fact he got last night.

Xiaonaibao actually complained about him. If he hadn't been completely hurt, he thought Fangchi Xia would not have left.

Very cold and arrogant to face don't open, small milk bag back to his own back to the children's room.

He was very young, four years old, short.

Angry, stuffy head, people are even shorter, but the look is particularly high cold, look very luoyibei look.

Luo Yi North stares at this appearance of he to see for a long time, when he is about to arrive at the door, called him, "go where?"

Xiaonaibao ignored and went back to her room.

He also did not sleep all night, all staring at the back of Luo Yi North to see.

Back in his children's room, he closed the door with his backhand, and quietly got into the bed.

Xiaoyi has never been an ordinary child. His IQ is higher than that of ordinary children, and he knows more than ordinary children. He is even more calm than ordinary children.

But no matter how different he is, he is only four years old.

A four-year-old child, who had been looking forward to finding his own parents, now finds it hard to recognize them. However, his mother is no longer there.

But Xiaoyi didn't cry from beginning to end.

He didn't cry, he didn't make noise, he was so quiet and calm that he didn't look like a child of his age.

Even when Fang Chi Xia met him for the last time before he left and asked him to come back, he didn't cry.

Xiao Yi can understand why Fang Chi Xia left.

No matter what, he is on her side and will always defend her to the end!

Listen to her and stay, just to find her more convenient one day

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