Once lost once, she didn't want to lose even this child!

"Who are you?" Her face turned to the voice and she asked the man around her.

"If you want to know who I am, wait for your eyes to see for yourself!" The man beside the bed speaks very simply.

He said so, Fang Chi Xia really did not worry about his situation.

He knew her situation better than she did. She said that she would wait until she was better, which proved that her eyes could be cured. It was only a matter of time.

"Why save me?" Fang Chi Xia asked again.

This time, the person by the bed didn't return. He turned his head to the doctor and said, "check!"

"Yes The doctor bowed respectfully to him and stooped to the bedside.

Immediately after, Fang Chi Xia was pressed by several nurses and left at the mercy of a group of people for dozens of minutes.

Then the doctor and the man by the bed seemed to go out.

"What's the situation?" The man stood with his back to the guardrail and asked coldly.

"Cornea damage, the current situation is not easy to prescribe medicine, it is not good to treat, it is recommended that the child was born after treatment." The doctor answered truthfully.

"I see." The man lightly dropped a word and turned to enter the room.

Staring at Fang Chi Xia sitting upright on the top of the bed for a long time, he turned to his servant and said, "prepare dinner!"

"All right, master!" Several servants left after that and reappeared a few minutes later.

Fang Chi Xia's mood has been relatively calm, and she does not show fear of the strange environment. When the man asks her to eat, she will be obediently served by the servant. When the man asks her to go out for activities, she will be obediently helped to go out for activities, and even after the eye care, she will listen to each other.

She didn't know the identity of the other person or why she was lying here when she woke up.

However, a person who saved her, did not do any harm to her, and even let people heal her eyes, she felt trustworthy!

After Fangchi Xia wakes up and lives here.

At night, when a person is facing the boundless darkness, she will think of loybei from time to time.

Just, after thinking that she explained everything clearly, he looked at her eyes at that time, her chest seemed to be whipped severely.

Fang Chi Xia can't see anything. The world is black.

When living here, all things are done by servants.

There was no telephone in the room, no communication tools, no strange environment, and she could not go there by herself.

After she was here, what she did every day was to have an abortion, have more than one meal a day, sleep, cycle, and nothing else.

The man who saved her would be fixed in her room almost every meal time.

Fang Chi Xia can't see his appearance clearly, and she hasn't heard his voice. The only thing she can be sure is that the other party is not a bad person.

"Have we ever met?" Sitting on the sofa, when the other party was going to deliver the spoon to her lips, she asked coldly.

The man didn't answer.

"Am I right? No one is so kind as to take care of a stranger Fang Chi Xia's lips turned up slightly, and seemed to be proud.

She seems to be in a good mood here, and she doesn't feel depressed because of blindness. When chatting with each other, her tone is as relaxed as normal.

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