"I promise that my monthly salary will not be less than Qingjia's, and my salary will be much better than Qingjia's, and I won't let you do this kind of thing."

Shiloh said a lot, conditions, all kinds of temptations.

He was born with ruffian nature. When he spoke, his arm naturally went to Xixi's shoulder to greet him.

Sisi is squatting, Shiloh is squatting with her, arm to her shoulder, Sisi is equivalent to the whole person in his arms.

In the eyes of outsiders, their posture is especially intimate.

In fact, he and Xi Xi look very well matched, both of them are very delicate, just like lovers coming out of comics.

At one end of the garden, a long-distance vision noticed a scene here.

The eyes glanced at the two people who were shoulder to shoulder. The people not far away stood up and strode towards this side.

Shiluo didn't notice the steps behind him, and he was still tirelessly encouraging Xixi, "the people of the Shi family are very good, and there will never be qingmuchen's cold and dark alternative. Is the salary three times higher than Qingjia's? "

Sisi still didn't answer.

"Four times, four times?" Shiloh was not reconciled.

"You're in my way." Xixi's voice is quiet.

"How about five times? Don't you think about it? " Shiloh had a feeling of being ignored by her, and she continued to encourage her to reach over, trying to straighten her face and look at herself -

however, before her fingertips touched her, her wrist was coldly pressed by a hand, followed by her, and her body was directly thrown out.

It's very rude. I lost my face.

"Ouch! Be light Shiluo ate the pain, rubbed his elbow, turned his eyes to the man who suddenly appeared.

Glancing at the visitor's face, he seemed to have eaten shriveled, and his expression was like eggplant beaten by frost, which made him Shua down.

"Dig the bottom of the wall?" Qing Mu Chen's vision is light to sweep on his face, three words say chilly.

Shiloh was embarrassed and got involved.

"Ha, ha Isn't this for sissy's fun? Really? " Shan Shan explained a, body a turn, he quickly left, "to other places around!"

Qingmu Chenli didn't pay attention to him. He stood behind Xixi, his eyes turned to her face.

Sisi was still focusing on her own business, and she never raised her head.

Blackcurrant's character is really strong, which scared Fangchi Xiadu off the cliff.

Sisi is not afraid of it at all. Blackcurrant is very soft in front of her. Her head is on her feet. The picture of one person and one dog is very harmonious.

Qing Mu Chen coldly looking at her, thinking of just Shi Luo's cuddle, chest seems to be blocked by something, especially uncomfortable.

"Some men treat themselves like this, don't know how to push them away?" Eyes cool and heavy to her face a sweep, he said Yin Yang strange.

Xi Xi grew up in the environment where most of the men were around.

She didn't want to tell him that she was used to slogans' brotherly behavior.

She knows Qing Mu Chen's temper, smart didn't say this at this time.

She doesn't talk, Qing Mu Chen in the heart is more not smooth.

He squatted in front of her, clasped her small chin with his fingertips, and lifted her face up. He looked at her, with a cold look on his face. "Or, just deliberately hooking up with Shiloh?"

The expression on Sisi's face was stiff.

His diction is particularly bad.

Sisi felt insulted.

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