"Sit down!" Luo Yi North presses her to sit down and claps a few hands toward the door.

With his applause, outside the corridor, 20 bodyguards in uniform clothes, one holding a crystal tray, came in.

"Miss Fang, this is what master Bei prepared for you!" One by one, they stood in front of her and presented the gift boxes to her.

"Happy Birthday to Miss Fang!" Twenty men's voices were all very neat and loud, as grand as the Royal well-trained guards.

Fang Chi Xia was pressed by Luo Yibei and sat on a crystal chair with a slightly confused expression.

"What is this?" Eyes from a piece of people holding gifts swept, she asked faintly.

Luo Yibei's eyes indicated the bodyguards standing in front of her and opened all the gift boxes one by one.

Diamonds. Every box is full of diamonds.

As soon as the jewelry box was opened, the bright lights refracted out, lighting up the whole room.

A total of 20, each of the colors are different, crystal clear without a trace of defects and sub tone texture, a look is a rare masterpiece.

Moreover, color is also very rare.

Twenty diamonds represent Fangchi Xia's age, and each represents a year.

Twenty gifts. He made up the gifts that he hadn't shown up in her life in the past 20 years!

"Why do you want to send this?" Fang Chi Xia looked up at him and was surprised at his behavior.

"Do you like it?" Luo Yibei did not answer her question directly, but asked faintly.

"Well." Fang Chi Xia answered him seriously.

She likes diamonds not because they are luxurious, but because they are permanent.

"Then keep it well." Luo Yibei winked at the bodyguard. Twenty people put all the presents on the small table beside Fang Chi Xia.

He gave Fangchi Xia 20 gifts by himself. The small table beside Fangchi Xia suddenly piled up into a small mountain.

"I gave it to you!" After the bodyguards left, Shi Jinyang was the first to come up and take out the gifts he had prepared.

What he sent was a music box, in which a little man would rotate with the music, and the sound was very nice.

"It's mine. I've been running a few blocks for this gift. Do you like it?" Shi Jinyang was followed by Shi Luo, Qing Muchen, Qing Qingchen, and some people Fangchi Xia didn't know.

People in Jueye feel like family members. They are very kind.

Fangchi Xia didn't celebrate her birthday when she was growing up, let alone so many people.

Looking at the mountain of gifts piled up around her, her heart was warm all night.

The fireworks outside the window are still clattering one after another.

Tonight, the whole cruise ship is very busy, which makes the island, which was originally clean and cold, warm.

After the cruise ship held a party, they are so familiar, a group of people have a good time.

"Xia Xia, are you happy tonight? Moved? Do you think we're good? " Shiluo surrounds Fangchi Xia and keeps asking her how she feels.

"Don't put gold on your face! It's none of your business Qing light dust side head gave him a reward.

"What did I say wrong? Why is it none of my business? " Shiluo disdained his words, took a glass of wine and handed it to Fang Chi Xia, "right?"

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