Loeb would not have expected that she would use the skills she learned from him to deal with him!

The two cars competed fiercely on the road, both very fast.

Fangchi Xiabi Luoyi North opened for a few minutes, two people were not in the same street, the distance was a little open.

However, there are only two nearby roads, forming an inverted "L" shape. There is no need to guess the direction she leaves.

Fresno's car followed from behind.

And a bunch of bodyguards.

However, competing with people like Loeb, basically the bodyguards can completely ignore it.

Fang Chi Xia was thinking about how to get rid of the present situation while driving.

In the middle of the car, not far from Qing's home, she took out her mobile phone and fixed her eyes on Tong Yan's phone number

When luoyibei arrived, Fangchi Xia's car just stopped at the side of the road, and no one was left.

Hand slapped the steering wheel, his eyes fixed in the front of the dark night, quietly pondered, and suddenly drove the car to Qingjia direction.

Fang Chi Xia disappeared near here. Maybe he guessed that it was related to Tong Yan.

Cold calm face walked in, he actually just want to see whether the child is in the end.

However, at home, I found Tong Yan playing chess with Qing Yafeng in the living room.

Luo Yibei coldly looked at this scene, eyes slightly narrowed up.

"Yi Bei, you're here. By the way, do you want to sit with your uncle?" Qingyafeng said hello to him with a smile.

Tong Yan glanced at him and asked, "yes, sit down together!"

Her tone was relaxed, as if she didn't know anything.

"No, there's something else." Luo Yibei stared at her for a long time, turned and left indifferently.

"What's the matter?" All of a sudden come and go, Qing Ya Feng didn't know which play he was singing.

"Dad, I don't know." Tong Yan shrugged.

She really didn't know this time.

However, playing chess, suddenly reacted.

Is it about Xia Xia again?

Luo Yi came to Qing's house in the north and delayed for some time. When he came back to that road again, it was twenty minutes later.

Fang Chi Xia has returned to his residence!

In fact, she had thought about whether to let Tong Yan take care of herself, or even whether to go to Qingjia directly.

However, thinking of Loeb's intelligence, she resisted the impulse.

She can think of all the ways, how can loibe not think of?

Parking the car at the roadside, Fangchi Xia just made a false impression, which led him to make a wrong judgment.

She got off the bus, but she didn't contact Tong Yan after getting off. Instead, she took another road.

Fang Chi Xia is sitting in her small apartment. She is not calm about what happened these days.

She has been back in C City for more than a year. In the past, her life circle has been wandering between the company and the place where she lives.

The night when she first met Loeb was actually the first time she came out like this in more than a year, but she met him.

It happened again every few days.

According to this frequency, will she meet the rest of the Luo family?

Fang Chi Xia worried all night and went to the company as usual the next day.

Fresno still sent flowers, but Fangchi Xia refused.

In fact, she has refused before. However, Fresno always does what he wants to do. He doesn't care whether you like it or not.

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