Chapter 570: Backstab Ministry of Magic

"Ha! You have today too!"

As soon as Mike's voice fell, Zhou Hong suddenly jumped out from behind Benjamin and raised his **** towards Victor.

Oh my god, he really has had enough of Victor these days.

At this time, I was a little bit excited.

Unfortunately, Benjamin quickly stopped his behavior, and Victor was also a member of Freemasonry anyway.

But Victor didn't respond much to Zhou Hong's ridicule. He looked at Mike and said sincerely:

"Mike, trust me, this is not a good idea."

"But this is the safest way right now, isn't it?" Mike shook his head, "Hey, Victor, listen. You stay in the base honestly, and when this operation is over, we will Come back and continue discussing this matter. You will be fine, okay?"

"If you insist on that, then all right."

Victor stretched out his hands, the expression on his face seemed helpless, and there seemed to be no change.

When he saw it, Mike was not polite to him, waved his hand and signaled the staff to shut down Victor. Mike did not lie to Victor. He really did not intend to punish Victor, but now he has one more important thing to do. Dealing with it, so I didn't continue to listen to Victor and Zhou Hong's thoughts, only to temporarily put the matter on hold.

Shutting down for Victor is a very cumbersome task, because many data are not saved in real time, so the staff need to manually back up some important data before shutting down, or Victor will lose some memory after restarting.

So there was a very funny scene-Victor instructed the staff to shut himself down.

To be honest, this is a very wrong thing, after all, from Victor's perspective, he was wronged.

But Victor was very calm, even a little cold.

He was expressionless throughout the whole process, commanding the staff to back up important data in a gentle voice, and finally turned off the energy source of Victor's body-a generator that can generate electricity and magic energy separately.

In this process, Zhou Hong showed a high degree of enthusiasm.

He has been studying this since he returned from Hogwarts, and he can finally come in handy now.

It is a pity that in order to prevent him from avenging his personal revenge, his plan to participate in the shutdown process eventually went bankrupt.

In the end, with the closing of the generating device, the various machinery that had been roaring in the Victor Alchemy Laboratory finally stopped, and the Victor who was standing in front of Mike and the others also closed his eyes and lost the sound.

Mike sighed and personally stepped forward and placed the body of Victor on the fixed rechargeable seat. Then he turned around and said to the people who were ready behind him:

"Well, let's go to the Ministry of Magic now!"

"Yes, sir!"

Benjamin and the others replied in unison, then followed Mike and headed to the teleportation hall together.

In the teleportation hall at this time, the wizard squad of twenty people had been waiting here with full arms.

These people were all drawn by Arthur from various troops, and veterans who have experienced many key battles are currently the most elite combat wizards in the Los Santos Group, and they are also the backbone of this backstab operation.

Regardless of their small numbers, in this world of elites of individual military forces, these twenty combat wizards with cooperation and strong personal strength are already a very powerful combat force.

If there was to be a fight, even Franklin and Benjamin might not be able to beat them head-on.

After arriving at the teleportation hall, Mike had no ink stains, and directly directed everyone into the fireplace.

Thanks to the financial help of the Los Santos Group and the help of the remaining contacts of the Order of the Phoenix, Kingsley's status in the Ministry of Magic has been significantly improved, and is now the second in command in the Magic Law Enforcement Department, and is expected to be in the near future. Directly replace the current director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department.

After all, the director now really has some vegetarian meals.

With the help of such an undercover in a high position, Mike's plan of action this time has become extremely simple.

Kingsley had already opened up a special direction in the fireplace in the special Floo net fireplace on the second basement floor of the Ministry of Magic, the Office of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic aisle.

They only need to teleport in quietly, and then start to kill and it's over.

The plan is simple, but it is very difficult to execute, because no one knows how many unexpected situations will be waiting for them when it comes.

So everyone, including Mike, looked solemn and preoccupied.

When they finally disappeared in the fireplace, a guy with an Asian face but dyed yellow hair suddenly appeared at the door of the teleportation hall.

He looked at the fireplace that was still smoking in the distance, and the corner of his mouth raised and revealed an unexplained smile, and at the same time, there was a faint blue light flashing in his eyes.


On the second basement floor of the Ministry of Magic, abuse of the Magic Office is prohibited.

Although it is called an office, the area of ​​an office that is actually prohibited from misuse of magic is much larger than an office in the conventional sense.

In fact, the main reason why it is called an office is that the Ministry of Magic’s original establishment, the prohibition of abuse of the magic department is actually not large, it is a veritable office.

Later, although he grew stronger, he still inherited the title of office.

Nowadays, its structure is more like an open modern company, which not only has a front desk, a lobby, but also many partitioned small offices.

Of course, these offices are the office spaces of leaders. As for ordinary clerks, they can only work in unobstructed public office areas.

It was early in the morning, and the large-scale climate simulation magic outside the window switched day and night modes on time, making the orange-red sun like a salted egg yolk slowly rise from the clouds on the horizon, and the glow it brought redd the sky. The photo came in from the window again, it was beautiful.

But in the face of such a beautiful scenery, the clerks in the office area turned a blind eye, and worked listlessly with their heads down.

This is not to blame for their laziness. After all, due to the increase in emergencies in the country, these civil servants have also begun to work overtime.

So far, they have been working continuously for nearly 30 hours.

Amidst the rustle of turning pages and the rustle of the pen sliding on the parchment, a gray-haired young clerk picked up his magic wand and cast a refill curse on his already empty teacup.

Looking at the teacup that was refilled with strong tea, he sighed heavily, then stretched out, ready to drink a sip of tea and continue to work.

But at this moment, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a wisp of blue smoke rising from the fireplace in the side hall.

The body that he had just stretched out suddenly froze, and he bent down again with a nervous expression, and started working again without even drinking tea.

Because he knew very well that the fireplace is a special fireplace in the magic office that is not allowed to be abused. People who can get out of it are either leaders or senior clerks.

If they see themselves fishing, they will definitely be criticized again.

There are many people who have the same reaction as him. Everyone pretends to be working hard, but they secretly observe the fireplace from the outside, trying to figure out who will return to the Office of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic at this time.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The next moment, with the sound of bursts of fireworks blooming, Mike and others, as well as twenty elite combat wizards from Los Santos, suddenly appeared in the hall.

The clerks secretly observing the fireplace were puzzled when they saw it, and they didn't even know the group of people in front of them!

But they did not become vigilant because of this, but continued to bow their heads and work hard.

After all, this is the largest department of the Ministry of Magic, and the next level is the floor where the Minister of Magic and the Logistics Department are located. It is impossible for an intruder to jump over the departments downstairs and directly attack here.

And their performance surprised Mike and others.

Benjamin, Franklin and others looked at each other, and everyone's faces were full of doubts.

The people here... seem a little too calm.

Shaking his head, Mike's mouth rose slightly.

For the scene here, Mike, who has never been a social animal, is naturally incomprehensible, but this does not hinder his subsequent actions.

He directly lifted the elderberry wand in his hand, and accompanied by the vagueness of the curse, a huge transparent circular blade suddenly formed from his body and shot out suddenly.


The ring-shaped blade swept the air, and a crisp sound erupted, and then it cut through the entire office hall as effortlessly as cutting tofu, putting all the furniture together with those who were still working hard at the workstations. The clerks of the Ministry of Magic were all cut in half, and finally fell on the hard outer wall made of special anti-magic material in the office hall, and a deep gully was carved on it.

This action was like a signal, and all the combatants around Mike also moved.

They turned into groups of black shadows, rushing towards the offices nearby!

This is also part of the original plan. Mike is responsible for resolving the enemy's large forces and the tough ones. As for them, they need to subdue those high-level officials as quickly as possible to prevent them from whispering and buy time for the entire operation.

But only then did the clerks in the office lobby react.

They looked at the dark shadows constantly flying in the hall with stunned faces. They were just about to ask what happened, only to find a sudden pain in their neck, chest or waist.

They looked down suspiciously, and saw a blood line spreading rapidly in the place where they had just felt the pain, and finally expanded into a huge wound that was enough to cut their bodies completely.


"Merlin's beard!"

"Medical doctor! Medical doctor!"


Countless screams were rippling in the office hall accompanied by spewing blood. Except for the lucky ones who were directly beheaded, the rest did not die immediately after being beheaded, but fell mournfully in a pool of blood.

Standing in this hell-like scene, Mike was very cold.

He went straight to the magic elevator, and did not avoid the blood and all kinds of garbage spreading on the ground, but those things automatically avoided him as if consciously.

After arriving at the elevator room where the Magic Elevator was located, he did not press the button either, but flipped his palm and the whole person rose into the sky and reached the ground floor, where the minister's office and logistics office were located.

Although it is the floor where the minister's office and the logistics office are located, it is completely different from the busy scene of the downstairs office where the abuse of magic is prohibited.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator, the first thing that caught Mike's eyes was a long corridor, with thick black marble doors on both sides of the corridor.

Through magical perception, Mike can clearly'see'.

Behind the marble door here is a huge space opened up by the non-marking stretching curse, and a large amount of materials are accumulated inside.

At this time, these materials are being transported by the house elves according to the needs of various departments through the inherent freight magic elevator in each space.

The whole process is fast and quiet, and does not require the intervention of wizards.

In fact, in the original Scrimgeour era and earlier in the term of other Ministers of Magic, the porters and custodians in these warehouses were actually all performed by wizards from the logistics department.

This also resulted in the Logistics Department becoming the most lucrative department in the entire Ministry of Magic.

After all, as an important department in charge of the supplies of each department, if others want to smoothly take the supplies from the logistics department, they must first establish a good relationship with the logistics department officials, which has considerable benefits.

No matter how bad, these watchdogs can also guard and steal, right?

But after Chris Flint became Minister of Magic all this changed.

He directly ignored the unspoken rule that the chief of the logistics department should always be held by members of the family where the highest officials of each major department is in turn, and directly announced that he was also the chief of the logistics department, and abolished all wizard staff, using more loyal The house elves act as staff in the logistics office.

There is no doubt that this move has made the material circulation speed of the entire Ministry of Magic more efficient.

It also triggered many high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic.

Fortunately, Chris's legendary strength is strong enough, and the officials who suppressed this time did not dare to make a mistake, or they would have overthrown him for another person.

But these are all trivial matters. Chris's restructuring of the logistics department has also caused one of the most serious consequences, that is, the defensive force of the logistics department has become particularly weak.

In the corridor, looking at the closed doors, a bright smile appeared on Mike's face.

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