Chapter 460: ?Reward Order

"That's what Mike meant."

In the Freemason Secret Realm conference room, Franklin said in a deep voice to all the Freemasonry members in front of him.

His expression is not very good-looking. As soon as he talked with Mike, he summoned the orders from all the Freemasonry to inform Mike in his name. However, it seems that these fellows of the Freemasonry are not very good. Agree with Mike's order, because they are silent and silent.

On the other hand, it is normal for them to have such a reaction.

Mike's order this time is too sudden and too exaggerated. If the Freemasonry really integrates all the forces to search for the assassins at Hogwarts, then the whole Hogwarts will be upset!

This is likely to cause irreversible damage to future opportunities!

Moreover, Freemasonry has never been Mike’s eloquence. Everyone’s status is actually equal. Everyone has the right to vote by show of hands. The reason why people usually follow Mike’s instructions is simply to worship and respect him. .

So at this time, if someone really jumped out to oppose Franklin because he was worried that he could not bear the loss, it would be no surprise at all.

But Franklin did not give up. He believed that the members of the Freemasonry were all his own. Rather than those bad guesses, he was more willing to believe that these people were all considering the specific implementation of the plan.

The atmosphere in the conference room fell silent in this way, and I don't know how long it had been before, a loud noise suddenly came out from the corner.

Everyone was taken aback. They turned their heads in unison and saw that Benjamin was flushed and his right hand was clenched into a fist on the conference table.

"Done! Find that assassin! The corpse is broken into pieces!"

Franklin breathed a sigh of relief when he said this, and everyone else in the meeting room also smiled.

"In that case," Franklin said, "I'm going to mobilize the mutual aid association, I believe they will be willing to do things for Mike.

"It's not enough."

Penello stood up. As Mike's girlfriend, although she was not strong, she had a position above Franklin and Benjamin in the meeting room at this moment, so now everyone's attention was focused on her.

I didn't panic at all, pulling up his hair, and said to everyone with a gloomy face:

"I won't say much about other things. This time the matter is very serious. I hope everyone can pay attention to it and use their best! Otherwise, the consequences may not be affordable for us!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone in the conference room looked at each other, and everything they saw was a serious and solemn look.

Everyone knows that Hogwarts will be in chaos next!


Half an hour later, it was lunch time, and the students gathered in the dining room to enjoy lunch.

If it is usually this time, the senior students will usually chew their lunch slowly, and then find a place to take a nap. After all, the lunch break is a rare time for them to completely relax in their busy study life.

But today is different. Almost all the students did not leave the restaurant directly after having lunch. Instead, they gathered in twos and threes and talked about what happened on the Quidditch stadium yesterday afternoon.

"Have you heard? There seemed to be a fire dragon on the Quidditch court yesterday! That fire dragon almost killed everyone present!"

"Of course, I was there at the time! Let me tell you, that fire dragon was actually summoned by McTorry!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd!

"What!? Are you talking about that McTorry? It's impossible!"

"How can this be impossible! He did it anyway, believe it or not!" a Slytherin freshman said with a disdainful look at the people gathered around him, "If it wasn't for Dumbledore to arrive in time, We were probably all burned to death!"

"But... why?"

A Gryffindor continued:

"I heard from a friend who was there at the time that someone from the Gryffindor Quidditch team hit him with a ghost ball, so he shot it."

"No? Just for this little thing? This is too much."

"There is even more exaggeration. A friend of mine in a senior year told me that the fire dragon is actually a collection of fierce fires. Do you know that calendar fire? It is a very terrible black magic. If it weren't for Dumbledore to be there in time , Let alone those people at the scene, the entire Hogwarts may be burnt to ashes!"

"This Mike! It's too bad!"

"Who would say no, he is simply the black wizard! No, he is worse than the black wizard!"

"Woohoo! Why didn't Professor Dumbledore fire that McTorry? I want to write to my dad! Let him file a complaint at the Ministry of Magic!"


For a while, the entire restaurant was noisy. After experiencing yesterday's events, many people transferred their grievances to Mike.

But what is strange is that in the entire huge restaurant, no one Ravenclaw can be found.

And just as everyone cursed Mike, the door of the restaurant was kicked open with a ‘bang’.

Then a group of students wearing black robes and not wearing any academy logos filed into the restaurant.

The students who were dining and chatting in the restaurant didn't care too much about these people. You must know that this is a public place. So many people may come in because a professor dragged the hall, so they are still condemning Mike.

There was even a shameless student who proposed to ask Mike for compensation, on the grounds that the fire dragon that Mike summoned caused irreversible damage to his spirit.

Unexpectedly, this shameless request has been recognized by some people.

But just as everyone was about to agree, a translucent curse hit the man, and the man screamed and hung upside down.

At the same time, other places were constantly flashing the light of the spell, followed by waves of howls.

For a while, the screams in the entire restaurant were endless, but everyone didn't react until then, those black-robed men were attacking them!

The crowd immediately panicked. Many people panicked and wanted to escape from the restaurant, but they were forced back with magic wands by the black-robed people guarding the entrance!

Of course, there are also many senior students who have chosen to resist, but as long as they dare to take out their wands, several black-robed people's wands will be pointed at them immediately, forcing them to put down their wands.

These senior students do not have the power to fight in front of the group of students who often receive tactical training in the Mutual Aid Society.

For a while, a very funny scene appeared in the restaurant. Hundreds of students in the restaurant were actually controlled by the dozens of mutual aid members led by Franklin!

At this moment, Franklin slowly walked out of the black-robed man. He stared at the crowd with red eyes, and anyone who was swept by his eyes lowered his head silently.

Upon seeing this, he nodded in satisfaction and beckoned to Zhou Hong who was on the side.

The latter then stepped forward into the crowd, and stared at the students who had been controlled one by one.

This is his natural ability. Through this type of stare, he can instantly recognize whether the opponent is killing Mike.

But this identification method is very rough, because Mike has offended too many people, and there are many people who want to put him to death, so this is only the most preliminary review.

It took ten minutes and Benjamin quickly identified everyone present. Whenever he found that someone had murderous intentions on Mike, the members of the mutual aid association around him would faint out to subdue each other.

And this behavior made the people in the restaurant more alarmed.

"has it ended?"

Franklin spoke to Zhou Hong expressionlessly, while the latter nodded silently. This time they found twelve people in total, and these people will be taken to the responsive room for the next stage of torture.

Upon seeing this, the corners of Franklin's mouth finally rose. He slowly came to the front of the crowd, and took out a note from his arms and said loudly to the crowd:

"Dear classmates, please forgive our weakness, but..."

Halfway through the reading, Franklin suddenly stopped reading. His hand holding the parchment was shaking slightly. Then, he suddenly went crazy and tore the speech in his hand to pieces.

"I’m sorry to go to tame, I don’t care if you will forgive us! I only need you to know one thing, that is, whoever dares to speak ill of Mike in the future will take off his pants and hang them upstairs in Hogwarts Tower God! Did you all hear clearly!?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the restaurant looked ugly to the extreme, but none of them jumped out to resist.

There is no way, dozens of magic wands around are preparing, as long as anyone dares to move, there will be dozens of magic spells riding his face instantly.

Zhou Hong in the crowd laughed loudly when he heard this.

The speech that Franklin shredded just now was written by Benjamin. The author himself thought that a more gentle approach should be used, but it was clear that Franklin did not think so.

At this time, Franklin, who had just threatened everyone on the stage, nodded in satisfaction when seeing that no one resisted at all. This was what he wanted to see most.

Then Franklin walked quickly to the foyer position in full view, and posted a huge parchment on the sign over there.

Until all this was done, Franklin and Zhou Hong, along with all the black-robed men and the students who had been knocked out, left quickly, leaving only a group of students who were still somewhat at a loss standing in the auditorium.

Franklin and the others were so fast. It only took less than half an hour from entering the auditorium to tying the students away. Not to mention that the professors did not arrive. Even many students in the auditorium were also there. It was only after Franklin and the others left that they realized what had happened.


I don't know who was the first to scream, and then the students in the auditorium all scolded.

"Damn Franklin! They must be crazy!"

"They should have done such a thing, and Dumbledore will definitely not let them go!"

"That person just mentioned Mike. McTownley must have instigated this matter. I want to complain to Dumbledore!"

"Yes! Let's complain to Dumbledore and we must drive all the harmful horses out of Hogwarts!"


All the people in the auditorium became agitated for a while. They blushed and held their wands high. They looked like they were ready to go and fight with others at any time. It was no longer the same as when Franklin and others were there. It looks like a quail.

When everyone was about to go to the principal’s office to make a fuss, someone shouted, "Look at the sign." Then, more and more people gathered around the sign because of curiosity.

Although the notice that Franklin just posted is large, it doesn't contain much content. Basically everyone can read it with just a few glances.

A large group of people had already gathered before the sign at this moment, but the strange thing was that everyone's expressions changed greatly after seeing the content on the sign, and then they ran out of the auditorium with excitement. .

This weird performance also attracted more people's attention, and when the most stubborn group of people finally approached, they saw the notice that Franklin posted earlier clearly stated:

To all wizards including teachers and students at Hogwarts

I was assassinated by a black wizard on the Quidditch Stadium not long ago, which led to the Quidditch Stadium Fire Dragon incident and severely injured myself.

Here, I apologize to all the students who were injured because of my involvement.

In order to catch the assassin quickly, I would like to invest 10,000 Jin Jialong in my own name as a reward for the assassin.

Anyone who can capture the assassin alive and bring him to my face can get this reward.

Note: You cannot get paid for providing information.

Chairman of Los Santos Group

Ravenclaw sixth grade leader

Your good friend-Mike Thomley

"One...two...three...four...four zeros? Didn't I count it wrong? This is ten thousand gold gallons! Forget it, count it again! One...two..."

In front of the sign, a person who had defamed Mike was counting the zeros on the sign over and over again, which made him look a little stupid, but at this time no one would laugh at him at all because it was like this in front of the sign. There are many others.

At the same time, it is also because the number of the rewards is too exaggerated!

You know this is ten thousand gold gallons!

In the eyes of those ancient nobles who hold huge amounts of wealth, this ten thousand gold gallons may also be the amount of a small investment but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a wealth that can not be spent in a lifetime. !

Are you dissatisfied with your current social status? As long as you get this ten thousand gold gallons, you can instantly complete the class leap and become a master in one fell swoop.

Are you jealous of the luxurious life of the nobles? As long as you get the ten thousand gold gallons, you can live this kind of life, drunk and dreamy for more than ten years!

Are you dissatisfied with the current situation of Voldemort Death Eaters rampant? As long as you get this ten thousand gold gallons, you can directly immigrate to other countries and live a prosperous life!


For a while, the entire restaurant became extremely silent, and the only thing still making a sound on the scene was people's hearts beating faster and faster!

At this moment, the professors were finally late!