Chapter 745: Emotional control

A child is completely passively indoctrinated by the whole world, and an adult, in the face of social erosion, will still follow the trend. The birth of a child is completely instilled by the environment and education.

In order to survive, children are born with the ability to imitate. They will imitate the hard work of their parents, and they will imitate the murder and arson of parents and society.

Children are always the most complete passive adaptation to the environment. They have no view of right and wrong, and no view of good and evil.

In the infancy of life, because of the lack of self-protection and the ability to fight against the outside world, young children are the easiest to be taught and brainwashed.

The three views of adults can't stand the reality of society. Young children, as long as they are specially guided, can easily become criminals who murder and arson.

So the more targeted the children, the more important education is.

The three views of children must be established from an early age. Just like Batty, his father taught him to solve everything with cruelty and violence, and he also used these methods to deal with his father.

Just like Sirius Black, his parents taught him to be indifferent and crazy, and he treated his parents in these ways.

Just like the Dursleys, they tortured and humiliated Harry, if Harry was not brought to the magic world, but continued to follow the Dursleys to adulthood. Maybe in a few years, everyone will see Harry at the Juvenile Offender School of the St. Bruce Safety Center.

Like James Potter, he learned too much arrogance at home, in Gryffindor. After graduation, with the same arrogance, he killed himself and his wife.

Just like Snape, at home, in Slytherin, he learned too much viciousness. After graduation, he joined the Death Eaters, pleasing himself with torture and pain. Even after Voldemort's fall, he taught at Hogwarts all the year round, but he still did not change his hobby of torturing students.

Just like Dumbledore, he was once the most dazzling wizard in the wizarding world. When he was young, he was powerful and ambitious. But once he was frustrated, Dumbledore lost everything, his ambition, and the courage to live.

The three views and essence that a person established when he was a child can only be adjusted slightly in the years to come, and it is difficult to make major changes.

The same is true for these students in front of them. When they graduate from Hogwarts, what they learn from Hogwarts, they will use what to return Hogwarts.

Voldemort went from elementary school to violent rule, and he used this to reward the whole world.

The Death Eaters were kneeling and licking the strong from the elementary school meeting, and they used this to continue their lives.

George didn't ask too much for the students in front of him.

He only hopes that these students, the education they learned at Hogwarts, can give them some brains. Will not return the world with hatred of others.

George said solemnly, "In the face of negative emotions, don't reject them. Negative emotions also protect us. If we can't control our emotions, we will be enslaved by emotions."

"I hope you learn black magic for this reason. If you cannot master black magic, you will be enslaved by black magic, and if you cannot control negative emotions, you will be enslaved by negative emotions."

He said unceremoniously, "Simply classifying black magic as evil and negative emotions as bad is unforgivable. That is very irresponsible and very wrong education."

"Preventing you from being exposed to black magic will only make you more vulnerable and make you lose the ability to protect yourself. Preventing you from facing your negative emotions will only make you unable to understand yourself."

"A wizard who can't even understand himself, what to talk about to understand magic, and what to talk about to understand others."

George said in a positive tone, "It's not a wizard who uses black magic, it's a bad wizard, it's not a wizard who doesn't know black magic, it's a good wizard. Muggles don't know black magic, but the killing and plundering between them, It is much more serious than a wizard."

From the history of mankind he saw, the history of the magic world. He knew that it was never black magic that caused the damage, and that the damage was always the human beings themselves, the desires that humans could not restrain themselves.

Voldemort can kill people without using black magic. Muggles can't use magic, but they use science to create highly efficient killing weapons.

"Learning black magic can help you understand yourself and who you are." George looked at everyone with a stern look. "I think, everyone here, no one wants to kneel and lick Voldemort. The robe, right?"

"Absolutely not."

The students shook their heads vigorously, as long as they were educated with self-esteem and confidence, no one would kneel and lick Voldemort's robe.

George said with satisfaction, "From the perspective of improving your strength, you don't need to know too much black magic. Even black wizards usually have only a few black magic that they are particularly good at this is The foundation of their strength is the intersection of their wills."

He continued to explain, "The same is true in negative emotions. It is impossible for you to completely control your negative emotions in a short period of time."

"This is a very long-term practice process. What you need to learn now is to understand your negative emotions, find the source of your negative emotions, try to solve these problems, and try to slowly control the negative emotions."

"Well, this week's Q&A is here, school is over."

Seeing that the time was almost up, George announced the end of school.

When George announced that school was over, all the students cheered.

"Oh, my goodness, it's finally the weekend again."

"I can finally take a break."

"Tomorrow, I am going to Hogsmeade Village and have a good day."

"I want to go too, then let's get together."


Since the new semester, the daily training arrangements have been intensive.

Different from the previous simple class, in the previous Hogwarts class, the students would always be distracted and often lazy.

They can even use some props for skipping classes and the magic of skipping classes to escape the troubles of class.

Now, grouping at any time, confrontation at any time, so that every student can only be prepared.

In the new teaching system, the teacher is no longer alone to supervise all the students, but the students are grouped to supervise each other.

Constant personal training, constant group training, constant confrontation, constant melee.

Daily training consumes all their strength and also maximizes their potential.

The improvement of strength has made every student taste the sweetness.

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