Chapter 550: The Great Changes in Ron's House

Chapter 550


Ron and Hermione’s training has only just begun to become familiar, so today’s training did not last long.

It was almost lunch time, and George ended the training ahead of schedule and let everyone walk home all the way.

The gentle breeze blows, in the warm sunshine, it brings a fresh and happy comfort.

The gentle wind blows across their faces and slowly strokes them, making people feel comfortable.

Hermione jogged all the way, occasionally running to the side of the road to pick a small flower and sniff it gently.

She said cheerfully, "You can't see these in London. It didn't take long to go home. All I saw were cars, high-rise buildings, and all kinds of TV soap operas. When I was at home, I couldn't except reading. Using magic, you have to do all kinds of things by yourself, and you are not used to it at all."

The long life in the magical world made it difficult for her to adapt to the environment of modern life. When she was in the magic world, she only needed to wave her hand gently. After returning to the city, she had to cook, wash the dishes, and clean the room by herself, which made her very unaccustomed.

Ron said softly, "The TV series is still pretty good. If it weren't for a TV at home, it would be difficult for us to keep Fred and Joe at home. They want to run to Diagon Alley whenever they have time ."

"Because they heard that the shops in Diagon Alley are now on sale, they are about to take the opportunity to buy a shop to prepare for their joke shop."

Ron said disapprovingly, "But how can they go out at this time? They provoke Voldemort and can only stay at home for the entire summer."

Fred and Joe are not peaceful people. Although they provoke Voldemort in the newspaper before, they don't think that they should stay at home.

Fortunately, not everyone thinks like them. Under the mandatory constraints of the family, no matter how bold the twins are, they can only hide themselves at home at this time to avoid Voldemort's investigation.

Ron looked at George gratefully and said, "Fortunately, George reminded us, otherwise, it may be dangerous."

It was George who reminded them and asked them to hide their home address using the Courageous Faithfulness Charm, so that they could ensure that their home is a safe place during the summer vacation.

George said calmly, "I should be tougher at first, so maybe I can become the Burrow's confidential. However, Dumbledore, I think he can still protect the Burrow."

When he went to the Burrow to pick up Ron, he already knew that the Weasleys had chosen Dumbledore to be their secret. He didn't know how to evaluate such a choice.

After all, the relationship between them and Dumbledore would be better.

The Weasleys have always been loyal supporters of Dumbledore. Perhaps they felt that at a time when Dumbledore was almost betrayed, if they no longer support Dumbledore, no one would support Dumbledore.

Ron kicked the gravel on the ground annoyingly, and said disapprovingly, "Mom and Dad are always thinking of the older generation. They think they must support Dumbledore at this time, because they are friends and close comrades in arms. "

His tone was complaining, "They didn't want to think about Dumbledore's strength against Voldemort. Dumbledore has now not only lost the chairman of the International Federation and the Wizarding Association, but also the position of the chief wizard of Wizengarmore. lost."

"Ever since the news of his resurrection of Voldemort spread, Dumbledore's ethos in the magic world has been reversed. Now he is not only unable to get the support of the Ministry of Magic, but is also hostile by the Ministry."

George was silent, and Dumbledore was indeed in a difficult situation.

He is now the president of the League of Nations and Wizards Association, and it is absolutely impossible for Dumbledore to regain this position. When the Ministry of Magic cancelled Dumbledore's position as the chief wizard of Wissengarmo, Fudge also consulted him, and he also acquiesced. Reluctantly, he was considered a member of Dumbledore.

Ron frowned and said, "We don't support mom and dad's decision, but they always go their own way. For this reason Percy quarreled with them, and the house was turned upside down. Now we dare not be there. Dad and Mom mentioned Percy in front of them."

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked curiously.

She didn't expect that in just less than two weeks, Ron's family seemed to have undergone a huge change.

Ron said with a serious expression, "That quarrel was really terrible. I have never seen Dad arguing with someone like that. Now every time I mention Percy’s name, Dad smashes what he holds in his hand~ Mom burst into tears."

"Percy, why did you argue with Mr. Weasley?"

Harry found it very strange that Percy has always been a top student, and has always been a model at home, and has always been the pride of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Percy behaves well and treats his parents very politely. He never has to worry about his parents, he is just like other children's. He could not imagine why Percy would have a big fight with Mr. Weasley

"Is it because of work?" George asked curiously.

He remembers Percy's first job, working under Batty Crouch, and Batty Crouch was controlled by Voldemort and died at Hogwarts.

Percy did not discover this and committed a more serious crime of oversight. In this way, Percy did not do well in his first job, and it may be a big blow to him who has always performed well in school.

Ron shook his head lightly, and slowly said, "There are work reasons, and some other reasons. Butty Crouch's incident caused Percy to get into big trouble. During the vacation days, He is like a walking gunpowder keg at home. Whoever says a few words, he can immediately get angry."

He said discouragedly, "Then we encountered this again, Fred and Joe, or me and Percy, Ginny, we didn’t want to choose Dumbledore as the secret of the Burrow, and Mom and Dad would still Percy went his own way and immediately exploded."

He said with some dissatisfaction, "Although I also object to making Dumbledore the secret of our family, Percy has gone too far in this matter."

"He said that Dad and Dumbledore were stupid enough to be at home, and he said that Dumbledore was going to be in big trouble, and Dad would be unlucky with him. He said he should be loyal to the Ministry of Magic."

(To be continued.)