Chapter 538: Asian Wizarding World

Chapter 538: Asian Wizarding World

Ji Xianke was stunned. Is this the weapon of the world's most powerful wizard?

If he had known that George Soros was going to fight Voldemort a life and death duel, how could he provoke him in such a desperate way. When the two tigers are fighting, they are most difficult to see. At this time, any action by the bystanders may attract hostility from the tiger.

The host Baker looked at everyone and said calmly, "Then, if there is no objection, according to the regulations, Mr. George Soros will take over as the chairman of the International Wizarding Federation."

At this time, naturally no one was going to ignorantly object to it, and naturally everyone showed a supportive attitude.

"So good, now I announce that Mr. George Soros will become the president of the new International Wizarding Federation."

The host Baker also clapped again. Everyone gave a warm applause, perhaps to congratulate him on having just become the chairman of the International Wizarding Federation, or perhaps because he will have a life-and-death duel with Voldemort.

The host Baker said mildly to George, “As the chairman, you have the right to propose once a year. In addition, there are more rights and obligations. This will be governed by the British Ministry of Magic in the future. Communicate with you."

"So next, we will start discussing other topics." The host calmed everyone and started discussing common issues.

Today's most important topic has ended, and the atmosphere that follows is very relaxed, and everyone is peacefully communicating with each other on trade issues. They exchanged responses to the current situation and discussed some old and outdated agreements.

Russia's Jishchenko said nothing throughout the whole process, and continued to immerse himself in the heavy blow.

Among the silver-white hourglass, the last ray of azure star sand dripped.

The host Baker knocked on the table and said, "Then today's International Wizarding Conference is over. The resolutions reached will be made public to the entire wizarding world after the meeting."

"Then my colleagues, please convey the sincere greetings of the Federation to the Ministry of Magic of various countries. The time of the next meeting will be notified to the Ministry of Magic of all countries."


After the meeting, the participants did not leave immediately.

Such important meetings are not held frequently, and it is difficult for representatives of various countries to get together on weekdays.

At this time, while there is still some time, representatives of various countries are trying their best to get to know those who are worth knowing in their eyes.

Everyone's eyes fell on George. In the entire conference, and even the entire wizarding world, the most worthy person to know is undoubtedly the hot and powerful wizard now.

This young man who is already the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world has just taken over as the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards today.

However, everyone's eyes were mixed with different emotions.

Some feel incredible. They couldn't understand that the world had changed around them, why in only two weeks, a minor wizard had already stood at the top of the entire wizarding world.

There are also those who are watching the changes. They still have doubts about George's strength, and they have no confidence in whether he can defeat Voldemort. At this time, they are more just watching from a distance.

There are also those who have a great affection for George. The directors of the Magic Exchange and Cooperation Departments of France, Germany, and the United States all gathered around George and conveyed to him the goodwill from the magic countries they represented.

George and Fudge negotiated with them amicably, and they decided to increase more exchanges and exchanges and increase trade cooperation.

With both parties willing to communicate, it is easy to reach some simple friendly and mutually beneficial agreements.

After the host and guest had a good conversation, they also had a simple meal together in the cafeteria of the Ministry of Magic.

While eating, George suddenly thought of something. He asked curiously, "It seems that the International Wizarding Federation does not have any Asian wizards to participate. Do they have their own small circle?"

He has only noticed now that at the International Wizarding Federation, it seems that no wizards representing some Asian countries have been found.

This made him unable to help curiosity. According to the population, some countries in Asia should be magic powers anyway. Why didn't I see it at all at the International Wizarding Federation.


Fudge didn't react to George's question for a while. He was stunned for a while before reacting, and then spoke slowly.

"The wizards in Asia are very exclusive. They do not participate in international cooperation and do not go out of Asia. Therefore, the wizarding world knows very little about Asian wizards. I heard that their country does not even have a magic school or a Ministry of Magic."

"Yes, Asia can't even find a gathering place for wizards." American Steve Roger added immediately.

"The wizards of our country like to communicate with the magic circles of other countries and trade. But we once appointed staff to go to Asia but we were not able to find an Asian wizard in the end. The gathering place, so trade with the Asian magic world has been unable to develop."

"In fact, not only Asia, including the Middle East, Africa, and some other places, did not participate in the International Wizarding Federation."

John Ralph of Germany said, "Wizards did not have an organization at the beginning, but a Ministry of Magic. For some historical reasons, many countries did not have a magic school or a Ministry of Magic, so they failed to develop. Out of a magical kingdom."

He explained, "In the work of the International Wizarding Federation, we have also contacted the magic kingdoms in various states, but in the end, only the current countries participated in the Federation."

"Some countries are still very xenophobic and regard their own country as forbidden and do not allow wizards from other countries to enter. Some countries do not have the inheritance of wizards at all. Their inheritance of wizards was interrupted in history and never again. Recovered."

Hearing this, George couldn't help but said with emotion, "Although wizards have a long history, every step in the history is not easy, even in the most peaceful and peaceful times. The wizards of the British magical world. The number is also very limited, and in older times, the number of wizards was even rarer."

He said sadly, "If there were wars and accidents at that time, the heritage of wizards in a country could be easily cut off."

"So, in any case, I can't let Voldemort's destruction." George said with a sigh, "The wizards' world is still too fragile to withstand great turmoil."

This is his most real experience, the wizard's world is too fragile to withstand any storms. The power of the wizard is too strong, but the life of the wizard is very fragile.

(To be continued.) (Shu Milou)