Chapter 473: Fear Spreader【21/39】

Chapter 473: Fear Spreader

The students at Hogwarts brought these emotions back to their families. From professors at Hogwarts to students at Hogwarts, from students at Hogwarts to students’ families. Step by step meticulous link, careful thinking one by one.

A few years after Voldemort's death, his threats and fears did not disappear at all. Until now, people still dare not call Voldemort by his name.

Just because the shadow of Voldemort has never left, Voldemort's curse and panic have been pressed on Hogwarts' head. Pass the Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts to every student and to their families.

When Fudge discovered the secret, he could no longer face Dumbledore normally.

He didn't know exactly what kind of calculations this elder who deterred the entire magic world had. But he knew that if he really wanted to realize his idea, if Voldemort's shadow really disappeared from the magic world, he couldn't rely on Dumbledore.

After this, Fudge began to contact Dumbledore's opposing forces more. In the years since he became Minister of Magic, he did gain some rights slowly.

With the help of forces opposed to Dumbledore, he was finally able to face Dumbledore harder. He thought that if he only needed to go on slowly like this, Dumbledore would eventually give up propagating the power of Voldemort and give up spreading fear.

"Dumbledore may be for fame, maybe for fear that people will forget him, or maybe he is really worried about Voldemort's resurrection. After all, he is very old, and old people can have all kinds of strange ideas." Fudge looked for Dumbledore's actions. According to him, he did not believe that Dumbledore was really with Voldemort.

Because he had always known Dumbledore's actions, he knew that Dumbledore was spreading fear, so he never believed the rumors of Voldemort's resurrection.

Although Dumbledore created fear, he would not really bring Voldemort back to life. After all, he was getting older and older, and he might not be able to really beat Voldemort. But he never expected that Dumbledore would actually resurrect Voldemort during the Triwizard Tournament.

This turned Fudge's senses of Dumbledore from dissatisfaction to disgust.

"You went crazy and brought Voldemort back to life. Now what qualifications do you have to teach me how to deal with Voldemort." Fudge said sharply, not caring about the large number of students in the restaurant.

Dumbledore’s face was a little bleak, and he said in a insistent tone, “This is what we must do now. Besides, the second measure you must take, you must also do it right away,” Dumbledore continued. Said, "It is to send people to send letters to the giants, and alliance with them."

"Send someone to send letters to the giants and ally with them." Fudge exclaimed, exclaiming with extreme dissatisfaction, "You are completely crazy."

"We must act immediately, and extend the hand of friendship to them before it's too late," Dumbledore said, "or Voldemort will draw them over. He has done this before. Among the wizards, only he can provide them with rights and freedom!"

"You don't need to tell me how I do things." Fudge said angrily. "Alliance with giants, don't even think about it. People hate giants. I can't make decisions that go against people."

"Connelly, you are so obsessed with your office, which makes you lose the judgment you deserve." Dumbledore said, his voice gradually improved, and people could feel the aura of power that enveloped him. His eyes glowed again.

"You value the so-called pure wizard blood too much! You have always been like this! You did not realize that a person's origin is not important, but what he grows into is what matters!"

"You don't need to follow the pure-blood family's words completely. As long as you follow my advice and take some measures, the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizarding world will always remember you, and will regard you as the bravest and greatest Minister of Magic ever. "

"If you don't take action, history will also remember: it was you who stood by and gave Voldemort a second chance to destroy the world we have worked so hard to rebuild!" Dumbledore said loudly.

"Enough, who do you think you are." Fudge said furiously. "You don't even look at what you did. You think you are still the wizard with everything in hand, with the most powerful wizard aura in the magic world. The pillar of light?"

"Do you need me to find you the latest "Daily Prophet"?" Fudge said rudely, "Do you think you can stay quietly out of the situation, and you can casually point out?"

His face was unabashedly contempt, "Maybe my Minister of Magic won't be long, but your principal should change soon."

"Maybe my principal's position should really be changed, but we have to be worthy of our position one day in the position . Fudge, this is something we must do." Dumbledore said flatly. With.

Fudge suppressed his anger and ignored Dumbledore. He glared angrily at the students who sneaked their gazes over, making them feel like turning their heads in fright.

Then, the gloom on Fudge's face suddenly dispersed, like spring blossoms, melting snow, with endless warmth and flattery, he smiled cautiously and said, "Oh, it's Mr. Soros."

He quickly stood up, before he could arrange his clothes, and walked towards George.

He strode forward, walked to George, bowed deeply, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Soros, I should have noticed the first time. I'm so sorry."

He bowed deeply and said sincerely.

"Things in these two days are really bad, everything is messed up. Too much trouble, countless owls, owls crowded the shack. Yesterday afternoon, the owls crowded the whole auditorium. We banned owls Entering the castle prevented these things from happening."

George asked calmly, "What happened?" He motioned to Cornelius Fudge to sit down. Fudge looked flattered and sat opposite him.

"What else? The news of Voldemort's resurrection spread immediately." Fudge said helplessly, "I want to control the news and wait for your opinion from Mr. Soros, but the news is completely out of control."

"There are so many teachers, so many students, from our country and from other countries, how can the news be controlled."

He shook his head gently and continued, "The news spread to the outside world as soon as possible, and then the whole world was going crazy, panic, fear and anxiety everywhere."

(To be continued.)