Chapter 333: Revenge story

Chapter 333: The Story of Revenge

Black said regretfully, "After all, I have been in Azkaban for so many years, and I have to keep Animagus deformed for so many years. I can still remember some things. This is not easy."

"My mind is not clear. If it weren't for self-blame and resentment, it would be difficult for me to live for so long. I never knew why I didn't die before, as if there was something unfinished, which kept me in a hurry. Die."

"The most left in my memory is James Potter, and I can still remember him clearly. He is like the other side of me, he is also an arrogant, empty-headed son brother. We met for the first time. Good friends."

"We are like having another self. From the moment we know ourselves, we have become confidants and inseparable. There will never be any brothers who are more in harmony than us. We all like to break the rules and ignore all authority."

"James is even more of a person who sees the rules as nothing. He is a good player in Quidditch games and will show off to others at any opportunity."

"We are lawless in the academy together. We take pride in breaking the rules and changing traditions. We take the initiative to be friends with werewolves, we practice Animagus transformation secretly, and we travel to and from all corners of Hogwarts at night."

"We keep breaking school rules and constantly making pranks. The teachers are not as smart as us. They can't catch us. They can't do anything with us. Dumbledore is a person who doesn't care about things. He doesn't care about things in the college. "

"At that time, we were really arrogant, arrogant, and truly beautiful. The boys all admired us, the girls all liked us, we thought we were the king of the world, and we were so invincible."

Blake recalled the past in a daze, and fell into a long memory. That was the only thing he had. "After graduation, we joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought against Voldemort's forces together. Even then, we were still invincible. I thought I could save the world."

"I don't know why I stupidly proposed to change the confidential halfway through, obviously everything is fine. Just like I don't know, why stupid James Potter agreed to this proposal. As you said, this is a fool. A trick that can't be fooled."

"There are spies among us. I know this. I come from the ancient dark magic family, and our family supports Voldemort. I was suspected by Dumbledore early on, and his skeptical gaze could not hide from my eyes. "

"Maybe it was the whisper of the devil. The devil planted the seeds of betrayal in my heart and made me make unforgivable mistakes. Let me propose to change the secret. Maybe it is the hatred of Dumbledore. I hate his doubts about me. , I hate his vision for me. All in all, things got out of control in the tricks of two bold idiots."

"The inexplicable restlessness and restlessness made me propose to replace the secret person with Peter Pettigrew. The Dark Wizard could not catch me. I decided to increase the difficulty of the game and play with them. No one would believe that James Potter would be stupid enough to choose. The cowardly, humble little dwarf Peter serves as the secret."

"James Potter agreed to this stupid trick. Maybe we were too idle, maybe we were too arrogant. We didn't notify Dumbledore. We didn't even tell Lupin. We quietly practiced this boring trick. , Like all our pranks."

"We watched others condescendingly in our hearts, and watched other fools being tricked by us, just like the countless pranks we had done in school. I imagined that Voldemort and them would chase me, and they would never find us secretly. The confidentiality was changed."

"They would never expect that someone would choose a stupid and weak person as a secret person. That must be the biggest joke in the world."

"However, this time we became stupid hats, we were too self-righteous, we were too arrogant. We broke our game, our brains broke, and we brought it into life in a prank way. Then James Potter played himself to death , And killed his innocent wife, I put myself into Azkaban, I played crazy."

Blake smiled hysterically, the skin on the skull's face was even more distorted, and in the sunken eye sockets, there were ghostly ghostly eyes. No one can tell, at this moment, he is a living person or a dead ghost.

"I thought that the reason for my survival in Azkaban was that I didn't want to die too eagerly. I was not ready to face James and Lily."

"Until I saw that mouse in Fudge's newspaper and Peter Pettigrew, I finally understood that the reason why I am not dead, the reason why I am not a man and a ghost, I am still living and lingering because of my mission not done."

"It's like a story. I used my stupidity to make Peter, kill my best friend, and kill myself. The story is not over yet, I haven't killed him yet."

"I always thought the end of the story is that I will kill Peter Pettigrew, I will gnaw his head, finish my revenge, and end all my mistakes."

"It seems that in this story, I am just a villain's clown. This is not my revenge story. I am old and I will die under the revenge of my friend's son. It seems that this is also good."

"Come and kill me, this is your revenge story, do it, Harry Potter."

Black looked straight at Harry, his face was indifferent, everything was over. His story is over. He is really tired. Every night for twelve years, resentment and guilt have eaten his soul.

More dementors absorbed his spirit, and the long Animagus transformation continued to torment him. He was already crazy.

Only the disgust and hatred of the self, unwilling to see the guilt of James and Lily too early, maintain his existence. He lives neither dead nor ghost, just to see James and Lily later.

He said flatly, "To be honest, I'd rather see James and Lily later. I was too awkward. I let Peter off the dwarf twelve years ago, and let him go after twelve years. I really underestimated him, that humble follower, that cowardly little guy, but played with my life fiercely."

Har used his magic wand to face Blake directly, Blake's words were beyond his expectation, and Blake's words disturbed his heart. His mind is in confusion, he regrets a little, he shouldn't listen to these nonsense of Black.

"The truth is a bad thing." George said flatly, "but refusing to accept the truth will only be worse. Accepting that your father is a mortal, a mortal who makes mistakes and is somewhat stupid, is a must in life. the road."

(To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy