Chapter 315: Hate for love

Chapter 315

He continued, "How old was your father when he had you? He was only 20 years old then."

George said with emotion, "20 years old, so young. In many countries, 20-year-old men have not yet reached the legal marriage age. They are still in college and they are still children themselves."

George recalled the events of his last life. He was in his twenties and he had not even talked about love. James Potter even had children, but on another thought, they had children when they were twenty, and then they died, and George shivered again.

George continued, "A 20-year-old man, he is destined to be imperfect. He has many flaws, but he is a brave man. He made some mistakes, but he never flinched. At the end of his life, he Did what I should do."

Harry's eyes were red, and he choked up, "I thought I admired them completely, but in fact I was too harsh on them. They have given me everything."

"But I can't help but hope that they are alive, I miss them a lot. I always think, if they didn't choose Black as the secret, I can't help but complain and anger them."

He became speechless, and there was as much hatred as there was love. He really loves his parents, but he really hates his parents. He would rather not need a hero's parents, he would rather become someone like Dudley, he just wants a home that loves him.

"Poor Harry."

The eyes of Ron and Hermione were also full of tears, and Harry's hoarse cry moved their hearts. They could imagine how much abuse and suffering Harry had endured in the past.

"It's not your fault." George knelt down, touched Harry's head lightly, and said comfortingly, "None of this is your fault."

George knew that Harry was not easy. What he lost was not only his parents, but the abuse in the Dursley family since he was a child has made him lose more things, his entire childhood, the entire past.

The previous life brought Harry only malice. These malice from the past would even devour his present, and he resisted very hard.

The love of the past supports the love of the future, and the hate of the past creates the hate of the present.

A loved one, a loved one, will shine like the sun, attracting more love.

A person who is hated, a person who bears hatred, will swallow himself and those close to him like a black hole, leaving more desolation.

When Harry was tired of crying and lost his energy, he gave Harry a sleeping charm.

He handed Harry over to Ron and Hermione and said, "He has been under a bit of pressure recently. The Sirius Black incident, the death of his parents, his past memories, these all make him uncomfortable. Crying will make him feel bad. Feel better, you send him back and let him sleep well."


On the next day, Harry felt much better. He vented and figured out a lot of things. He felt really relieved.

At breakfast, everyone was still comforting Harry.

"Remember what I said, modern magic is different from ancient magic." George asked Harry and the others while drinking milk while holding the glass.

"Modern magic strengthens its own control, and selectively guides greater power with stronger control. This gives modern magic far more controllability than ancient magic, and gives modern magic more potential for development. ." Hermione thought about it for a moment and said her understanding.

George nodded approvingly and said, "The summary is great, better than my summary."

There was a smile on Hermione's face.

"Many wizards who support the theory of pure blood use the changes of magic, the reason for the lack of power of modern magic, as a reason to support pure blood, which is very stupid."

George said calmly, "Modern magic has control power that ancient magic cannot imagine. The potential of modern magic is much higher than that of ancient magic. As long as the wizards continue to dig, modern magic can create a world that ancient magic cannot imagine."

George said with emotion, "This is what the ancient wizards once dreamed of. They once hated this world so much, but they were powerless to change it. They had to isolate themselves from the world."

"The dreams of ancient wizards have been realized by modern wizards. Modern magic is the key to changing the world."

"Magic is so, so is the wizard. For real wizards, for generations of young people, the present will always surpass the past, and the future will definitely surpass the present." George said in a positive tone.

"You will surpass your parents, and you will surpass your parents. The worship of your parents and the myth of them will soon be shattered."

George looked at Harry with encouraging eyes and said, "Learn to look at them in a normal way. They are older than you, but maybe only a few years older. You will soon surpass them. , All-round transcendence, whether it is ability or insight."

"You can follow their suggestions, but you must not follow their orders. You have your own lives, with everything that belongs to you, and your lives belong to you only."

Harry's heart felt warm. He had no parents, but he didn't have nothing. Since coming to the magic world, he has gained a lot, and the things he had dreamed of have actually been realized.

Friends, family, new life. The past should not be a burden to him, he has been born anew. Seeing his friends worry about him, he didn't know what reason he had for not living well.

He wanted to say something, and didn't want to break the warm atmosphere, just eating happily. Concern filled his heart, food filled his stomach.

Today everyone was having a great time. They tried their best to create a cheerful atmosphere, and gradually became really happy and cheerful. All the worries seem far away, and the things taught by the teacher yesterday are also far away from them.


The only pity was that happiness only lasted for one day, and the next day they had bad news again.

Owl sent a letter from Hagrid from London.

Hermione opened the envelope, and her hand with the letter shook immediately. She pursed her lips and said, "Hagrid's lawsuit is lost, and Buckbeak will be executed according to law."

Harry and Ron were both surprised. They snatched the letter from Hermione's hand. The parchment was a little wet, and the skewed characters were blurred with ink. Hagrid must have written this letter while weeping. Good book, home of book friends! Unique URL: