Barty crouch Jr. successfully completed the latent task assigned to him by Voldemort.

Even he found time for himself to escape from Hogwarts Just now he felt that the prohibition on his magic chest with real Moody's was broken, and little Barty now knows that his counterfeiting has been discovered.

But Barty, who returned to his secret stronghold, had no sense of accomplishment.

All that remains is restlessness.

Looking at the Dark Lord who used to make himself crazy, little Barty almost didn't even pretend to worship!

Even when little Barty was hiding in the shade of the trees, he was still wondering whether to come out.

When the Dark Lord called his name, he even couldn't help shaking!

It's very different from what Barty knows about himself.

Shouldn't you worship the Lord of the Dark Lord? How can now feel very afraid, also very irritable?

He is at a loss now.

"Because you don't want to do it with him! Junior, you are not that kind of person, you are just confused by his power! But now you know, Voldemort's power is not the most powerful

Old Barty's voice came from his eyes, almost directly into his head, which made little Patty more irritable. "Shut up, don't talk! Besides, I'll throw you, an old fellow, away

Little Barty has been threatening the soul of old Barty with such words these days, because he has come out too many times before, so the effect of this threat has been completely useless!

But old Barty may not have been scared from the beginning.

I don't know why, in Braud's calculation, even if old Barty could live in his own eyes for a while, his soul would be quickly consumed as he ran out or spoke.

But this situation has been subverted because little Barty often wears the eyes of old Barty!

When old Barty's eyes are worn by little Barty, the consumed soul power will be constantly replenished!

What's more, it's not replenished by consuming the soul power of little Barty, but by blood and the magic power of little Barty.

If Brad had known that the crouches had discovered a transformation between the power of the soul and the power of magic, he would have taken him away and studied it now.

But it was also because she found that her father's soul could be kept alive by wearing her eyes, so little Barty didn't take them off later.

Little Barty has become a modest and upright guy!

All of a sudden, little Barty felt the black mark on his arm and suddenly began to heat.

"Black The master begins to summon all the death eaters with the mark of the dark devil Little Barty sneered, "let's see who can come and dare to come, who can but dare not, who can't but want to come, who can't and don't want to come Their thoughts and behaviors can be felt by the host. "

Old Barty saw through his eyes what happened to his son's arm

What a nuisance mark!


Brad is in the middle of his day.

Mingming suddenly found such a big thing, but no one else found him.

Oh, no, it's not that

Reguleus, isn't that where we found him?

Brad didn't ignore the call of the godfather and ran to Malfoy Manor.

Regullus is here now, because Lucius invited him here

Because the black mark on Lucius's left arm has been painful since just now!

The meaning of this sign is very clear Voldemort is alive!

So, Regulus quickly informed Brad to come here.

But when Brad finally came over, things changed again!

"He's calling us!" Lucius pressed his arm, and the black mark on it was swimming. "Voldemort is calling us! He's alive! He's alive

Lucius is very excited now The excitement of fear.

But even so, Brad had a different eye on Lucius. After all, he is now in accordance with his own, rather than because of Voldemort's threat to abandon their previous agreement, and re join Voldemort's command.

"Brad, do you know about Voldemort's resurrection?" Regulus asked Brad sternly.

Bradley nodded, of course, "I know! This resurrection is the soul of his pet snake! And compared with before, he is really fully resurrected now! Because of the resurrection materials, his combat effectiveness may even be stronger than that at the peak of the past. "

Regulles's expression was even worse. "So what should I do?"It's stronger than before, even if it's not going to die again!

"Not so much!" Braud went across to Lucius and put his hand on his left arm. "I'm more powerful than Voldemort now! He's the biggest threat to me

Braud raised his hand. Lucius' tattooed black mark on Lucius' arm was sucked out by him, and a green snake with a 180 degree mouth was formed in Lucius' hand. He wanted to bite Brad with fangs.

Brad took out a crystal ball the size of a ping-pong ball and threw the green snake directly into it.

"Even not just me, headmaster Dumbledore has completely crushed Voldemort in the realm..."

This statement surprised both regulles and Lucius. They have no doubt that what Brad said is true or false.

In this way

"So, then Brad, why don't you and headmaster Dumbledore go and kill him now?" Asked Regulus, very impatient.

Regullus had a blood feud with Voldemort, or he would have killed Voldemort himself.

That's why Brad didn't tell him about Voldemort for some time.

"Because I want Voldemort to be an eel

Braud explains.

But how could regulles and Lucius understand such an explanation?

"Well, I'll tell you in another way."

"Now, please see the pattern on my hand and keep it firmly in my mind!"

"Because that's the answer!"

Regulles and Lucius looked over and saw a dark gold pattern gradually appearing on Brad's hand.

In the pattern, a skeleton is holding a child.


"How many people will dare to come back when they feel my resurrection?"

"How many would be foolish enough not to come?"

Murmured Voldemort, gazing at the stars with his shining red eyes.

Voldemort has just summoned all his servants with the black mark on Peter Pettigrew's arm.

Now he wants to see how many people will come!

Voldemort began to pace up and down in front of Peter the dwarf.

About a minute later, the air suddenly filled with the rustle of the cloak.

In between the trees, under the shade, in every dark place, there are witches in the form of illusions. They were all hooded and masked, and obviously came together first and then.

Or they just happened to be together.

They came one by one He walked slowly and cautiously, as if he could not believe his eyes.

Voldemort stood there waiting in silence.

A Death Eater rushed out of the hesitant crowd, fell to his knees, climbed up to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robe.

"Master Master... " He called in a low voice.

The same was true of the Death Eaters behind him. Everyone knelt down to Voldemort, kiss his robe, then backed aside, stood up, and quietly formed a circle, with Voldemort in the middle.

It seems that Voldemort is very good at teaching his servants!

But there are still some gaps in the circle, as if waiting for others to join.

Voldemort, however, no longer seemed to expect anyone to come. He looked around the hooded faces. Although there was no wind, there seemed to be a slight rustle in the circle, which made everyone in the circle shiver together.

"Welcome, death eaters," Voldemort said quietly, "thirteen years It's been 13 years since our last meeting. But you still respond to my call as if you were yesterday That is to say, we are still united under the black mark! Is it? "

He raised his handsome but ferocious face and sniffed it as if intoxicated.

"But I smell guilt," Voldemort said. "There's a smell of guilt in the air."

The circle shivered again, as if everyone wanted to step back, but did not dare to move.

"I see you in good health and magic as fast as ever! I asked myself Why don't these witches ever come to help their masters, to help the people they swear to be loyal forever

No one talks, no one dares to move.

"I answer myself," continued Voldemort softly, "that they must have believed that I was doomed

"So they slipped back to my enemies and said they were innocent, unaware and under my control..."

"I asked myself, but why did they believe I would not make a comeback? Didn't they know that I had taken measures to prevent death a long time ago? Have they not seen me prove my power countless times when I was more powerful than any wizard? ""I said to myself, maybe they believe that there is still more power to defeat Voldemort Maybe they are loyal now Maybe it's the protector of the mud and Muggles, Albus Dumbledore? "

When Dumbledore's name was heard, members of the circle began to stir. Some muttered and shook their heads.

Voldemort ignored.

"It disappoints me Although I admit that I have been disappointed... "

It's just the word "disappointment", but it directly breaks some people's psychological defense line.

A man in the circle suddenly fell to the ground. He crawled again at Voldemort's feet, shaking from head to foot, and screaming, "master, forgive me! Forgive us

Voldemort sneered, raised his wand, "dig into the heart and gouge out the bones!"

The Death Eater on the ground writhed and screamed in pain.

Voldemort raised his wand. The condemned Death Eater lay flat on the ground, panting.

"Get up, Avery," Voldemort said softly, "stand up. You ask for forgiveness? I will not forgive. I won't forget. Thirteen long years I want you to pay off your debts for 13 years, and then I will forgive you. "

Voldemort continued to turn towards the others.

"McNeill, my faithful friend," Voldemort said in a low voice, pausing in front of the man, "I hear that you are now leading others to do what we used to do? Don't let others forget us? "

"Yes, master, I have been trying to publicize your honor as much as possible," the Death Eater's voice quickly came from under his hood. "As long as I hear from you, I will..."

"But last summer, when the other Death Eater released the dark mark, you didn't gather around him." Voldemort said lazily, "yes, I know that you disappoint me I hope you will serve me more faithfully in the future. "

"Of course, master, of course Thank you for your generosity... "

Voldemort took two steps, stopped, and looked at the gap between McNeill and the one next to him - enough for three people to stand.

"Malfoy Stupid guy After reading the name, Voldemort did not speak any more and took another step.

Many people in the circle are very disappointed

As he reached the next position, Voldemort did not stop and said, "it's a pity Bellatrix, she was killed by her own children, otherwise she would continue to contribute to me."

Every Death Eater's heart trembled when he heard this They all thought of the young but powerful wizard.


"The Lestrange brothers should stand here," Voldemort continued softly, "but they are now buried alive in Azkaban. They are loyal. They would rather go to Azkaban than betray me When Azkaban is broken, the Lestrange brothers will get a reward they can't dream of. "

And the brothers can help him deal with one person!

Voldemort continued to walk, passing by the death eaters.

Crabbe, Gore, noat

Every one of them is a famous pure blood wizard.

Voldemort, he went to the biggest gap and looked at it gently with his empty, red eyes, as if he could see someone standing there.

"One is too timid and divulges our information in the trial and dare not come back He must pay for it. "

"This one is also a traitor. He is even earlier than the last one. Of course, he will be killed. Double agent? Tut tut... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!