Harry and they go to check the playground every day these days.

The emperor pays off the heart. Three days before the game, Harry finally saw the Champions League put into it by the organizing committee.

A large group of people put it in together and followed the route to the center of the forest The principals of the three schools were there, and Harry felt that Furong and Krum could know the route.

Unfortunately, neither president Dumbledore nor Professor McGonagall, nor Professor moody would have told him or George.

Unfortunately, there was a lot of fog on the top of the trees a few days ago that didn't disperse during the day, otherwise Harry could see the route from the air.

It's just that there's a roar of a dragon, which is very frightening I don't know who provoked Ms. Anne!

Bad luck!

For the last three days, Harry was preparing himself.

But no matter how much he did, Harry felt that he was not enough, which made him very stressed.

Ron saw that Harry was so nervous that he asked him to think more about what grades he wanted, so that he would not be nervous.

Harry said without thinking, "champion, of course!"

Harry has no other goals than the championship.

"No!" George disagreed. "The champion is mine!"

Oh? So confident, George, did you get any more cards?

From Brad again?

But Harry didn't flinch at all.

"Then let's have a comparison."

"Who is the champion?"


[copy below]

it's amazing!

The original Mermaid language as long as in the water can understand!

Harry looked at the book Hermione had given him about mermaids and was surprised.

And if you listen to Mermaid language in the water, you can understand it no matter the British, French or German It's amazing!

Can Mermaid know English, French and German at the same time?

No wonder Brad would say that the more you know, the more interesting the world will be. Most of the time, they don't talk about the basic law or reason at all.

Harry is more and more aware of this!

After all, many principles and the basic law are just things that human beings have sorted out from generation to generation according to their own knowledge. If there is something that has not been seen before, then "unreasonable" is very normal, right?

Mermaid: we are not human beings. What is the basic law?

"So what I'm going to do next is jump into the lake with the golden eggs? And turn it on in the lake? " Harry scratched his head. "That's the lake."

The Black Lake in January is really black and cold And there are giant octopus!

Harry is not afraid of the cold! Not afraid of Octopus! Harry's body temperature is now higher than normal people a few degrees, and the anger is very large, not into the water will fall down.

And that giant octopus won't hurt anyone at all.

Harry, he hates water now This is undoubtedly related to his half dragon.

If you have any questions, you can ask Charlie. In their dragon farm, the most troublesome and dangerous thing is to bathe the dragon?

Fire dragon in this point, performance than cats hate water! I'm not afraid, but I hate it.

But witches have to bathe the dragon.

After all, if you don't take a bath for a long time, the fire dragon's wild smell is too strong, it will make the fire dragon more wild! Even more dangerous!

You know, there's a fight between fire dragon and pig on this point. Domestic pigs are the only animals that are likely to become wild in modern times.

If you put the pig in the wild, it won't take long to grow black hair And maybe fangs.

The fire dragon is faster, and the more wild it is, the easier it will run away.

Therefore, it is a very important rule to give the fire dragon a bath frequently, which is the experience of the Dragon farm for many years.

But Brad scoffed at the rules Wild dragons are more likely to evolve!

However, if you think about it carefully, the main purpose of all other dragon farms in the world is to make profits That is to say, they will kill and sell money after they are raised. This is no different from Muggle's chicken farm and pig farm. They don't need, or even hate, the possibility of evolution.

Brad, on the contrary, needs the most powerful dragon to be his soldier! The better off-road!

Brad had enough confidence to subdue them!

"I don't have to jump in the Black Lake..." Draco thought of a way. "Harry, you can find a bigger bathtub! If you don't have a bigger basin, you can do it! "

Just put down Harry's face and golden eggs!

This is good! Harry was happy with the proposal."Be careful not to drown in it Draco said with a smile.

What do you mean? Don't drown in the bathtub or in the washbasin?

How could that be possible? How clumsy a man is to die like this!


"Fudge is dead!" "Drowned in his bathtub!" scriinger said, grimly

Such a clumsy way of death doesn't match the image of the guitar in the past!

Scriinger was reporting to minister sinkness what he had seen when he went to fudge's house to bring him back to assist in the investigation.

In fact, Fudge had been dead for several days, but because Fudge had dismissed all the servants in his family a long time ago, it was not until scrimber went to his house that he found his body.

It's swollen.

This news really shocked sinkness Previously, skrinje and Minister sinkness reported that fudge was probably related to bagman's murder. When he wanted to arrest him, sinkness was still hesitant. He was afraid that after being known by outsiders, he said that he deliberately took the opportunity to eradicate people who could endanger his position.

But now What the hell is going on here!

"In the bathtub?" Hinkness asked hesitantly, "is it suicide?" That's what hinkness wanted to hear.

But scriinger doesn't give that answer.

"Murder, no doubt!" Scriinger took out his wand and showed Fudge's death scene, "because fudge was drowned by putting his head in a bathtub full of water with great force! Normal people can't do it on their own. "

Just as normal people can't suffocate themselves, it's also impossible to drown your head in the bathtub without suppressing it!

Because human beings will definitely protect their survival instinct.

Since ancient times, all human beings who have successfully committed suicide have not allowed their survival instinct to succeed in saving themselves Whether it's hanging, or cutting your wrist, or throwing yourself into a lake, you can't help yourself.

And fudge We can only say that the murderer didn't want to pretend to commit suicide, or he was a fool who didn't know the difference between suicide and being killed!

Slinger thinks the former is more likely.

But hinkness hesitated again about the situation!

If it is a case of being killed, and the deceased is a former minister, it must be investigated! And we have to use the prophet's daily to solemnly issue obituaries to the public That's what Mr. bargmann used to be.

But at this moment, hinkness really has a very dangerous feeling.

But after thinking about it for a few seconds, hinkness still made a decision, "so keep looking! Investigate the murder of minister fudge and director bagman together, and ask the prophet daily to issue an obituary! Gather all the clues about what minister fudge did before his death! "

If fudge is still alive, then this case regards him as a suspect, and it is not easy to conduct such a direct investigation.

But now it seems to make all this more logical in the name of tracking down the murderer

It's even easier!

Scriinger understood the meaning and left the minister's office only after confirming with Minister hinkness about other things.

Out of the minister's office, scriinger looked back at minister hinkness in the office and began to think.

It seems that Fudge's death has nothing to do with the minister!

When scriinger saw Fudge's body, his first reaction was really that minister sinkness had sent someone to do it But it doesn't seem necessary.

Think of it, Fudge's current situation of plummeting does not need minister hinkness to deal with it!

But after the obituary came out, many people who were still scolding fudge should change their position and begin to miss fudge. I don't know when it will be!

Man is such a contradictory creature! They will be very tolerant of the dead.

But when people die, can you really wipe away all the sins?


In a short period of time received two "big man" obituaries, this is the whole British magic world did not expect.

Moreover, seeing that the former Minister of fudge was also killed, more people felt frightened!

What's going on? Is it time to return to the precarious war time?

Others felt that although, according to the newspaper, no black mark had been found above the home of minister fudge, it was undoubtedly the death eaters who had done it.

Think of the assassination of minister hinkness after this year's World Cup final? It must be the Ministry of magic negotiating with the Death Eaters! Because they didn't talk to each other, the Death Eaters killed bagman and fudge.

Well It's a pity that people with this idea don't write novels!

And, as scriinger thought, after the time of divergent thinking was over, many people began to miss fudge.Just thinking about It seems not so sad!

After all, under the administration of minister sinkness, the happiness of British witches has gone up a lot.

Many people think before and after, can't think of anything better under Fukushima than now.

emmmm…… What an embarrassment!

Perhaps only those who live on the edge of the Ministry of magic will miss fudge wholeheartedly.

Because it was only in his years in power that they were able to raise money openly.

And now At the beginning, several of the most ruthless have already been sentenced for various reasons!

They're quick to see.


Hogwartsley, the little wizard who just finished the Christmas holiday, was naturally surprised by the obituary of former minister fudge.

The newspaper arrived before dinner, and each of them knew the news.

Although most of them are forgotten in a few hours!

They are not familiar with fudge, even worse than bagman! In recent years, they have only heard Fudge's bad name, so there are not many people who need to express their feelings.

Oh, except for Brad

So when headmaster Dumbledore told people about the contest in the auditorium, all the little wizard's attention was focused on the next game!

The second round of the top three competition! It will be held on February 24, and Dumbledore solemnly told all the warriors that the mystery of the golden egg should be solved as soon as possible! What if it's time to prepare!

Harry, of course, already knows about the second game He has checked the big bathtub just now, and the golden eggs under the water are really not harsh at all.

However, when he didn't like water, he went to the center of Black Lake and saved the most important thing for him through the guard of mermaid

Well, it's a tough challenge for Harry!

Dumbledore went on to announce, "out of this, though something bad happened that made Mr. Ludo bagman leave us! But it's a great honor for us to have Mr. John Wilson, the new director of the Department of magic sports, to come here, and he will replace Mr. bargmann as the referee and host of this competition

Dumbledore pointed to old John in the teacher's seat and announced to all the students.

Old John stood up and said hello to everyone.

Of course, many little witches are warmly welcome!

It can be said that the little wizard in Hogwarts did not admit defeat to old John. His fans are a lot more!

Old John, in fact, he is still dizzy He did not expect that he would step up to the sky and become a director directly. His previous goal was to work in the Department of magic sports after his retirement.

But when he saw that the little witches in Hogwarts welcomed him so much, old John finally had some confidence.

It's just hosting an event. It seems that it's not very hard to do it! He doesn't have to worry too much about the work in the Department and other staff!

And his current position is coming a little fast, so even if it's screwed up, he seems to be returning to ordinary people's life at most.

Thinking of what he said when he met Mr. Brad before the election chief, old John's heart was temporarily relieved.

He stood up to greet the wizard with a kind smile.

But old John also saw some of the bad looks at him.

These eyes were mainly from the little witches in demstrand.

Krum is the most The Bulgarian seeker who was scored zero in the World Cup final.

Although the real person to play is not old John himself, but against Krum, he still has some superiority.

Because old John felt like he was playing.

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