I'm sorry! 】

after persuading Mr. Slytherin, the matter was settled temporarily.

After saying goodbye to them and Gaia, Brad is leaving And think about what Mr. Slytherin should do now.

But Gaia stopped Brad before he left and let the others leave first.

"Brad, you should be a god soon! In this way, you will be able to separate more divine parts! The alien project can start earlier

Brad frowned. "Suddenly in a hurry? Has there been any crisis? "

Brad is really worried that the robot world will launch a general attack on Gaia before their plan is completed.

"There are no problems." Gaia didn't know, "but I just think it's better to be quick! Especially after listening to Slytherin... "

Like the ugly man? Feel the threat from other worlds?

Maybe Gaia's reaction will be more accurate than the ugly man!

Brad nodded. "I know I'll speed up!"

Although speeding up the speed of becoming a God is equivalent to expanding faith and increasing the risk of being contaminated by the poison of faith, as long as Brad is more diligent and diligent, he can also bear such a burden.


I'm sorry! Please wait another hour! i 'm sorry! 】

no one denies Professor Moody's statement Judging from his suspicious and neurotic behavior, he must have been cast a lot of warning and even wounding magic in his office. It's not surprising that you'll die if you're not careful.

Maybe it was because moody brought too much trouble to the Ministry of magic when he lived outside after his retirement. Dumbledore thought that he would be a professor Don't say, after becoming a professor, moody seems to have a lot of spirit, not so nervous.

Professor moody continued to inspect the scene, collected the blood of the escaped guy and put it into a small bottle. He said to the others, "if Dumbledore agrees, I have a curse doll from Africa. I can curse each other with blood, so that we can find out who it is." As long as there is the corresponding curse symptoms of the person, it must be a suspect.

Professor McGonagall thought it was too cruel.

Harry looked down at the texture on the floor The eyeball son has been hit out, this is more ferocious than the curse!

But what a coincidence! According to Professor Snape's description, the intruder also had his left eye cut Like Professor Moody's!

And according to the description, the more Harry listened, the more he felt that the man who had just fought with him in his ordinary invisibility cloak was like the first person to go out after receiving Voldemort's command in his dream!

Was that man ordered to sneak into Hogwarts? So before Ron was knocked unconscious, is this the man who did it? Very likely!

What is his identity now?

What a curiosity!


Harry looked at the professors around him Would it be hidden among the professors?


Harry still got what he wanted and was given to him by Professor Snape in a bottle filled with sea water.

Professor Snape said that because of Harry's reasons, his office did not suffer too much damage, so it was a thank you.

Well, you can give it to him as a gift.

However, the seawater inside needs to be changed frequently, otherwise the quality of parotid grass will decline if one is not treated well It made Harry a little bit troublesome.

There are more than ten days to go before the second round of competition. How many times do you need to change water?

And Where does the sea water come from? Harry had a headache.

After Harry left, several professors held another meeting in the staff office!

At the meeting, when it was determined that Dumbledore could not return in the past two days, a professor's investigation team headed by Professor Moody's was formed on the search plan of the escaped man.

After confirming that there were no professors in the school or the little wizard disappeared suddenly, several professors felt that they were looking for the wizard who had lost one eye and had a scratch on his back.

In order not to let the other party use other people to atone for the crime, Professor moody asked Professor Snape to talk about his unique charm - the characteristics of the invisible God front.

It's also a scratch. Different spells can cause different injuries. Since there is no other person will be the spirit of the sword, as long as the wound conforms to the characteristics of this curse, there is no way to sophisticate!

Unless Professor Snape cuts someone else himself.

The professors thought it was a good method and listened to Professor Snape carefully.

After just explaining the injury, Snape didn't hide it and explained what kind of injury he thought it would cause.

One time is enough!

The professors went in search of the injured.

Time is running out! Although Shenfeng shadowless as a black magic is difficult to quickly cure in good condition, but after a few days, even if it is all good, there is no problem.Similarly, there are eyeballs Although Professor Snape shot out the left eye of the man, he was also sure that his divine edge did not hurt the eye socket but the eyeball. Therefore, he should take a pair of magic drugs. It will grow back soon!

So, everything must be fast! That's the only way to catch the man.

With such a screening method, after a day They still didn't find anyone inside Hogwarts who was so badly injured

but the man was quickly found out.

But The other person is found dead when found.

It was Hagrid and his teeth who discovered the man because of the smell of blood. The place of death was deep in the forbidden forest, and the body was gnawed by small insects, but the time of death was not more than one day.

But what's more important is the identity of the dead!

He, it's Barty crouch!


"What? Is it crouch? It's impossible! "

Professor McGonagall, who came to the staff's office after the curfew, still couldn't believe it.

"Crouch, moody and Snape, whom Hagrid found during his inspection, have already rushed to inspect it!" Professor flyaway poured Professor McGonagall a cup of hot tea. "And I've just informed Auror Slinger said he would be here in a moment

Professor McGonagall sat down in the chair with hot tea in her hand, but her heart was very cold She doesn't understand what's going on this year?

Obviously, there have been a lot of things in the first three years, and it's very difficult. But half of this year's school year has not passed, and two people have already died If you include the countless cases of fudge being killed, they are three.

Professor McGonagall has been teaching with Hogwarts for half his life, and he has never seen such a thing.

Even with her aunt's life experience, this is very rare What's more, the dead are not the little wizard in the school, but the wizard who works from outside.

In addition, every aspect of the incident revealed a close connection with Voldemort, and Professor McGonagall was even more upset.

Uneasy, Professor McGonagall sent three messages in secret, asking him to come back quickly.

Now Hogwarts can no longer lack Dumbledore.

Not long after Professor McGonagall came back, scriinger had already brought some Aurors. He also has some feelings He has come to Hogwarts too often in recent years, almost catching up with his school days.

And scrimber has just arrived, and before we can ask more about what happened, mudysnep and Hagrid have returned with Barty Crouch's body.

They put Barty crouch on the ground to show scrimber.

Baty Crouch is as like as two peas before Snape.

The left eye ball disappears, and there is a deep bone scratch on the back, and the body is still covered with an invalid invisibility cloak It coincides with the remains of the invisibility cloak found on the scene, and the upper and lower part of the texture overlaps, forming the family emblem of the crouch family.

After Snape's examination, the wound on his back is really in line with the injury of Shenfeng Wuying.

However, batty Crouch's death was not due to excessive blood loss caused by two wounds, but rather a lung perforation caused by a cut in the lung caused by a scratch on his back So it must have been very painful before I died. Not only struggling to breathe, lung shrinking smaller, but also speechless, unable to ask for help.

This should be the reason why he escaped from Hogwarts after his injury, but fell into the forbidden forest That position is only 10 meters away from the shadow shifting mantra.

It's just that although everything is reasonable, Snape still thinks something is wrong.

Because it's so reasonable!

Snape didn't actually use the magic blade before, so he didn't know exactly what the spell would look like after it hit.

What he said before was his guess It may be as like as two peas, and it may be very different, so he said a middle value.

He also wants to check the differences himself when he finds a suspect.

But now, the wound that fits his best guess makes him suspect Suspected the wound was fake.

He suspects that crouch was killed.

The condition of the murderer who meets Snape's suspicion is that he knows what Snape himself said before, that is, the man with no shadow.

That is In Moody's, McGonagall and frivy!

Unless they give the information to someone else, the killer must be among them.

The idea made Snape feel mixed But he had no evidence.

The others didn't know what Snape was thinking, they were just still wondering what was going on.

Several professors did not report to Auror about the invasion of Snape's office, so scriinger didn't know about it before.Although the body was reported to slinger after the discovery, he did not know the whole process It was suddenly told that Barty Crouch's body had been found. What expression would he have to make?

After taking a few deep breaths, scriinger's expression became very calm and asked about the specific situation.

Snape told all the situations with the same calm and uninhibited words of his own, so that scriinger had a more comprehensive understanding.

Hearing that this matter might be related to Voldemort, the Dark Lord, because of the appearance of the dark green snake, scriinger suddenly asked several professors why they did not report it to him at the first time?

"I think we can do it well!" Moody's did not change at all because of scriinger's anger and answered what he wanted most.

"Forget it! Alasto! You're old! You have caused me enough troubles in the past two years. Now you come to Hogwarts for retirement, do you want to cause me more trouble? " In his rage, scrimber met moody directly without saving face at all.

Yes, they have been colleagues for decades, and they both know each other very well.

"Rufus, calm down! We don't want to encounter this kind of situation! "

Dumbledore suddenly came in from the door Professor McGonagall's three life-threatening serial calls are working.

Dumbledore suddenly came back to calm down all the people on the scene This is the charm of Dumbledore.

Although slinger always wants to have a hard time with Dumbledore in private, he is not very stingy in front of him.

Dumbledore, after calming the scene down, went to Barty Crouch's body, looked at his tragedy and sighed.

Why is that!

"Severus, are you sure old Barty is the one you played against?" Dumbledore's eyes did not leave old Barty's body, turned to ask Snape.

“……” Snape was silent for a moment and said, "no, I'm not sure."

Snape didn't say his guess, but everyone knew that he didn't say something special But that doesn't mean anything.

Dumbledore pondered for a moment and then asked moody, "alasto, the blood found outside Severus' office is in your possession?"

Moody nodded and found a bottle of blood from his pocket Although it is well preserved, the upper layer is oxidized and blackened a lot.

Dumbledore took the blood bottle, took out his wand and lit a little.

With the inspiration of Dumbledore's magic, the blood in the blood bottle flew out, and It's all buried in Barty Crouch's body.

Sure, this blood belongs to Barty crouch.

Dumbledore's expression was also grim.

The combination of these clues is basically a stone hammer! Barty crouch is the one who sneaks into Snape's office and doesn't know what to steal.

But even if all the evidence is certain, Dumbledore still does not believe that old Barty would do this!

Because it involves Voldemort! If old Barty is really identified as the culprit of this time, he can also be identified as one of Voldemort's men.

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